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GALSIM update


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The GUI seems fine, so I will probably release it today.


Since there is some fundamental changes in how orders are processed i want to make sure there are no issues with that, which shouldnt take too long with all of you helping test it.


once that is done and you guys dont make me do another fundamental change LOL then I can start the economic piece.  Hopefully this week?

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New ZIP Update.  Download at http://galsim.nickersonm.com/galsim.zip


New Features


Its pretty late so I am just going to summarize all the changes

- Fleets are now very important and are the only way of giving many types of orders

- Ships that are not in a fleet are not able to detect, fire weapons, really anything.

- Each fleet can be given a formation pretty easily

- ESCORT order can now be given to escort a ship OR a fleet

- DOCK order can now be given to land on a ship OR a fleet.  if set to dock on a fleet, it will land on any ship with space within the fleet

- i decided not to go with the SUB FLEET idea kicked around earlier.  Each fleet has the same capabilities as any other.  Fleets can be listed under other fleets but it is strictly an organizational thing to clean up your display.  If you want a fleet to have a position in a parent fleet formation you need to assign the one fleet to ESCORT the other one.

- only a few types of orders can be given to ships directly, they are mostly admin like orders like diplomatic orders, and cargo orders (Dump, Transfer, etc).  These orders cannot be given to fleets.

- numerous GUI changes including highlighting of fleets in lists so that they are distinguished from ships

- if you remember you could assign a ESCORT then DEFEND order where the ships would react within a range then return to their escort position.  You can now do that with ESCORT then ATTACK orders, which gives some same behavior only without the range.

- basically ships that dont have something to do will constantly try to get back into their position within their fleet

- added WARHEAD break level (1 to 100) percentage of warheads onboard at which ship will break out of its current orders

- all break levels, weapons free, weapons hold, warhead loadout is all now done ONLY at the fleet level

- priority targets can be done at FLEET and ship level.  if ship has any priority targets set up at its level, it will override the Fleet targets

- brand new order called DOCKED CSP which is the first fully automated order that you could just leave alone and let it up.  you set a ship to base out of (i would recommend setting a fleet as its home), a range to react within, and hull, fuel, warhead levels to LAUNCH at.  That combined with the break levels create a continuous behavior of the ships in that fleet where they launch when at a certain prep level, defend their areas, when hitting break levels dock, rearm, refuel etc, and launch again continuously

- probably a bunch more stuff but i cant remember. so try it out and let me know if there are issues.

- oh yeah, each ship now has a more detailed status that is listed on its display instead of in its order list like before.

- oh yeah, again, ships that now have no fuel will still kick out of many orders, but they will be able to get back to formation at limp speed (1/10th of normal).


Have fun!

Edited by markb50k
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so, if you just want to assign fighters to be based off of a fleet and be its protection, just simply give it a DOCKED CSP order


if you want it to continuosly do other operations you need to use the orders list talked about before, for instance ...


set hull/fuel/warhead break levels first


then set all of the following orders on repeat

JUMP to war zone

Attack or Patrol or Defend a loc

DOCK to home fleet





oh yeah, and i put some code to clear out your DB if the turn ever goes down from what you have in your ini file, like when i do a db reset, but its probably a good idea to delete your U#.ini file and your U# directory before logging in with the new GUI

Edited by markb50k
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Unfortunately I get a null pointer exception when trying to log in:

Populating configuration table...
Looking for custom configuration file...
........EnemyColor using custom setting
NeutralColor using custom setting
AlliedColor using custom setting
Debris1Color using custom setting
Debris2Color using custom setting
Debris3Color using custom setting
FormationEscortColor using custom setting
FormationSelectedEscortColor using custom setting
submitting update request to server...
getting session info from hard drive...
writing session info to hard drive...
received response from server...
writing session info to hard drive...
WARNING:  Due to end/change of turn, saves were discarded.  Please redo changes.

        at gs.SimUtilities.createNewObject(SimUtilities.java:61)
        at gs.SimFrame.updateObjectsFromDatabase(SimFrame.java:15845)
        at gs.SimFrame.updateObjectsFromServer(SimFrame.java:16097)
        at gs.SimFrame.initiallyPopulateGameData(SimFrame.java:14222)
        at gs.SimFrame.actionPerformed(SimFrame.java:320)
        at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
        at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
        at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
        at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
        at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Sour
        at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
        at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

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did you extract all of the zip?


there are new files in the models and specs directories for the Fleet object.


EDIT:  nope its my bad, i didnt include them.  putting up new zip in a minute.  sorry

Edited by markb50k
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it looks like it is back up.


NOTE: I have been taking a look at how some of you are organizing your forces and I want to point out one thing again from my earlier post.


Other than cleaning up your fleet display there is really no relationship between a parent fleet and a child fleet.  If you give orders to a parent fleet, they do not affect the child fleet in any way.  Fleet orders only rule over the SHIPS in the fleet.


I tried to code in that relationship but it got way too complicated so I dropped it, but kept the parent child relationship intact for visual purposes only so that you dont have 200 individual fleets listed when you click on the top level FLEETS link.


I may in the future, after this code is stable, try to put in some of that relationship, but there is none in at this time.


