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What are people's 5 ESSENTIAL wants for Reb2?


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My top 5, in no real order:

5. Officers- randomly named, trainable. You can assign ranks... You can use them to improve the AI of ships (commander, captain) task forces (Commodore), or to give additional options like transfer power, intensify, etc...

4. Fleets along hyperlanes. This has obviously come up before... maybe it would work...

3.Planetary and sector defense- CorSec, CSA, etc. If you invade the planet, they're enemies. If you take it diplomatically, they can help you.

2.Missions can be given to small trooper units. ex. you can build a stormtrooper platoon.

1. A more customizable galaxy- design a certain number of planets, put them in a certain order of importance, and then allow the player to select the number of planets they want in the galaxy from, say, 50-1500. Say Fornax was number 1012. It and all higher-ranking planets would be included ingame.


I think increased range could negate the need for engines... but then again, it goes the other way. So it's really kinda pointless.


Modular/customizable ships would be great, I think. I think with some credits, it'd be nice to be able to replace some turbolasers with lasers and vice versa. Though, complete customization would be overkill, and I think having a cost to it is a must.


Also, more ranks for characters. Make thrawn a Grand Admiral and Ackbar a fleet admiral ifyou want. Or just give characters random ranks. Have your agent rank them based on stats. There's so much that could be done there.


I like the ideas here. Great minds, you all have.

"I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other and I've seen a lot of strange things but I haven't seen ANYTHING to prove that there's an all-powerful force controlling everything. No mystical energy field controls MY destiny."- Han Solo
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Hello all! Im new here, but i decided to put my two cents worth in.

Top 5 things i want to see:

1) Capturing enemy starships. It would be amazing to be the rebels with a couple of captured Star Destroyers

2) Hyperspace routes. As mentioned before, this changes the geography of the game. Controlling a hyperspace 'hub' makes it impossible to protect some worlds for example.

3)Being able to call reinforcements. Say, a battle isint going well, but you have the option of pulling in a near by fleet group. Or being able to start a battle, and have other ships jump in mid battle for a flanking manuver. I think this would add a much larger dimension to how you can fight your battles.

4)More realistic damage to your vessles. As they take damage, you can have them rotate to move damaged shields and such away from attackers. And the fighters, dunno if its possible, but having an icon representing one squadron is kinda, dunno...not fun.

5)Yes!!! as mentioned before, have probe droids automated, have them go off on thier own. Its annoying having to keep re-sending them.


This is an awsome sit..and as a rabid star wars fan, and a huge Rebellion fan, i appluad you!

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This is my first post on the boards, whee. I love this game, and I always envisioned an awesome sequel. Before I start, I want to say that the number one thing I'd want from a sequel is that it stay true to what made Reb1 great.


Firstly, I'd love for an expanded universe setting, perhaps just before the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong.


- 3 factions: Vong, Imperial Remnant, New Republic


- A new concept called "Favor Bonuses". First, let me clarify that Support from Reb1 would be now called Influence. In Reb1 the rebels would gain alot of support from liberating Imperial systems with strong rebel sympathy. This is a favor bonus. In Reb2 the Imperial Remnant would have favor bonuses based on the more systems they control. It'd be a snowball effect, where the more they control, they recieve a percent bonus in Influence. Figure that the galaxy remembers the powerful Empire, and if they see it growing in these turbulent times, they show more support.


Favor bonuses for the Vong would include systems gained by violence or assaults. The New Republic would gain bonuses for "stability", say, taking back systems or keeping systems it started with. This allows you to focus on what your faction is good at, or its core values.


