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Gameplay Suggestions


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I don't know how well you guys recieve suggestions or criticisms but these are just a few of my suggestions to make your great Mod even better.


- Start the ship selection along the lines of A New Hope, and allow later ships to be built through research.


- Adjust the build speed so that the expensive Caps take Alot longer to build then the cheaper ones (Also having to research for the large Caps would make it balanced)


- If you can adjust it so the expensive Caps take more Cap Supply that would be a bonus.


- Add more selection to the Starfighter choices. Interceptors, Defenders etc, From extensive Research.


- Allow all Caps to colonise planets, this allows the start game to progress faster


- Have a bunch of starting buildings: Frigate Ship Yards, Cap Ship Yards, 2 Constructors Spawned. ?Defenses? (At the moment the constructors slowly spawn from the first building you build)


- Adjust the Asteroid collection and Taxation to compensate for the expensive ships.


- Emphasise the difference between the Industrial Empire, and the Inspirational Rebels. e.g. Empire gaining Refineries earlier and Rebels having Cheaper, Faster Culture. Empire allowing cheaper buildings when colonized, Rebels colonising with a bonus population.


- Visually it would be better if the range of the starships was reduced so if you zoomed onto 1 ship you can see the other firing onto it.


- Allow all ships with Turbolasers to be able to bombard planets.


- Create a cheap unit like Sigma Transports to capture extractors OR allow other large frigates to capture extractors.


- Also at the moment the jump time is only a few seconds, this reveals that the interdictor's 700% markup on a few seconds, is nearly worthless. It should disable warping completely.


- What's with the Acclamator II's Shield Recharge rate?

Edited by Yzaxtol
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  • 5 weeks later...

hmmmm. i agree with most of these suggestions, and disagree with one and have a few of my own.


i dont think ISD or anything should take up more than one cap space, as that cap space signify's a captain, so a ISD shoudlnt take more than one.


some of my own.......

i think the whole instant-kill thing makes the game very unenjoyable, you can barely see the ship firing before the targeted ship is gone. it makes it to much like a cheat mod. i am trying to see your side and am thinking, maybe once you put in the other factions, you will make the units strong enough to withstand just one or two lasers.


i think the empire should have their own set of building, instead of TEC stuff.


Empire should have their own unique construction frigates.


i'll think of some more stuff later.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Yes, the first version of this mod is up and available at http://warlords.swrebellion.com

Eville Jedi is planning an update, but I don't know if there is any timeline for that.


A lot of this, like the research and gameplay elements such, is currently planned.

For significant bugs with released Empire ships, you should use the bug tracker and report them so Eville Jedi can fix them.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Compared to the existing in-game races, no :)

When the Rebels ships come in, they will be loosely balanced then. That is, you should be able to play a game as a Rebel or Imperial.


My guess is that ships will, stat-wise, match up to what is known about them. Eville Jedi really hates paper-scissors-rock games so ships won't be balanced just to support a "unit - counterunit" gameplay. The Empire will have its advantages, the Rebels their advantages.


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Fighting is terrible, but not as terrible as losing the will to fight.

- SW:Rebellion Network - Evaders Squadron Coding -

The cake is a lie.

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was going to say that finding the advantages of your own units and exploiting the disadvantages of your enemies, is what usually, makes a great game, but yeh when it's so obvious like: archer beats spear, spear beats sword, sword beats archer. It's just plain silly.
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  • SWR Staff - Executive

a few quick words on balance, ship to ship I am looking at some specific ratios and tweaking some of the shield effects to behave better. for example if you send gunships vs an ISD it won't matter how many you have or how long they survive they simply won't be cost effective, but if you combine the gunships with some bombers and a frigate with ion cannons then they will work better. This is really complicated by the fact that weapons do damage over time, not per projectile like in HW2, which makes it very difficult to get small ships to survive against big ships (the big ship unloads ALL of its damage from every gun on one target, in HW2 it will fire one or two guns on small ships unless focus fire is used)


between the rebels and imperials, at the capital ship level it will be pretty cut and dry without the use of abilities, an MC80 will be about 66% of an ISD II, so you need to build a support fleet around it or bring in another cruiser. The complexity in balancing this is that the MC80 will have a lot more shielding and defensive abilities than the ISD, and the ISD will have a lot more firepower and offensive abilities. I need to look into how long I want a capital ship duel to actually last. especially with multiple large ships on the map concentrating fire.

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  • 1 month later...
ello all. In the expanded universe most if not all non alinged planets have some form of defence fleet, could this be implemented in the MOD? it would ad a touch of realism if non-aligned planets had some defence ships and perhaps some structures as well. Eg of this is the Pirate base in the stock game but it would be a little more realistic if a neutral planet had not only defensive structures but also maby some economic structures eg trade station that creates neutral trade ships and will go to every1's tradeing stations, would help the rebels from an economic perspective since they woudnt neccessarily need to take the planet. (yes would also help the Imps as well but maby the imps could make less money and the rebs more? and from a spying point of view if u have a ship that can place spies on other ships voila a spyship.) just an idea and i dont no if  all of the idea could be implemented but it would make the mod very realistic i think.
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  • 2 months later...
Ello all..With the interdictor it looks like it is possible to get it to disable hyperdrives within its aura radius (i changed some of the code for it and have been testing) it is far from perfect at the moment as the interdictor disables hyperdrive for a second or 2 then the aura drops off...then it goes back on after a second or 2..while that is enough to stop ships from jumping it, also currently applies the buff (thats what the effect is called) to only a few ships, if there are lots of ships within its area of effect it does not apply the buff at all..i will experiment more with it to see if i can get it to work as it should. Then ill send it Eville (provided he wants it, if this problem is alrdy fixed dont tell me i like fiddling) so that we can all get useful interdictors with the next upgrade (currently it also does not auto attack meaning that it doesnt move when it hypers in so u have to manually move it..and at the moment it seriously damages the balance of the game so maby it should be a toggled ability that drains antimatter overtime and perhaps slows the ship down considerably, will experiment with it some more to see if i can get that working 2)  cya all
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