I apologize if that is confusing, but the code changes I put in will help immensely in managing stuff and are a vast improvement over what we had before.

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New ZIP update.  Download at http://galsim.nickersonm.com/galsim.zip


New Features

- Shield/Hull Strengths are now listed on unit lists and contact lists to allow you to see a quick status of ships



- ENGINE CHANGE: The following ORDER TYPES will now take effect to all subfleets underneath a parent fleet, overwriting the subfleets current values:






Im slowly trying to add in other behavior that will have any subfleets with NO ORDERS follow the orders of its parent logically.  This should allow folks to do the stuff I saw them doing in my previous post.  I'll keep you updated.

Edited by markb50k
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New Engine Update.  No download necessary.


New Features


for PRIORITY TARGETS, if the ship has NO PRIORITY TARGETS, the code will search up through its whole fleet parent chain for priority targets until it finds one with priority targets and will use that.  It used to do this just for its immediate parent fleet, but will now do it up the entire chain.


Have fun!

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A pretty major change is coming where now fleets with no orders will just formup and join their parent fleet.  you will be able to use this to move a parent fleet and the sub fleets will move along.  its much more complicated than that but I wanted to give yall a warning that it is coming.
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New ZIP Update.  Download at http://galsim.nickersonm.com/galsim.zip


New Features

- fixed bugs with original fleet changes I put out a few days ago

- NEW FLEET features

- you can give orders to a parent fleet and ANY fleet below it will follow those orders as long as they have no current orders.  This is great for moving lots of stuff around, setting break levels, docking,etc.

- any fleet that has no orders will always be attempting to get into formation with its parent fleet

- new CLEAR SUBFLEET ORDERS order that you can give to a parent fleet and it will clear all orders of the fleets below it except for current IN HYPERSPACE fleets

- new WAIT ON SUBFLEET FORMUP order can be used if you are stringing a bunch of orders together for the parent fleet.  The parent fleet will wait for all of its subfleets to form up before going on to the next order.  If the fleet is currently Berthed, it will wait for all subfleets to dock as well.  If it is not berthed, it will wait for the subfleets to get into formation position.

- because of what I just mentioned, it is probably best for you to only have like fleets in parent/child grouping, meaning fighter fleets should not be under ship fleets or else they will just move around in space instead of onboard

- break levels and set weapons status and warhead loadouts will be automatically copied down to the subfleets.  if the child break level is lower than the parent, the childs will take effect.

- SET FORMATION and VIEW FORMATION now include the child fleets and any child ships directly below the parent fleet.


Im pretty sure i put some other stuff in, but go ahead and play around and see how it works.  it should allow you to have to give orders to alot less stuff than before.


Have fun!

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ok i want to start putting in the economic code, so I will probably be putting it out pretty soon.  as such, i will probably put a couple of planets around the battle zone.  Expect that in the next day or so.
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New ZIP Update.  Mandatory download at http://galsim.nickersonm.com/galsim.zip


New Features

-i gave each player 1 million credits to begin testing out the economics.  I dont see me giving anymore so use it wisely.

-i created 10 new planets (well one is coruscant but it has been moved)

-options to build embassies and stuff has been enabled.

-for now you still have your instant unit access

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New ZIP Update.  Mandatory Download at http://galsim.nickersonm.com/galsim.zip


New Features

- SHIFT FLEET POSITION.  Sometimes when your fleet is on a mission like ATTACK or SALVAGE, the fleet position will stay still while the ships move around.  There then becomes a need sometimes to have the fleet just reposition itself so that the ships dont have to travel all the way back to the fleet position when they are finished.  This option on the fleet display will allow you to move the fleet position within the same sector so that you can reposition the fleet without having to cancel its current order and give it a move order.  Just remember that if it is a sub fleet, it will immediately try to position itself back with its parent if it has no orders, so this is obviously a better tool for moving around top level fleets.


- EDITS TO CONTRACT FRAME.  I made things alot easier for you guys, so as long as you have a TRANSPO agreement I dont see the need for having any Warehouses on the planet surface.  Embassies now have unlimited storage capability and are the single conduit to provide resources to the planet for either contracts or selling to the planetary markets.  If anyone has a current CONTRACT GOODS order, it will probably blow up, so I advise you to cancel any current ones and redo them.

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New ZIP Update.  Download at http://galsim.nickersonm.com/galsim.zip


Bug Fix

Cleaned up some stuff with the MARKET_GOODS order.  Fixed now.


Overall, these last few changes have made the EMBASSY the sole conduit in interaction with the planet.  It must have any resources it wants to sell to the planet onboard, and when it buys from the planet, it gets all the resources.  it has unlimited capacity to hold resources.


Oh and it also cant ever be killed.

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Just to let all of you know, I will be going on vacation starting Fri Jul 4th, through Saturday, July 11th.  I will be having the game engine running from home so the game should continue processing.  If I get a power outage at home or something, which should be unlikely, I probably wont be able to get the game running until I get back, so we shall see how it goes.


I am not sure it matters much being that I am not sure anyone is even playing, which is a little disheartening given all the work I put into the fleet change that alot of folks were asking for.  But I wont worry about that any further until I get back from vacation.


Have a good week, and to all the Americans, have a great 4th of July!

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