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Dude, we're sending some tanks!


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/off-topic: I had no idea that Canada used German tanks. :roll: /off-topic.


/Off-topic: Australia still has some Leapord I's. But rescently, there was a large ster up about Australia buying some new tanks - M1 Abrams.

Apart from us not really needing them, the smart buy would have been some Leopard II A5's.

There's nothing wrong with the Abrams - but, most military experts will agree that the L II is one of, if not the, best MBT to date. And for Australia it's especially good. Lighter than most other MBT's, yet with better performance, a good engine that is "fuel efficient" in tank terms . . yeah that exists . . and most importantly the high degree and simplisity of the modular design incorporated within the A5 and on wards (A6 and A6 S). There were no downsides to the LII, and I still can't see why Australia bought them.

Oh well, that's politics. :roll: /off-topic




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Thailands recent military coo.


Aaaaannnnnnd, Discuss!



Not really that important on the world stage, the country hasn't stopped producing anything, so the only thing to worry about is neighbors responses to the stituation.

Disregarding all new evidence everywhere.
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According to reports in every Newsweek edition EXCEPT the US version this week the Taliban is retaking many areas of Afganistan. The reporters went to villages all over in some provinces and met with hundreds of insurgents meeting openly in daylight. This is depressing to me. We should have stayed to fighting there and forgeting about Iraq ( I mean not starting the war) so that we could put our resources to use in a single conflict. It doesn't help that we are stretched out with peacekeeping missions all over the place. Just my two cents worth. Also it pisses me off that the US edition has some photos of someone as the main story while the rest of the world gets the facts. - Grand Moff Conway
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It's a product of American culture.

People want a face to blame, not abstract concepts (facts) that are much more diffulcult to explain than to just say "He did it, he's a bad man."


It is really unfortunate. It will probably lead to something bad for everyone.

Disregarding all new evidence everywhere.
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Iran and North Korea seem to have settled a little too.


:? Is your life dominated by the latest headlines, or subsequent absence of such where you live, or what mate!


Iran is still steadfastly quite obviously trying to build Nuclear weapons, governed by a religious spastic who has openly declared his desire to 'wipe off the face of the earth Israel,' in a society which is bullied by religious thugs, not least in election campaigns.



North-Korea? We still have a major Stalinist, brain-washed, starving, and rather desperate problem, only armed with nukes with a ludicrously large army.


The fact their desperation is aggressively launching missile tests towards Japan, hoping in return for impossible internal economic development is all the more to wave good-bye to one more evil idiology. Stalin: you were a twat pal

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Def mentioned the pope's little quote, so I'll say this: That was very, very, very stupid of the pope. We all saw what happened when a Dutch cartoonist drew Muhamid- he went out and stated a quote which openly insults the religion of these folks. What did he think was going to happen? :roll:


...Though it is rather funny that the statement was actually made however many decades/centuries ago and none of the Muslims cared until the Pope said it.


*Please note: When I say "Musilims" I am speaking only of the extremists of this religion, and not the religion's followers as a whole.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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The fact that people proved their violence by attacking various sites after he made the comment instead of just say Protesting proved the Pope's point. It's just rediculous.


With this kind of culture gap we're headed for a major global scale conflict. That's just the Iran - Israel conflict, then there's the Korea centered world war. :roll:



O.o I need to make some animated Gif's

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Isn't ironic when a speech how religion and violence don't go together... start a wave of religous violence?


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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That is truly ironic and sad.


There is indeed a great cultural divide in the world. The Western world vs. The Middle-East situation has been excalating for about 3 decades, and people only has to hear so much from another source to build up this hatred again.

There was, in relating to the thing 'bout the Pope, also the drawings of Muhammad from the danish newspaper JP that was released in november last year (I think) which let to a nationwide ban on danish wares in most of the Middle-East as well as the burning of 2 danish embassys (spelling???)

And those pictures were, in my eyes, totally harmless... perhaps with the exeption of the picture where his turban is a bomb... (looking for a link, but failing).

Our current world situation could indeed turn out very nasty if nothing is done to prevent further misunderstandings.

