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Those lovely Israelis


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Dude.. She basically went out to die. Let me guess.. she didnt expect the dozer to keep going .. well im sure the driver didnt expect her to stand still....Also she died for nothing.. protecting some house.. great....



If she wanted to save people she should have done it in a more cerebral manner Get a masters or a doctrine in something helpful...then try to make the world a better place.. Not protecting the very people that danced in the streets when the twin towers fell



As for how the military reacted.. Dude... Come from a war torn country...lets see how judgmental you are then

GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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your trying to defend a guy who drove over a girl with a Bulldozer? There is absolutly no justification for what he done.


And just for your information my country has been through far far more shite than Israel has, near 800 years of the Brits doing to us what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. If you'd even bothered to think before you replied you might have realised that, but I dont think thinkings your forte.

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Look in the Monday "USA Today" issue on page 4a. This so-called "American" chick was angrily and proudly BURNING a mock American flag in front of Palestinian children! What does that teach another generation?... Another 20 years of hatred and suicide bombings. She was a TRAITOR, a disgrace to her country, and now she's worm food. Good! She was SCUM!


GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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I hope your the first casualty in a new terrorist attack boy, the world can do without ignorant fucks like you. Had you any decency you might ask why she is burning her own countrys flag, but you think she deserved to die for it. You are a piece of shit my son.


And no I wont leave out the personal attacks, I'm not the sort that will sit back and listen to muppets like yourself talk shite. Your post was pure flame bait, so dont act all surprised and hurt when you get flamed.

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hmm.. well unless i go dig up her corpes and revive her i na frankinstine like process .. I doubt i'll be finding out why she was a radical fuck. So, she went over seas and burnt our flag.... Frankly i dont even have respect for that.. not even the guts to do it in the face of athority.. she had to go over to all the other extreamists...IM sure she got alot of support from all the parents that are raising abunch of living explosives.. I shouldnt have to ask
GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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You stupid *, you obviously do not have a fucking clue what is happening in Israel nor I would think anywhere outside your own backyard and obviously do not care. You come on here and piss all over someones death and at the same time whine because people killed some of your countrymen. Go crawl back under whatever rock you came from.
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Please control the language. If you have a point to make, it can be made without the use of foul language.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.--Napoleon Bonaparte


I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.--Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman


Support the USA!

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Sticks and stones sir.... sticks and stones.


also sir... I do know whats going on.. I may not know the up to the minute word coming from the streets of palestine... but i have a good idea.. NEITHER SIDE IS INNOCENT>... where are you getting your news sir?? the french? a country which is rich with antisemitism.


I have to ask you....So, your defending a hate monger?.. with your logic sir I bet you could give the same defense for hitler... "Well did you ever ask why he comited genocide?" SOmethings.. .DONT REQUIRE NEGOTIATION.....IF she really wanted to change her country.. ..HMM>. try becoming a politcal leade, try becoming outspoken.



Not some trouble making rebel rouser .. though... her choice of lifestyle was really a blessing in disguise.. a warning to other empty headed white kids from the burbs

GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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Since when have the french been antisemites? Since they went against the US over Iraq I would think. Do you even know what a semite is?



A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.


You my friend are the one who is being anti-semitic


You have the balls to call someone else a hatemonger? Please read your own posts. And where does Hitler come into this, apart from being a standard ploy of the pro-Israelis to defend Israels actions, even though Israel is probably the one nation on earth that resembles Nazi germany most. As for her choice of lifestyle, at least she had the guts to go out and try and stop something she thought was wrong, and she died doing something she believed in. I very much doubt you would.

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And I'd like to remind you your President himself has urged the Israelis to stop doing the things she died tring to stop, so your cries that she is a traitor arent really applicable.
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....jews.. hebrews... connect the dots =)


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Well hitler is involved because i was mocking your willingness to side with monsters. Also, about the french... sir... its a fact that is becoming more well known ..here atleast.. since you more then likely get your news from a eroupean source.. i really doubt that would be a point if interest..Well, just your willingness.. Yes, she did what she believed.. siding with people that think its nessary to strap bombs to their children .. Im sure i could name off what retarded facts you've heard about israeal.. would you like me to?

GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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Fisrt of all this demented list of lies and propaganda hads been posted and refuted on Usenet a million times, but here one more time.


1)Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel?


False. Non-Jews even serve in the army and are routinely elected to the parliament. Did YOU know Palestinians who sell their property to Jews are killed? Israelis aren't allowed to buy land in any other Arab countries either.


2)Did you know that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and that it bars international inspections from its sites?


