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Back on Tatooine Luke was becoming more awae of himself. Only, he wasn't himself anymore, his mind, albeit battered, was his own, though there was someone else here too, in his mind, sleeping, fitfully. But his body, what was this. He could see all aound himself. He could feel, well, things, inside of him. He reached out to the force for clarity and calm. Who was the mind he was trapped with, it felt familiar. A startegic mind, disseminating information, close, a friend. Elvis? Miggell? Could it be? :?:

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

"Howdy ya'll" said the new rooky hotshot pilot Antilliles as he was coming aboard the newly commisioned Mon Cal Cruiser the Ocean Blue. turns to his Commanding Officer ADarkJedi44.


"Repotin for duty sir." said Antilliles.



Well Flight Leader Antilliles, I am glad to see you're in a good mood. i am your commanding officer so i aspect some respect from you. Do you understand me Commander. said jedi44. Your flight name is Shadow 5 I hope to see you at 0800 hours in the Simulator. And left the room.


"Geese, Sure is uptight. Oh well better get settled in".

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

While on the the Ocean Blue Commander, Wedge_Antilliles sat in the Pilots mess room when all of the sudden the crusier shook. What the heck was that? asked antilliles? then he looked out the viewport and saw a vong convoy heading straight for the Ocean Blue!


Battle Stations! Battle Stations! The alarms rung.


Pilots to your fighter! Pilots to your fighters!


"O man, there goes poker night said Hechtman."


And Shadow Sqaudrons pilots were off to there fighters.

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OOC: Cogatulatins on your 400th post.


IC: By the Time Evan was out in space skips were everywere.


"Report in Shadow squad" Evan said into the com.


"Shadow 2 Green"......................................


"Alright lets get those skips." Soon enough the battle began.

Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Guest Admiral_Antilles

OOC: Thanks commander. hehehe. sorry I couldn't resist.


IC: Shadow 5 here, you got two skips on you're tail Shadow leader. Break right and i will cover you.

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Evan watched as the cruiser broke into two. It had been suprisingly easy. Then the vong reinforcements arived. "There too many of them, Retreat" "Sir there using a intredictor",said two. Then the skips were launched.
Sweat saves blood-Erwin Rommel
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Its a trap! My flight break Left! Pick you're shots. and keep the skips away from the Ocean Blue! How is you're flight holding up lead?
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Okay sounds good. I think you should start the next one though. and by the way do you mind if we keep the Ocean Blue in the next one? I have sort of grown attched to it.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Tomorrow would be better. Around 7:00p.m. eastern time. I will be on for a bit longer but not enough for another battle.
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
OOC: Whe is good for you? I just won't be able to be on until after 7:00 p.m. my time. See my dad has our only PC, a laptop and he does not get home till 6:45 P.m. my time.
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