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Katanna Fleet (Dark Force)



Has anyone other than myself actually ever attempted to build the ~200 Dreadnaught Katanna fleet? I have actually done it before and it is GREAT! Imagine 200 Dreadnaughts suddenly appearing in orbit over your system and take out your fleet within seconds, then bomb the hell out of your planet! foaming at mouth . . .


It's great to be an Imperial. :D

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I wonder how many times does that line appear in the forii.

TK probably forgot where his post actually was. He is waiting for some one to say. TK421 this is your post. But all he gets is: TK421 why aren't you at your post?

HAHAHA! :lol: How true! :lol:



TK421, find your post!



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Not again the multi language quest people..


Instead of Canadians, we in the Netherlands use the Belgians as subject of terror :twisted:


Wormie squints and says in his most suspicious voice


And whats the deal with those Belgian Waffles anyways.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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I never tried Belgian Waffles, are they any good?



Congratulations on your promotion to Lieutenant Colonel (which is, relatively speaking, a demotion since Commander is higher than Lieutenant Colonel in reality)! Congratulations! (sorry, I can't and won't get over it :wink::D )

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Guest Scathane
I never tried Belgian Waffles, are they any good?
Yes, but that's just what I think.



Congratulations on your promotion to Lieutenant Colonel (which is, relatively speaking, a demotion since Commander is higher than Lieutenant Colonel in reality)! Congratulations! (sorry, I can't and won't get over it :wink::D )
According to your own list (i put them next to each other as you suggested), an Army Lieutenant Colonel is euqal to a Naval Commander, Corporal SOCL! Are you saying that you list contains errors????!!!!
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In the SW fighter corps Colonel is higher than commander.


Flight Officer


(Lieutenant Flight Leader)



(Wing Commander)





Belgian waffles????

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Crap, I did mess up. Sorry, I've been sick with the flu and have been messing up on everything I read and write. :oops: I must have thought it said Lieutenant Commander instead of Lieutenant Colonel or something. I'm just out of it.



Isn't that list in accordance to the game TIE Fighter, Trejiuvanat? In reality, it's wrong because the rank of commander will always (no matter what branch, even though it's only naval) be below captain. The actual Fighter Force ranks are as follows (from top to bottom):


?High Marshal

?Force Marshal

Chief Marshal


Vice Marshal


Group Captain

Wing Commander

Squadron Leader

Flight Lieutenant

Flying Officer

Pilot Officer

Officer Cadet


The reason you have the mix up of Naval and Army ranks amongst these as well is because when a Fighter officer is stationed with Naval or Army personnel, they will sometimes be referred to the respective branch's counterpart rank. For example: a squadron leader in an Army garrison may be called a major/a squadron leader in a Naval base may be called a Lieutenant Commander (which is simply verbally addressed as "`Commander"). That is why you have the mixing up of the different branch's ranks. It's common and not unexpected, but is in no way correct or formal. Don't believe me? My father (when he was in the Navy) would work closely with the Marine Corps. In the Navy he was an O-3 (a Naval lieutenant), but in the Marines an O-3 is a Captain (just like in the Army). Because of that, many Marines would end up calling my father "Captain" instead of "Lieutenant".

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Guest Scathane

I don't know how it is in the USA, SOCL, but with reference to Commander always being lower in rank than a Captain..., I'm afraid I have some bad news for you...


In the Dutch Navy Commander is the equivalent to an Army Colonel, just as a Naval Commander is equivalent to an Army Lieutenant Colonel. So, no differences there.




In the Dutch Marine Corps, Army, Airforce and Marechaussee (sort of the Queen's special guard), a Captain is the equivalent to a Naval Lieutenant, which is lower than the Naval Commander by two ranks.


Now, I don't want to say that GL took the Dutch Armed forcesas a model for his story, but nevertheless, things aren't as rigid as you make them out to be. 8)

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Guest Scathane

To elaborate on my prvious post: it's the same in the US armed forces, dude... An Army Captain is lower in Rank than a Naval Commander by two ranks:


    Army - Navy:
    Lieutenant Colonel - Commander
    Major - Lieutenant Commander
    Captain - Lieutenant



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No it's not from TIE Fighter but from the X-Wing series books.

YOu guys keep forgetting that whatever rank hierarchy the US. has it isn't the same that Star Wars has, there may be some parallels but Star WArs is anotehr universe. So SOCL let that rest and some one tell me what belgian waffles taste like.

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Guest Scathane
What do Belgian waffles taste like? They taste sweet, and I would think there's a vanilla flavour to it. They often eaten with "powdered" sugar...
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I hadn't known that the Ducth armed forces was as how you described it, Scathane. I hadn't meant to imply such a rigid system as I apparently have.


Secondly, I do not mean to imply that the STAR WARS ranking system is based on that of the United States. You'll notice a lack of Sub-Lieutenant, Acting Sub-Lieutenant, all the Fighter Force ranks, Surface Marshal (which roughly translates to Field Marshal), High Admiral, Grand Admiral, Grand General, High General, etc within the U.S.'s own ranking system. After careful study, the ranking system is most obviously based on a combination of Britain's and World War II Germany's ranking system (i.e. British: the Fighter Force ranks. Germany: Grand Admiral, High Admiral. ETC).