For one thing, inspectors are needed to make sure a country is NOT developing weapons when it is Illegal for them to do so, such as in Iraw. Israel openly admits it has weapon, and God know they need them to protect themselve for the gang of enemies which surround them. Also, Israel would bever allow the UN to regulate they're defense systems because the UN is historically obsessively anti-Israel. More UN resolutions have passed denouncing than any other country - all intiated by corrupt, tyrannical, anti-semitic Arab members. It is inconceivable that Israel is the most deserving country of the most denunciations in the UN. Also, Israel has never threatend to destroy the countries of it's Araba enemies, whereas every single country which surrounds Israel has at some point.



3)Did you know that Israel blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship in international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors?


Several US investigations have proved the attck was accidental. NOow, why in the fuck would Israel intentially attack it's closest ally?



4)Did you know that Israel's current prime minister, Ariel Sharon, was found by an Israeli court to be "personally responsible" for the Sabra and Shatilla massacres in Lebanon.


WRONG. He was found "indirectly responsible" byfor not anticipating the possibility that Lebanese Christians would avenge the death of President Bashir Gemayel, 25 of his followers and years of terror attacks against Lebanese Christian by the PLO.


Sharon allowed the Phalangists to enter Sabra and Shatila to root out terrorist cells and then transfer authority to the Lebanese.



5) you know that today's Israel sits on the former sites of more than 400 Palestinian villages that were destroyed and depopulated by Israel in 1948?


In 1948, whe Israel was attacked by the surounding Arab countries, Palestinians fled for a number of reasons-

1. The Arabs were sure they would be victorious and told villagers to flee so could finght the Israelis without any fear of Arab casualties, and guaranteed them a

safe return to their villages after they killed the Israelis.

2. Villagers fled out because fierce fighting was aprroaching they're area.

3. They warned by the Israelis to flee because there would be fierce fighting.


The villages were destroyed after the Palestinians had fled and Israel won the land (in a war started by the Arabs, who don't even dispute Israels 1948 land gains, only the 1967 gains). The land was used mostly for Kibbutzes.


Also, the Arabs destroyed many more Israeli villages in the years before 1948 and those had Israeli civilians in them who were intetntionally killed (M.O.?)



6)Did you know that four prime ministers of Israel (Begin, Shamir, Rabin, and Sharon) have taken part in either bomb attacks on civilians, massacres of civilians, or forced expulsions of civilians from their villages?


All four if these men were military leaders in time of war. There is no such thing a military leader in a time of war who isn't somehow involvolved in the deaths of civilian. The distinction in a time of war is whether it was intentional or not. Notice how these four men were never covicted of war crimes, even by the UN who is historically biased against Israel.




I didn't finish the questions, I'm getting tired of this. Just look up some of these question on usenet and you'll find dozens of threads which began with this same list.

GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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You fucking *, your trying to turn a thread about the murder of a peace activist into a justification of Israels policy if genocide against the Palestinians.

How in Gods name does a women killed trying to stop a bulldozer demolishing somebodys house compare with Hitler? What the fuck are you talking about?

And please leave the french out of it, I realise they're not popular in the US atm but they have got absolutly nothing to do with the subject in hand so go bash them somewhere else.


And where are you going when you say palestinians are strapping bombs to their children? Even the israelis themselves arent stupid enough to think people would believe that. Please grow up and stop spouting stupid statements to support yourself, it only make syou look even stupider.


As for your list of "lies and propaganda" that you have seen a million times, thank you for sharing it with us, its got absolutly fuck all to do with the topic though so take it and shove it up your arse.

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Also I would suggest you find a more reliable source of information than usenet, if you are cabale of that, most of the points you make up there are prtty inaccurate, especially no.4 It doesnt mention the fact that before Sabra and Chatila all the PLO had left Beiruit with Israels agreement and there were only women, children and the old left in those camps. Nor does it mention the fact that the Israeli Army flew large numbers of Phalangists from the south of the country into Beiruit and prevented anyone from entering or leaving while they were inside slaughtering the occupants. Speaking of the Phalangists, did you know they had adopted the Nazi salute as their own?
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Isn't it great to be an American, GonkRaider, where we are allowed to express our personal views and not be individually persecuted for them? :D

I think that it is horrible what happen to that girl. I feel very sad for her and her family and friends. But I truly believe that she had to know that her life was at risk in some shape or fashion by entering a war torn country. We are lucky enough to not know what that is like, others in several countries are not so lucky.