- Addition of Tactics to research. In Reb1 you researched facilities and technology. I'd like to see a system where the more battles (or skirmishes even) you engage in, the higher a chance to develop a new Tactic to give a bonus in combat versus that faction. In the books, the New Republic learned through battle how to defeat the Vong. It'd encourage active combat in order to keep up with the enemy


- Recurring missions seems cool for Espionage and Recon. I never thought of that, kudos. Also, Hyperspace Lanes is an "awesome" idea. It'd add a whole new strategy for holding planets that allowed quicker access to and from your capitol and key systems. Love it


- I'd also like to see Jedi added into the Recruitment phase. Imagine you're the Imperial Remnant, and you "recruit" a Jedi to your cause to be a commander, researcher, leader and more. It'd make an interesting side quest to establish a New Emperor. The Order is essentially freelance group anyway, so it quasi-fits into the whole recruitment scheme.


- And finally, we need neutral systems and factions. Ssi-Ruuvi, Corporate Sector, Hapes, etc. that cannot be taken by force (unless in battle) and must be wooed by diplomacy.


As I come up with more I'll post again, I'm still just so psyched about this site, lol. Hope to see you some more

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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yea, independent fighter control would be cool, but not in Battle Mode. I like the way it is now, but imagine you're able to group fighters from one planet and send them on a mission Hit and Fade just the same way you group characters and select sabotage on ships in orbit, or individual shipyards


it wouldn't be a battle, just a mission which success is based on the number of enemy fighters based at the target location and the presence of a Commander at said planet. It'd make them handy, and akin to needing a General to foil sabotage missions. Cool, huh?


also: I take back my idea a couple posts up about neutral systems. Instead, I feel that they shouldn't be able to attack or be attacked, merely that they give you full resources. They way to control them would be with Diplomacy. It'd be a battle to keep their support up and would also give your diplomats something to in the later game

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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I agree that it would be nice to be able to be a certian person rather then a god like over figure. Say, it you were Leia, you would recieve a bonus for diplomatics. Acbar would give the fleet more experience, Luke could give more Jedi, and Darth Vader would be similar to Acbar.


But the five main things;

1)Capture Ships

2) The ability to fully customise ships

3)more stratagy

4)tougher AI

5) Ships that have more realistic strengths (A SSD is not only twice as strong as a SD mark 2)

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I think the neutral systems should have troops and a small defense fleet. Definetly troops. Any government has an army, and would fight back any assult by the Rebellion or the Empire. Maybe make a generic unit called "planetary army" or something to that affect. Nothing overly powerful or anything, just a normal army that actually has a detection value. Its so inconceivable that you can send sabotage missions to neutral systems, blow up their facilities or defenses (to gain combat rating), and not be stopped.

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hi heres my wants for this game: for it to come out.

does anyone know when this game is going to be released???? is it even 50% done? sry ive jus been waiting a while and i really want to play this.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
LucasArts has no intention to create a Rebellion 2. So thus we hope and make ideas (and start new projects... such as Galactic Civil War... hehe)


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  • 3 weeks later...
I still think it would be sweet to elaborate on the final confrontation between Luke and Vader. I think that the loser of that battle should "switch sides". Vader would return to the light side, or Luke would be turned to the dark side. It worked in the Star Wars CCG, and I think it would be so great in Rebellion.

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If Luke turns to the Dark Side, then the Emperor has to be "dethroned" so Vader and Luke can rule the galaxy as Father & Son! Should Vader then get the "Seat of Power" that the Emperor has when on Coruscant? Would Father & Son be able to turn "Sister" (Leia) to the Dark Side then? If so, what would happen with Han? The permutations are very interesting.
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Now that would be really cool. Vader and Luke overthrow the Emperor and take over command of the galaxy, and then turn their attention to reuniting the family. But that would be very complicated for the game. My thoughts are to keep it simple. If Luke loses, he becomes an Imperial character. The Empire player can control him, and Luke would keep his stats. Likewise for Vader joining the Rebels. To throw in the dethroning of Palpatine and replacing Palpy with Vader, and Vader with Luke, would probabally be a lot of work on the programming end. It would be cool, thats for sure. It would really keep with the "What If.." of the Star Wars universe.

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Greetings to all, I have just joined up to contribute to this great community. I'm in my 20's and love sci-fi especially star wars.

I have always enjoyed playing SWR and was glad to see such great fans putting in the effort to make the coming great game.