I also, Scathane, do realize that an Army Captain is lower in rank than a Naval Commander, but they are two seperate branch's and do not fall under/interact with each other as commonly as you might expect. And yes, I do know that an Army Captain is equvalent to a Naval Lieutenant, but that is simply how the ranks evolved within each seperate branch of the Armed Forces. I also do know that an Army Lieutenant Colonel is equivalent to a Naval Commander, as well as Major~Lieutenant Commander. But again, they are parts of SEPERATE branches of the Armed Forces.


Here's a quick list of STAR WARS equivalent ranks side-by-side. From left to right are Navy, Army, and Fighter. The ~ seperates the counterpart ranks, a ? means that this rank is unsure and may not even exist, and a -- means there is no equivalent (yes, this can occur).


Grand Admiral~Grand General~?

High Admiral~Surface Marshal~?High Marshal

Fleet Admiral~High General~?Force Marshal

Admiral~General~Chief Marshal

Vice Admiral~Lieutenant General~Marshal

Rear Admiral~Major General~Vice Marshal


Line Captain~High Colonel~--

Captain~Colonel~Group Captain

Commander~Lieutenant Colonel~Wing Commander

Lieutenant Commander~Major~Squadron Leader

Lieutenant~Captain~Flight Lieutenant

Sub-Lieutenant~Lieutenant~Flying Officer

Acting Sub-Lieutenant~Second Lieutenant~Pilot Officer

Ensign~--~Acting Pilot Officer

Midshipman~Officer Cadet~Officer Cadet


Please don't simply dismiss the above, but ask questions first.



Don't believe any of this? Then read the STAR WARS Technical Commentaries. The rank table above is not the exact same thing (Acting Pilot Officer was the only addition), but the evidence for the rank system is there, nonetheless. A link to the site is in my signature (the second link).

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Doesn't the Fighter command fall under Navy, correct meif Iam wrong but I thought that Admiral Ackbar (Navy) was Wedge's (Fighter) superior.

Didn't ackbar give Wedge direct commands?

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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I stand corrected. :oops:

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Yur point was valid, I remember in VotF that General bel Iblis could pull rank on Wedge. Even if Garm is naval and WEedge fighter command.

I think it was because the Rogues were assigned to Bel iblis, so he command them.

So fighter squadron can be assigned to specific task forces, so that the commander in chief of a task force will command its fighter force too.

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Wasn't Wedge a General at that time as well? this is too confusing for me.


Wormie smacks himself in his head with his keyboard in frustration

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Yes he was a General and Bel Iblis a senior General, anyway WEdge was assigned to Bel Iblis at the time, so I guess he must have obeyed his orders regardless of his rank.
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Oh... Okay.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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I can already feel my head start to hurt with the thought of bashing my head with the keyboard

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Wait til SOCL comes aroudn and start arguing about rank hierarchy, only then you can say you're confused.

:x I don't purposely try to confuse people, but merely give the facts. :x


Okay, Garm Bel Iblis: he's an interesting character as far as rank and branch goes because you can't really tell. He's a general, so he can't be part of the Navy (contrary to popular belief), but may very command a ship an Army officer. He may be a Fighter officer, though, because many personnel within the military use slang for Fighter ranks (that's why you find generals and majors within the Fighter Force rank system). Simply put, he may be from either the Fighter Force or the Army (yes, that still does allow him to command a group of ships). He is a general by the end of the Thrawn triology, which most definantly means he was a very senior general by the time of the Hand of Thrawn duology (probably a High General or maybe even a Surface Marshal).


Wedge, on the other hand, is a called a general by the time of the Anderson's Jedi Search. By the time of the Hand of Thrawn, he is probably still considered junior in the command ranks, probably the equivalent of a lieutenant general (though his real rank would probably be that of a Fighter Force marshal, which the counterpart of an Army lieutenant general and a Naval vice admiral). Simply put: if Wedge is part of the Fighter Force, he is probably a marshal and using slang terms (which is quite common), he is called a general.


Wormie, I can address any specific questions you have about the ranks, just ask one at a time so I don't end up putting out so much information I confuse you or anyone else.

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No, SOCL you don't confuse people but your facts do. :wink:

The star wars ranking system isn't the same as that of the U.S. or the Netherlands. You just like the SWTC feel the need to compare it to something here on this little outer-rim planet called earth.

SW authors chose not to confuse us with designations like fighter force marshal and chose to denominate him General. Whether slang or not, wedge is known as General Antilles. (BTW, he got his promotion after the battle of bilbringi (Isard's Revenge).

I understand and sypmpathize with your need to get it straight. I've had hour long arguments with teachers that forget some part in history because they would confuse people.

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Guest Scathane

Of course, it could also be that different writers of different books consulted different employees of LEC who have them different answers with regard to the rank of different characters.


But I just write this to give a different point of view.

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