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im willing to bet its because the cpu actually needs more money to make bigger ships. the ships in warlords are much more expensive than base hw2. if you dont raise the ru multiplier, and give injections, you'll be scrounging for cash if you dont restrict the class to below destroyers. the shipyards themselves are each over 100k. base ru multiplier just doesnt cut it with warlords. since i think the idea of actually producing ships in the middle of a battle is at best retarded, i usually just raise everything all the way so money isnt an issue: ru multiplier 50, 100k injections at 1 min, 2mil lump sum at 2min. that way it eliminates another incredibly unrealistic aspect of the game, since i dont really have to waste energy gathering money. honestly, the best battles ive ever had are reinforcement games with 10sec 100k injection and a build timer of 1 min. good stuff. but if the cpu is starving for cash, its likely just going to build miners. and if the asteroids it finds are only worth 5k each, its going to build tons of miners to gather all the asteroids on the map. thats my guess, since this doesnt sound like anything having to do with a missing file or improper installation
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  • SWR Staff - Executive

I think shadow got it right, the AI needs lots of money to function properly (or have the ship class set much lower)


the general AI build order is as follows


build a fighter factory and destroyer yard, then at least 5 fighters from the fighter yards, and then the largest ship it can afford from the destroyer yard, if it can't build anything it will try to pump out miners to go get resources and strip the map, in reinforcements it simply builds five fighters, then builds the biggest ship it can until it can't pay for any more or hits the unit cap and then goes the next size class down.

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Hm okay, I do have injections set for 100k every 2 min and a lump sum of 2000000 (I believe) at 10 minutes with the multiplier set at 20. Not one destroyer or frigate, but the x-11 yard is there. I'll try another game tomorrow with maxed resources though.
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So... i havent played warlords in a while.. checked the sight.. saw the new edition.. reinstalled HW2... added patch.. installed files.. worked great last night. i even played as the empire vs empire... no problems.


Today... i get home from work... wanna rematch what i played last night... now it crashes with the exact same settings i had last night. Really confused...? any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...

here is a few intresting things i found


i decided to have one of those supreme commander style cpu crunch tests with warlords


so i got all the factions there and about 10 minitues in the CIS flat out ownd the whole map


at 5 minutes they had crusiers and still only a fighter yard


then i played as them and found a builder buoy in there build list.


that would explain how all the other teams just got destroyers and the cis brings in the BIG guns so fast.

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only when the emps have a navy at that point in the game the emps had about 1-2 venitors and a few fighters


i had gone on overdrive and was chuging out vsdmk1


but the cis at that point had like 5 battleships 5 control ships and a tone of smaller ones from one edge of the map to the other

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huh, i never had that problem. I played a few imp v cis games and got bored because they didnt put up any fight. i use the expert cpu setting so maybe to coding is different. i always have probelms with them building nav's, but that just means i can't officially win. ill try different difficulty settings
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Strange. I think I should reinstall the game and the mod and then see if it works. Homeworld 2 as well as warlords have been the permanent residents of my hard-disc for over a year and a half now.
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  • 5 weeks later...

I was playing 0.60 the other day, and I noticed a few things:

-The alliance ISDs seem to fire green lasers, instead of red. I don't know if that was deliberate, but I just thought I'd point it out.

-When having Capital ship battles, more often than not, a ship is disabled (the blue bar under the health bar goes down completely) before half its health goes down. I don't know about everyone else out there, but it is kind of annoying when you're trying to have a massive engagement and half the ships just sit there, taking damage without responding.

-(More of a question than comment) I played in the Post ROTJ timeline, and the alliance was able to build ISDs. I thought the New Republic didn't really start using ISDs until around the NJO timeline.

-When playing facilities, the computer has Nav Buoys that it uses to bring in reinforcements. Kind of ruins the whole point of facilities...

-(also more of a question than comment) When playing in Post ROTJ timeline, I was able to to build TIE Defenders and Avengers. Did those come into service around that time?

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  • SWR Staff - Executive

Alliance green lasers are probably a bug, originally they should have been red


if you are playing with oldships.big some of the older ships have completely screwed up ion cannon armament and disable stuff in seconds, it should be okay for the normal mod (though SSDs purposely have devastating ion salvos)


New republic caputured some shipyards in the years between ROTJ and dark empire, they built some defender star destroyers and finished/repurposed ISDs


hmm computer should never be able to build a bouy in facilities...


defenders and avengers came out around ESB, though widespread use for defenders was not until njo

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bug Report:


  Twice now, I've had ships start zipping around the map at ridiculously high speed (4 or 5 times normal). Out of control buzz bombing type stuff. The other day, I sent in a fleet of Allegiance and several VSDs, we were losing, and all of sudden one of the VSDs kicks it in the arse and takes off doing high speed strafing runs reminiscient of the way fighters performed in HW1, flying out, reversing direction and kickin the thrusters. He died after a minute or so, so I didn't get to observe the behavior for long.

  A few moments ago, I was playing the Vong against Rebels. Everything fine at first, suddenly, a Modular Battlecruiser lunges from the Republic line... and promptly leaves the battlefield. Looked like he was trying to reverse direction, trying to turn around but moving too fast to stop. Suddenly one of my ships takes off after him... and leaves the battlefield flying sideways (trying to stop too?).

  Next, an Endurance Fleet Carrier rams one of my cruisers at high speed, damaging both. He recovers, does it again. Then spins out of control toward the edge of the battle at high speed (dies before he gets away). The behavior this time was more like what happens when a game lags out and things start... weirding out. Not every ship was doing it, and it wasn't consistent. No I wasn't online, it wasn't lag. Not that many ships out either, 30 or 40 maybe not counting fighters in both battles.

Never had this problem before. Amusing, but obviously not "supposed to be".

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