Here are a few ideas I have. I don't know if you guys will be able to use them but here you are anyway. Please let me know what you all think, or if any ideas have been covered already etc. I will keep it short for the moment and write more if anyone is interested



1. Level of Fleet Alertness:


A key part in my opinion. Fleets or bases can be put on one of three levels of alertness, which are:


"Red Alert" - ships are fully powered, weapons are ready to fire and the crews are ready for combat. All fighters have been launched and are performing maneuvers or search operations. Costs lots of money and fuel, very expensive to maintain. Enemy spies/agents will have very little chance of success against the area which this fleet protects


"Yellow alert" - ships are partially powered, systems such as weapons are not ready to fire, the crew are not all at their combat positions. A few fighters are already in space but most are on standby in their hangers. Cost some money and fuel. Spies have a good chance of getting through the patrols and defenses


"Green Alert" - ships are totally powered down, a skeleton crew mans the ship for maintenance and all fighters are in hanger bays. Costs very little money and no fuel. Spies can almost do as they wish without being caught.


The level of alertness will affect the battle to come. Imagine if an attacking Rebel fleet on Red Alert, engages an Imperial fleet which is set on Green Alert. The Rebel fleet will be combat ready with fighters already launched as it exits hyperspace and can begin an attack immediately, while the Imperial fleet will be defenseless while it tries to organise itself and launch fighters. This way, you could have a small fleet launch a surprise attack on a larger fleet and gain an unlikely victory.



With these levels of alertness, a whole area of strategic thinking is now required. For example, if your empire shares a border with an ally, then all ships near your ally can be placed on Green Alert and costs can be reduced. If you share a border with an neutral empire which launches a surprise attack and your defenses are caught on Green alert, then your frontline could be destroyed easily (like Pearl harbour). Also, having too many borders with enemies will be something that the player will want to avoid because all your defenses along the borders of your empire set to Red Alert will be a massive drain on your resources.


You could lay an ambush for an enemy fleet. Consider a situation where you have a spy on a rebel fleet. You know where that fleet is heading and what alertness level that fleet is on. If that fleet is on Green Alert, then you could put an Imperial fleet on Red Alert and position it at the final destination of the rebel fleet and hit it as it leaves hyperspace before it launches fighters or powers weapons.





2. Supply Lanes and resource percentage allocation:


Supply lanes should be visible on the galactic map. A sector which contains many planets with large populations and with shipyards or other heavy industries should develop many supply lines that run between planets and neighboring sectors. The supply lanes can be something that is controlled by the computer. It will be made up of civilian and military freighters that are not controlled by the player. These supply lanes can be direclty attacked by fleets or entirely blocked off resulting in the starvation of a planet or whole sector. Each planet and sector should have a stored supply of food and resources (dictated by the player) so that it can continue to function normally in the short term while blockaded, but not in the longterm.


If you have a large number of shipyards in a sector, then you may alter the percentage of total empire wide resources that are allocated and that enter the sector via the supply lines. If you are building the ultimate fleet fleet in a sector, then you can may wish for 50% of all metal and fuel resources to be allocated to that sector to speed up the productions of the fleet.




more ideas tomorow if you are intrested. Whats the feedback?

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I had an idea today. I dont know if its been mentioned yet, but I think it would be cool to be able to personally assign each ship in your fleet to a task force before each battle. Right now, the computer does it automatically, and it doesnt always make sense. I think it would be great to be able to manually assign the ships into their task forces.

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In regards to the "Level of Fleet Alertness": it sounds like an interesting idea :wink: , but the "practicality" I don't think would work :cry: . This would be mainly due to the fact the minimum "turn" is ONE day, and "space battles" (theoretically) would last from several minutes to several hours (max). Supposedly, the "maintenace" for each unit produced takes into account the "readiness" of each unit. For example, when fighter units are damaged, they are eventually repaired over time (spare parts, replacement pilots, fuel, weapons, etc). This comes from the mine/refinery maintenance combination (see the last paragraph of "Refined Materials and Maintenace Capacity" on page 81 of the manual). At worst case, the micro-managing task would be horrendous (if you had a "large" number of fleets).


