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Lightsaber Colors


If you were a Jedi, what color would your lightsaber be?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. If you were a Jedi, what color would your lightsaber be?

    • Blue
    • Green
    • Purple
    • Red
    • Orange
    • Yellow
    • Grey/ Silver
    • Rainbow

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I was just wondering. In all the movies, the Jedi wield lightsabers that are of varying colors (green, blue, purple, etc). But the Dark Jedi only use red blades. Is there a reason for this that is perhaps explained in one of the many novels?

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I must say i would take purple.


Maybe the Dark Jedis take a red colored saber because it goes well with black and looks evil.




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I know it was explained somewhere, but I can't remember exaclty why Sith usually have red blades.


Interesting note, Exar Kun had a dual saber, with bright blue blades. His apprentice had deep orange, if I remember correctly.

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I've always been partial to a silver or white blade myself.


EDIT: Oh mah god....


"Kun's lightsaber was both double-bladed and dual-phase"


The rare Dual-Phase Lightsaber is any lightsaber constructed to operate at two different blade lengths.


The Double-Bladed Lightsaber or "saber-staff" or "Sith Lightsaber" is a unique variant in which the handle is about three times the length of a standard lightsaber and has two beam emitters; one at each end. The beams can be activated and deactivated independently, allowing for a lot of versatility. This weapon was invented by the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun nearly four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Kun's 'saber was notable in that he was able to carefully adjust both its length, from half a meter to one and a half meters, as well as its intensity, allowing the blades' power to vary from that of a deadly blade to an intangible, harmless beam of light. The double-bladed lightsaber proved to be a very popular weapon among the Sith and Dark Jedi of Darth Revan's new Sith Empire. Besides Exar Kun, notable wielders of this weapon include Zez-Kai Ell, Jorak Uln, Uthar Wynn, Darth Bandon, Bastila Shan, Darth Maul, (possibly Jaden Korr), and Azrakel the dark warrior. Use of double-bladed lightsabers as primary weapons has been frowned upon by the Jedi because of their aggressive nature and usage. Though most Jedi double-bladed lightsabers are used for training purposes, some Jedi do specialize in their use as weapons.


From Wikpedia

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Someone mentioned that the Sith use only red blades, though (And I'm not sure that they shouldn't be counted as Sith) those people in I, jedi who sstudied Sith teachings to be Jedi had one person wielding a red lightsaber... Just saying. Its at about the time when Orryl shows up with Luke to help Corran before they go ff with Elassar Targon to rescue Mirax. Poor Elasar...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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I've always liked the silver/white blade. Whenever I played KotoR II I used the silver crystal.


As for the Sith always having red lightsabers, there are two explainations. The first is that George Lucas wanted good and evil to be easily identifiable, so red was the obvious choice. The second is that the Sith use artaficial crystals rather than naturally occuring ones like the Jedi. The result is a red crystal.

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I've always liked the silver/white blade. Whenever I played KotoR II I used the silver crystal.


As for the Sith always having red lightsabers, there are two explainations. The first is that George Lucas wanted good and evil to be easily identifiable, so red was the obvious choice. The second is that the Sith use artaficial crystals rather than naturally occuring ones like the Jedi. The result is a red crystal.


So why does the Rebellion have red lasers on all of their ships while the Empire has green lasers?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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I've always liked the silver/white blade. Whenever I played KotoR II I used the silver crystal.


As for the Sith always having red lightsabers, there are two explainations. The first is that George Lucas wanted good and evil to be easily identifiable, so red was the obvious choice. The second is that the Sith use artaficial crystals rather than naturally occuring ones like the Jedi. The result is a red crystal.


So why does the Rebellion have red lasers on all of their ships while the Empire has green lasers?


the ships weponds could be explained by the amount of Tiberium that was used...the Empire usually used more of the gas then the rebellion to maximize the amount their ships weponds used where are the Rebellion tried to get ships to surrender where posable and take the ships to use so logicly they wanted less damage done to the ships hull

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Tiberium is a type of growing crystal from Command & Conquer. :wink:

I think you mean Tibana Gas. And Rebel lasers are just as powerful as Imperial lasers btw. :)


I noticed though that the smaller lasers are green. (TIE fighter, Interceptors, Naboo Starfighter. But ones like those on the X-wing and Y-wing are larger. It could have soemthing to do with a larger charging system. ( The A-wing doesn't follow this though. )


Back to Lightsabers!

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In response to the tibanna gas comment...that's a load of hooey. It would be a natural inclination of any power to have the most efficient use of laser power possible, hence, I don't think gas ratios had anything to do with it. X-wings/ties had vastly different shield strengths and damage capabilities. Personally, I believe it could either be A) Lucas needing some differentiation...or B) Color specific to weapon manufacturer.

As far as the lightsaber discussion goes, to get this post back on topic, as much as I loathe the dark side, I have to commend them on inventiveness, efficiency when it came to lightsabers. Not to knock who I usually play, but one of the reasons the Republic fell was its inability to change, that went for the jedi too. Too insitutionalized.

And my color would be....

A very, very poisonous looking green!

And if anyone wants to add to this...wasn't color dictated by the type of gem that the jedi/sith used?

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I believe so. I was just wondering why the Sith usually used crystals that resulted in a red blade. But as the Grand Admiral stated, it's because the Sith used fake crystals.


As for my choice of lightsaber blade, I would have to go with the silver one. I think that would look awesome!

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Yeah, silver lightsabers officially qualify as da bomb! When did Leiah get the red lightsaber, anyway? I remember that Luke gave her a green one in the Thrawn trilogy, but all of a sudden in some NJO book she ahs a red one. 'course I only read the X-wing books, some Young Jedi knights, I, jedi, and the Thrawn trilogy, but still... how do you lose a lightsaber?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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In those Dark Nest books Luke carries a spare lightsaber that he can assemble when needed. Durring the NJO most jedi just had the one that they carried.


Anakin Skywalker went through/lost more lightsabers in Ep 2 than most jedi make in a lifetime.


The red Lightsaber of Leia's was given to her by Luke so I dunno...

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I dont' remember Leia have a red lightsaber either but it could have been vaders but who know.


and Ep2 Ani was way to much of a doofus compaired to when you look at his as vader.....but what can you do there?


Maybe the armor made him smarter.

"Emperor, he's lost halph of his brain cells!!"

"Replace them with mechanical brain cells!"

"I really don't think that's going to wor-"



lol, now I'm getting a mental image of all those old movies with the guys who were mortally wounded "We can rebuild him... make him cooler... darker... more inteligent than he was before..."


As for Vader's saber being recovered, i don't think so. Else Luke wouldn't have constructed one for her... Maybe one of the books explains it. Has anybody here read every Star Wars book... ever created?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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In those Dark Nest books Luke carries a spare lightsaber that he can assemble when needed.


What. The. F***!?




EDIT: Leia received the red lightsaber as a present from Luke. I'm not sure but it may have been at the beginning of the Corellian trilogy.

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But was that lightsaber the one that Vader used through the triology? Because I can't see Luke wanting to pass on a weapon that destroyed so many lives. I mean, I can see Obi wanting to save Anakin's blue lightsaber to pass on to his offspring, but not Darth Vader's.

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Watch ROTJ. I haven't actually checked, but I'm pretty sure that when Luke cuts off Vader's right hand the lightsaber s still grasped in it. THen the hand goes bye-bye down the bottomless Shaft that palpy falls into... Or one that's similarly bottomless. I still want to see a remake of ROTJ in which either palpy or Darth's hand fall and whack the Falcon's cockpit... :twisted:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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There was a thread on this a few months back, and I still go with Yellow.
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