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Who is your Favorite Sith Lord From The Star Wars Movies ?


Who is Your Favorite Sith Lord from the Star Wars Movies?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is Your Favorite Sith Lord from the Star Wars Movies?

    • Emperor Palpatine\Darth Sidious
    • Anakin Skywalker\Darth Vader
    • Count Dooku\Darth Tyranus
    • Darth Maul

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I was wondering how everyone who likes the Darkside, felt about who they thought their favorite Sith Lord from the Movies was. So here we go!
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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I have to go with Darth Vader. But, Anakin Is still an Idiot.


Now my favorite stith lord that Isn't in the movies, is Darth Nithis. (I think I spelled that wronge...)

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Have to say Vader. Palpi was good, though Vader was always a better character - far more depth.

He also had a laid back way with most of things he did as if none of it took effort, which was just classy :wink:




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Wow I thought Dooku was a great, GREAT character, I still have to go with my man Palpy. The Galatic Emperor is just so powerful and awesome. I love how he played the whole galaxy into a civil war just to create a tyrannical empire with him at the helm. Simply great.

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side!


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I have to say i always liked Darth Maul. He looked just so cool! Pity they didn't use him much. Palpy would have to come second.




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Count me in with the Maulers. He was pretty awesome with the doublke bladed lightsaber and all- so much more could have been done with him... So much more... :cry::cry: Rest in pieces, Zabrack buddy. Oh, wait, I meant peace


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I really like Maul, BUT unfortunately GL had to kill him off in one film :evil: . He had GREAT potential to do so much more. I really would have liked to see more of his "character" (one of the novels helped, somewhat). That being said, I vote for Darth Vader. Luckily he was in the "early" trilogy when GL wasn't killing people off. His "character" (dark side?) is pretty well developed on film (ESB, oh yeah!) so you can just "feel" the evil rolling off him. :twisted:
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Palpatine in Return of the Jedi was the embodyment of evil.

EEEeeeevil :o:D


The prequel Sith lord, though impressive, didn't quite match up. It wasn't due to the acting skill, which was better than most others in those movies. But the special effects and the makup made him feel more...


...Halloween mask-ish.



I dunno. The ROTJ Palpatine seems more hardcore somehow. :roll:

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Well so far Emperor Palpatine is winning 8) followed by Vader in 2nd :wink: , Maul in 3rd :) and no votes for Dooku :cry: . Come on folks yell out who you like even though you may not like the Darkside voice who you liked as a Evil Sith the best!
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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Wouldn't have been so much beter if that Weenie had just joined the dark side, That or have Darth Vader picked up Now with Cheese filling, and thrown him off into the pit, to explode.

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...and no votes for Dooku :cry: . Come on folks yell out who you like even though you may not like the Darkside voice who you liked as a Evil Sith the best!

Dooku was too "noble" compared to the other sith lords.




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I had to go for the emporer because of all the achievements he had made through the empires short but unforgetable dominance in the 15-20 year reign he had.
Gentlemen, behold my latest invention, the Rabbot! -- Dr. Weird

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I had to go for the emporer because of all the achievements he had made through the empires short but unforgetable dominance in the 15-20 year reign he had.


It was longer than 20 years, dude.


Somebody voted for Dooku, BTW. And the good Sith are now tied at six.

Sovereign ProtAKtor of the BEAK Imperium.


1 Corinthians 16:14 " Your every act should be done with love."

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I voted for Dooku because he seemed the most real to me. I know very few people who are evil for evil's sake (like Palpy was). Dooku honestly believed in what he was doing, and thought it was for the good of the galaxy. At least, thats what I got out of the movies. He thought the senate was corrupt and so he went against it in order to purify it. If he had to sell his soul to the Dark Side in order to accomplish that, then so be it.


Maul was cool, but because he didnt develop much, and because he was obviously there to BE cool, he became (who called him this?) a "glorified red shirt".


Palpy was unbelievable. He was evil to the core, but we never know why. This makes him the ultimate villain and someone we love to hate, yes, but my favorites are always the believable villains.


Vader is great. I love Darth Vader because he knows what he's doing is wrong, but if he ever admitted it to himself, he'd have to come to terms with what he's done, and it would kill him. However, he doesn't get this treatment in Episode 4, and Anakin really grated on me. Especially baby Anakin in Ep.1. Because of that, Dooku inches ahead.


Dooku for emperor!

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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