For the Supply Lanes: I think this has been mentioned before (the hyperspace trade routes?). This is a good idea.


Being able to "prioritize" items under construction would be interesting, but I'm not sure how it would be incorporated. I like the thought that the player could divert (let's say) 50% of all resources to a single system's shipyard to get something built ASAP (which would sloooow doooown all other items being produced). To keep it simple: set up a top ten priority list. A file would determine what percentage is allocated to each of the ten locations. Let's say a maximum of 50% of resources could be priortized (10%,8%,7%,6%,5%,5%,4%,2%,2%,1% for the ten locations). The other 50% goes to everything else being produced. If only five items are "priority", the the remaining five spots go to the general pool. As each item from the priority list is completed, all items would then move up list until all are completed. New items can be added. When you add a new item (say at a priority of 4), then the current items 4-9 would drop one spot, and item 10 would drop off the priority list (if there were 10 items). If item 1 was a Death Star, and item 2 a shield generator, obviously item 2 will be completed before item 1. When it's completed, items 3-10 (if there are that many) would all move up the list. Even the last priority spot of 1% would be alot when using an entire galaxies worth of materials being produced.


Keep posting new ideas :) , and don't be discouraged with "constructive criticism" :wink: .

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Red alerts... sounds like Star Trek, blah. :)


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Don't know if this has been mentioned yet but greater options and controls for fighters would be a nice idea. More options/tactics would be nice, Can't really think of specifics right now but things such as greater options for targets, i.e. tell them to go for sheilds or weapons etc. That would give greater tactical scope for the game and would make things a lot more interesting.


An expanded tactical cube might be nice as well, giving greater scope for things like flanking the enemy and setting up ambushes and just plain running away under sublight whilst you repair...


Oh and of course better AI.

I've just remembered i've got a signature!
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  • SWR Staff - Executive
Subsystems like Homeworld 2?


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

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Guest JediIgor
"Red Alert" - ships are fully powered, weapons are ready to fire and the crews are ready for combat. All fighters have been launched and are performing maneuvers or search operations. Costs lots of money and fuel, very expensive to maintain. Enemy spies/agents will have very little chance of success against the area which this fleet protects


"Yellow alert" - ships are partially powered, systems such as weapons are not ready to fire, the crew are not all at their combat positions. A few fighters are already in space but most are on standby in their hangers. Cost some money and fuel. Spies have a good chance of getting through the patrols and defenses


"Green Alert" - ships are totally powered down, a skeleton crew mans the ship for maintenance and all fighters are in hanger bays. Costs very little money and no fuel. Spies can almost do as they wish without being caught.


It's kind of funny that I was thinking the same thing that would be neat to have in a 4X space game, then I realized it would make the game unnecessary complex. I mean really, what does it add to the game? If you don't have it then everything is handled automatically, and if you have it -- it serves as a frustration to the player who forgets to change the alert level of his fleets.


Ultimately, does it really make sense in a game of this scale? I could see it making into a game where you control one fleet by yourself, but in this game it just means your resources would get used up faster or slower (and if you have like 10 fleets, one is hardly noticeable).


On the other hand, if these alerts are set automatically for fleets near enemy space (or far away from them), then it might make sense. When you have a lot of fleets on the borders it causes tension and economic losses for both sides. And maybe an option to override the "automatic" alert levels by setting them up manually would work. The whole deal is whether it will add more to the gameplay than detract from it :).

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In regards to the "Level of Fleet Alertness": it sounds like an interesting idea Wink , but the "practicality" I don't think would work Crying or Very sad . This would be mainly due to the fact the minimum "turn" is ONE day, and "space battles" (theoretically) would last from several minutes to several hours (max). Supposedly, the "maintenace" for each unit produced takes into account the "readiness" of each unit. For example, when fighter units are damaged, they are eventually repaired over time (spare parts, replacement pilots, fuel, weapons, etc). This comes from the mine/refinery maintenance combination (see the last paragraph of "Refined Materials and Maintenace Capacity" on page 81 of the manual). At worst case, the micro-managing task would be horrendous (if you had a "large" number of fleets).