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions."
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Really is a cultural divide... we get outraged about people hijacking a plane and killing thousands of people, they get outraged over cartoons and the words of a dead emperor. There really is no way to compromise with religious extremism that promotes martrydom.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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Def mentioned the pope's little quote, so I'll say this: That was very, very, very stupid of the pope. We all saw what happened when a Dutch cartoonist drew Muhamid- he went out and stated a quote which openly insults the religion of these folks. What did he think was going to happen? :roll:

Tofu, if everybody had to worry about what everyone else thought about what was said, then only "smart" people would be mute. Case in point, with your plethora of posts (and multiple insults contained therein), you should be hiding in the deepest hidy-hole in Florida, for certainly there should be thousands of "people" looking to skin-you-alive, behead-you, torture-you-to-death, etc. Apparently you're the pot calling the kettle black :roll:


As for Muslims rioting about the Pope's comments, Def's already made that point :wink:

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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i dont really keep on top of current events on purpose.. i really hate the news... and i hate the american media... anyways.. its pretty sad to hear the state of affairs in afghanistan after we invested so much there..


and just my two cents.. y'all think its pretty crazy that they are in an uproar about the depiction of muhammed... well.. its a big belief in their religion that you do not depict the prophet muhammed... and we (non muslims) went against that.. so they are pissed..... wouldnt you be mad if the muslims depicted Jesus in a negative way?.. you may say "no, i have a sense of humor." but i guarantee there are christians out there who would hate Jesus depicted eating a baby... or something else entirely offensive..

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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OK JH eating a baby?? 8O That is kinda harsh.


No seriously I know what you mean. A company made a sandal (last summer I think) where Jesus was depicted on... It was of the marked for about two days. People were all like: you can't walk on JESUS so they had to take it off the marked.


I didn't even get to buy a pair... :(


Here was the link with the drawings: http://www.magazinet.no/bilder/_muhammed_faksimile_middels.jpg

The headline goes: Muhammads face

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions."
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if muslims had made these.. im sure plenty of people would be even more pissed then they already are at them...


EXTREME WARNING! Do NOT click if you are easily offended. This is only meant to demonstrate how something regarding another religious icon can be offensive. If you will get mad at me personally or get offended.. do not click what so ever.. there.. i said it.



"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together."


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Yeah you are probaly right. I actually thought that the first picture was kind of hilarious :lol:


Well some people also just like to provoke for their own strange reasons...

I enjoy it myself, but only for "shits and giggles" (austin powers). If you placed these pictures in a national newspaper things are bound to get nasty.

"If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions."
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Def mentioned the pope's little quote, so I'll say this: That was very, very, very stupid of the pope. We all saw what happened when a Dutch cartoonist drew Muhamid- he went out and stated a quote which openly insults the religion of these folks. What did he think was going to happen? :roll:

Tofu, if everybody had to worry about what everyone else thought about what was said, then only "smart" people would be mute. Case in point, with your plethora of posts (and multiple insults contained therein), you should be hiding in the deepest hidy-hole in Florida, for certainly there should be thousands of "people" looking to skin-you-alive, behead-you, torture-you-to-death, etc. Apparently you're the pot calling the kettle black :roll:


As for Muslims rioting about the Pope's comments, Def's already made that point :wink:


1) I am not a major icon such as, say, Christianity

2) I am posting in an obscure part of the internet, and usually make it a point not to insult anyone's beliefs on anything, regardless of how differant from my own they may be... (Calling someone stupid for doing something stupid is a completely differant thing from insulting someone else's beliefs)

3) I'm pretty sure I have yet to insult anyone in the same manner that has brought them to violence in the recent past.

4) I have the support of the forum on this topic! :twisted:

... [/revenge]


On to a new topic, now. I just felt like making that point.


How about Egypt's possible nuclear program, eh? The U.S. is pretty split up on the issue of whether we should help them develop it or if we should even be allowing them to develope it in the first place.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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The U.S. probably should not allow them to develop nucs.

It wasn't that long ago that the government that wasn't all for the total annihilation of a group of people was put in power.


Many officials in the Egyptian government are still for the destruction of Isreal.

Disregarding all new evidence everywhere.
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Ah, but therin lies the differance, Malarkie. The Egyptians are not developing nuclear weapons, necessarily- they're developing nuclear power. While this is a major stepping-stone into the development of nuclear weapons it is also a very effective means of providing power for their growing society.


I say that Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, for that matter should be allowed to develope nuclear power programs provided that U.N. officials are allowed to supervise every aspect of the programs.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Jahled I said they had settled down a little I didn't mean that the situation involving them had disappeared.


I realise that there is still a nutjob in charge of both countries and that there is still much tension surrounding both.


From what I have read though it maybe not as in depth as what you read, I read that Iran is at least trying to resolve the nuclear thing with talking slightly with the UN. Personnaly I haven't read anything about N. Korea in a while which is why I'd assumed it had settled down a little.


I've read more about the bloodless coup in Thailand recently then anything about N. Korea.


I'm sorry if I come off to anyone as ignorant, oblivious or stupid to anyone but when I read any papers it's scraps of the newspaper the day staff happened to leave behind while at work at 3AM when I have a 30 minute lunch break.

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