As to whether or not you should die in a terrorist attack due to your intelligence level, that’s not right, and I don't believe that anyone should wish death on another person just because you don't believe in their views. We are all entitled to our own opinions, whether they are right or wrong. I personally hope no one ever dies in another terrorist attack, even that that may be an unrealistic hope; it is still one I have. Even if my worse enemy were going to be affected by it I still could never wish death on anyone. Maybe we should all sit back, take a breath and clear our sight and mind.

One girl has already died standing up for something she believed in. Why should so may more? Just because we don’t agree with them. That’s not a good enough reason!

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Expressing personal opinion isn't connected with being an American, most of Western Hemisphere, and lots of other countries do have such freedoms.

Media is another matter, news of all kinds, do have to be checked by redacteurs and editors, who have their own opinions, and have to follow a slight censorship of their superior, so all eventually winds up being directed by a small elite.

I wouldn't wish death to any of my enemies. And I think we all agree on this. Terrorism, is wrong, but for them it's the only way to fight back the cultural invasion. For us, living in the WEstern hemisphere, it's our culture that is invading so we don't realize it. But from Muslem who have been isolated for so long, and their golden age is long past it's different.

They girl died standing up for somethign she believed, but that is never an excuse for death.

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Yes Gank, in a way that was sarcasm. I was just pointing out to him that living in the US (for this example) provided him with the right to say what he thought and to not get in trouble for his beleifs. Thas all.

Trejiuvanat - I understand that other countries also have this freedom to say what they feel without fear of persicution, but I was using the US as a specific example since I and Gonkrader are both from the US. Thats all I was trying to get across with my statement :)

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Such a pity that people are unwilling to forget the past and try to move on isn't it? We can all hold grudges, but I think all of us know that ultimately they achieve very little. I am saddened that we have to resort to name calling and sarcasm to try and justify our opinions to each other. I would sincerely hope that in future we can try to set a better example to our peers by disagreeing calmly, instead of debasing our collective intelligence.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Worthy comments brother.


I feel, however, if you reflect on what Gonkraider has actually been saying, you might consider other member's responses as being understanderable. My Grandmother lost a brother fighting against the fascium that jerk advocates, in WW2. Lots of Americans died fighting against the kind of thinking, in WW2. And we, most allied of countries, are about to do it all again, ostensibly to remove a regime that, for one thing, murders people for daring to do things like burn their own flag.


I'm absolutely stumped at how he even has face enough to continue posting. One extremely sad individual he must be to have such a view of human life that he said was good worm food.

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Im sad huh? Well thats your opinion... frankly sir i could careless about it.. It wasnt about that she burned a flag ...more importantly where she burnt it.. SHE DID NO GOOD. Sure her death may have been sad.. i feel bad for her family for rasing such a loon. She sided with the very people that danced in the streets when they heard over 3,000 people died...
GET YOUR HANDS OFF me you damned dirty gonks
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It is sad.

Even sadder is your attitude towards the matter. You put a lot of weight on her burning her own flag in front of Palestinians children. I'm sure you enjoy your point of view on that matter. Have you ever considered the Palestinian point of view on this? The civilians, who lived miserable, because of jews creating a country in a territory that Brits and the League of Nations offered the Arabs if they helped in WWI?

You see Palestinians as if they are the devil. I can say that they see you likewise. The people that sit indifferently in front of their computers without even thinking of them. If they laugh and dance, they will eventually be confronted to the reason of their laughter and happiness. They will realize that they enjoyed the death of thousands of people. You indifference isolates you from facing you reality.

I could tell you that your way of life costs five people to live in poverty. I'm almost certain that you'd answer you don't care. This carelessness is the sad thing of your attitude. Defend your point o view with arguments, and not instinctive backslashes at others opinion.

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Um, hang on a sec guys. Seems to me that this girls death may not have been so ineffectual after all. If she did it in a place where she could make so little difference, how come we're argueing about it so much?


I think I'm correct in thinking that if she'd done it in the USA she would have been arrested for disturbing the peace or something similar. It would have been small news.


I don't think anyone has the right to call someone else a traitor for expressing their opinion. Certainly not those of us who don't know WHY she held that opinion.


Call her a traitor, call her an enlightened soul who was trying to make a difference. BUT DON'T ANYBODY DARE TRY AND TAKE AWAY FROM THE FACT THAT AN INNOCENT GIRL WAS MURDERED!!!


Yes I am cross. I don't agree with what she did in burning an American flag. I am inclined to agree with what she did in seeking to save someone's home. But ultimately I don't give a f**K because at the end of the day an innocent life was extinguished. And that's that.


Forive my use of harsh language, but I'm upset.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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