It's kind of funny that I was thinking the same thing that would be neat to have in a 4X space game, then I realized it would make the game unnecessary complex. I mean really, what does it add to the game? If you don't have it then everything is handled automatically, and if you have it -- it serves as a frustration to the player who forgets to change the alert level of his fleets.


Ultimately, does it really make sense in a game of this scale? I could see it making into a game where you control one fleet by yourself, but in this game it just means your resources would get used up faster or slower (and if you have like 10 fleets, one is hardly noticeable).




So generally we all agree that its a good idea in theory, but perhaps it will overcomplicate the game. This may be overcome by a simple and easy to interpret interface. Each fleet icon on the starmap could have a small coloured dot on its bottom right, with a red dot for red alert etc. The level of alertness could then be easily seen and altered if the player so wished, by a simple right click on the icon to open a pop up window and then selecting red, yellow or green, or by pressing R,Y or G while the fleet is highlighted.


The reason that I am really enthusiastic about this idea is that im sick of the very poor level of strategy involved in space games and RTS games currently on the market. Generally in a game like MOO2 or SWR or Star Trek Birth of the Federation, if you attack an enemy who has more ships than you, then you already have lost the battle. Yes we have technology trees and other nice ideas that try to get rid of this problem, but it is still there.


Imagine you were playing SWR and you had 4 Bulwark Ships VS 8 Super Star Destroyers controlled by the computer. You already know that you cannot win if the two fleets meet head on. Your only hope would be to wait for the computer to split that fleet up, so you could attack and defeat a smaller more manageable fleet of say 4 SSD's.

Now, if you had a level of alertness, then you could always attack that fleet while it was unprepared in a state of yellow or green alert, and hope to defeat it then. Numbers wouldn't matter, but timing would.


The attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor is exactly the sort of tactic im trying to add to the game. The only reason that the attack was successful was because the US didn't have their ships and planes ready for combat and they were wiped out easily. If however the US naval forces were warned about the attack then the Japanese might have lost since they would have encountered fighters and flak barrages from the US.


It would be nice if we could attack fleets while they were still being constructed, so that on the combat screen we could see ship hulls still under construction in shipyards. Fighters could swarm the unbuilt ships and destroy them while they are defenseless.

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but it would be cool to be able to design your own ships. Be able to take scrapped ships from battle and use their parts to build new ships... I know it would be damn near impossible on the programmers end, but it would be fun...
"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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Alert levels wouldn't be a bad idea, but you'd have to have a logical reason for habing them in game. Say red, or Battle Alert, makes its ships eat up an exponentially larger amount of supplies and maintenence. That give you a cost for always being at an alert state and ready for the enemy, it would also allow you to drop in on an unsuspecting foes and destroy them in a suprise attack.

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Darth_Rob wrote:


That would be cool...customize your own capital starships.


If Admirals (Imperial or Alliance) can have their favorite ships serve as their flagships, certainly they're "overhauled/customized" to be better than "stock". Maybe each capital ship type should have a sub-menu, where you can pick & choose items to customize it 8) . The larger the ship, the more options you can pack on. Each option would cost additional maintenance/refined materials and additional days to "upgrade" during construction.


I would prefer to have an SSD or Bulwark that had its own gravity well generators, than have to rely on another ship to do it. I have been outnumbered/outgunned in a fleet battle before. All I had to do was sacrifice a couple of ships to specifically target the interdictor ship and blow it to smithereens. Then send the rest of my fleet packing (*** in my best Monty Python voice *** "Runaway! Runaway!"). I lived to fight another day, got my reinforcements, then came back and kicked their butts!!! :twisted:

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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I would suggest limited customization then... you can either have more firepower, better speed and manuvering, or better shields... eliminating the chance for uber ships and add more stragety to the process...
Mooninites Unite!!!
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