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Rebellion 2

Guest JediIgor

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Guest JediIgor

The docs so far are at


http://warlords.swrebellion.com/junk/swr2.doc (if you have Word)


So no, we're not using DirectX (and especially not VB/.NET).


But hey, thanks for the dedication note, we'll figure it out, I'm sure. We don't have any deadlines, plus our plan is to make it open for anyone who wants to join unlike the mods which are all closed source.

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Although I don't have that much experience with DX, wouldn't the API calls be the same in Visual C++ ?

Knowing our lazy pals at Microsith they probably are. So, you could maybe help with some function names, their general use and such, eh ?




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Absolutely:- not a problem.


Oh, and i can't edit the info file, but I have a suggestion to add to it:


Many different Shipyards being able to 'group' construct ships.

For example, if you had a ship on yavin, and a shipyard on endor (just an example), you could start building a ship on one, and then select the other one to contribute to the construction of the ship (parts, etc)


And maybe having parts already stored on the planet, so for example when constructing a ship you have a parts building/ordering in time, and a construction/labour time?


And to prove my 3d graphicality, I'll attatch a render of a thing called a 'gun drone' (from a minitures game called warhammer 40k). Textures not done yet but the model physicality is there.


[EDIT] I hate trying to upload pictures: it never works for me. 'sigh'.

One of these HAS to work...

Ok. lets see how that went. [/EDIT]




FIXED IT on a page further on, but may as well fix here too...




:) Cheers :)



Edited by Vector
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Guest JediIgor
  Vector said:
Absolutely:- not a problem.


Oh, and i can't edit the info file, but I have a suggestion to add to it:


Many different Shipyards being able to 'group' construct ships.

For example, if you had a ship on yavin, and a shipyard on endor (just an example), you could start building a ship on one, and then select the other one to contribute to the construction of the ship (parts, etc)


And maybe having parts already stored on the planet, so for example when constructing a ship you have a parts building/ordering in time, and a construction/labour time?


And to prove my 3d graphicality, I'll attatch a render of a thing called a 'gun drone' (from a minitures game called warhammer 40k). Textures not done yet but the model physicality is there.




[EDIT] I hate trying to upload pictures: it never works for me. 'sigh'.


One of these HAS to work...






Ok. lets see how that went. [/EDIT]


:) Cheers :)




That's an interesting idea. Remember it so you can either post it in the Rebellion 2 forum (we'll get a separate section soon enough), or when you are in IRC and we're drafting an update of the SWR2 doc (because I might forget this suggestion :-P).


By the way, the images aren't working, I think your upload went awry :(.

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If you need a place to put your pics you have the Mad's permission to use his msn group ( http://groups.msn.com/imagehostingfromMad78 )




Click here is you like Trance

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:arrow: Vector welcome to SWR!...... it is the first time that I see you ....Btw I don't see the pic :roll::?

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We go on IRC but there is no perticular time. try every so often and hope for the best.

And your image isn't showing. Are you using an MSN group?




Click here is you like Trance

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This is his image here:




He is using geocities, so I'm not sure why it didn't work.



Edit: Now that i've posted the image, his is working...

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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No, no, no... i was just using it as an example of what I can do... :) pretty hopeless with linking images tho... lol :D.


So, back on track. Anything else about SWR2 or has this thread just turned into one of those 'talk about one thing, lead onto another' threads?


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No we are still pretty much into subject(if you really want to get out of subject check out the Bounty hunter thread) for you programming skills I sujest you PM JediIgor and ask him.




Click here is you like Trance

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Oh, and I had another idea for SWR2: I think it would be good if instead of having certain power limits on planets, you would have to build generators/plants etc. to power your planet. therefore, saboutaged power plant = no power = no defences = invasion.


Also, communications jamming. If you're getting invaded and really stuffed, and haven't checked up on the planet recently, maybe there should be the case where the invaded player doesn't even know about it :D!!! the only way they can find out is if they actually go to select/view the planet then they get a nasty little surprise. :twisted:...


Hey: 8O I'm on a roll here! :D


oh, question time. FACTIONS :- whats the deal with that and mult. facts per planet?

what do you mean by factions (facts for short). do you mean like reb and imp/republic and resistance etc? or like different groups inc bounty hunters and freelancers? - hey, that gives me an idea...

Instead of just having 2 players, have a game with +2 players and different controls eg what i have just mentioned. Or even an MMOG with a server that never stops and different factions continually joining and being destroyed when people can pick what kind of ships they own and OMG :idea: THIS IS SO COOL!!! Woah, overload :roll: ok, back in it.


Cool. got the multiple factions bit? ill try and explain in english now. Suggestion that people can create their own faction, and at the creation of the faction they are given a number of points. They can allocate those points to ships that they choose to have access to, buildings and characters (maybe they name them and just points to attribs such as diplomacy, skill etc). Alright. Then they log on to a MMOG server, with lots'o'pplz playing at the same time, in different galaxies, right? Cool. And then they like play against other factions to control the galaxy. So the idea is, it's like a heirachy. When you start you start at the 'bottom galaxy', ie you have no experience and you ... are bad. you work your way up to the 'top galaxy'. every time you take one you move up to the next one.


Anyway, i've been blabbering on and this is a pretty farfetched idea, but any comments please. And don't forget the other two at the top of this post.

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The faction idea is interesting but you forgot one thing. If you have one faction which managed to become the leader of the galaxy it would be very easy for it to destroy the new ones. The idea would be more adapted for an RPG.




Click here is you like Trance

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Um, kinda what i meant but not quite...


When you start playing you start in 1 galaxy with a couple of players, and fight until... someone wins, right?


Then, the winner moves on to a different galaxy. They play other people who have moved on to that galaxy...


I dunno, timing would be hard to do that kind of thing and it's only an idea, anwyays. Doesn't matter that much.


What does people think about comms jamming and power supplies? (mentioned above)

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that would be interesting if control of systems would sometimes be greyed out, either due to communication jamming, sabotage, assassination, coups, etc. thing is, how to properly implement it.


it would be fun if it happens from time to time, although what if it happening all the time! and how could it affect the AI without considerably restraining the AI's ability to play against a player? And in MP? would it be used all the time and just turn into an annoyance?


this sort of tactic would need some sort of counter too

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I think Vector, you have some interesting ideas, but I think you are describing more of a tournament, than anything. It would be a nice idea, but you can do that with just having Multiplayer Tournaments. The jammed communication idea was interesting though... :)
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Well, it only needs to be as complicated as you want to make it, really.

Um, you could use things like communication relays > within a certain distance of a planet, strength, etc. Determined by the size of the invading fleet and their broadcast range, weather they could jam communications from the planet to a beacon within range, etc.


Or, you could just blow one up... :wink:


Seeing as at least us two are here, you wanna go on mirc? quicker...

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