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ships you use a lot or a little


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

are there some ships you use almost exclusivly or ships that you don't use at all?


I'm curious to know what people do and don't use and why


for the more recent releases  personally I find that I use tie fighters, interceptors, defenders and assault gunboats and then usually use enforcers and Star destroyers for the imps


on the rebel side I usually bring assault frigates, awings, bwings and mon cals


on the militia it is normallyskipray blastboats and a bunch of missile frigates and 1 of each of the heavy cruisers.



I'm curious about older versions a bit but not to interested in bugged ships for this purpose because as they get readded they should get fixed

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I find I'm ushaly playing as the imps :)


what i do is i build about 2 ISD MK II's and load them up with the best starfighters i can get and use them and maybe a int and some support ships to conduct raids on enemy lines.


I'm also heavily into deface.


ill normally build 2 shield gens  and then ill use the heavyest turrets or galions i can get and place them close to my factory's.


and ill use just about everything Else unless i got something better i can get

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I never really use that imperial carrier frigate (or whatever its called)

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For the Empire, I usually build about 3-4 ISD's mkII"s, and flank them with a few lesser Victory Class SD's.


I usually follow up with a swarm of Tie Fighters and Interceptors, with a few bombers to harrass MC's and smaller ships.


As a rebel, I use MC's and Assault Frigates quite a bit, with A-wings and B-wings for support.





Total Realism Mod Manager

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I use most ships that you included, but usually larger ones, Cruisers, ISDs, Mon Cals, Frigates. I never, or rarely use corvettes. I find that they are just annoying, floating around, circling above and around the enemy. The only effective ones I know of are the Skiprays, Lambda (they are, for some reason, relatively invincible unless you have like 12 TIE squadrons chasing them) and the boarding crafts. All the Correlian corvettes and broadside cruiser etc. I think are useless. It's nice to have them for authenticity purposes, but other than that, they aren't really helpful. I think all fighters that you included are awesome. The only thing is that you have to use them intelligently. Alliance fighters usually have more proton torpedoes and missiles available to them, but them Empire relies on numbers though thats imppossible to achieve since the AI builds all the fighters it can. Usually, the Empire needs a couple of Lance Frigates in order to decisively win fighter battles. One question however. What happenned to the XJ-wing?
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I like using the Escort Carriers (when playing humans, not the AI... they produce way too many fighters at once..). Fighter defense, can hold 12 squadrons.. Yeah.


Otherwise it's ISD IIs and Enforcer cruisers for me.

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  • 1 month later...
Don't know if this topic is still going, but I usually always play IMPS, and Build about 5 or so ISD2's, with about 30 or 40 TIE's (Mixed types). BUt, whenever I build and start attacking in OFFLINE FACILITIES mode, the rebels always just send a raid of fights and are MAYBE backed up with frigates and gunships'boats. I never get some awesome battles with destoryers, AKA Mon Cal's... Though, when I play in the REINFORCEMENTS mode, the thing(s) they build mainly ARE the Mon Cal's... weird
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I normally play small games as any of the 3 factions.


Imps: 2 ISD mk2's, 3 dreadnoughts, 8 Broadside's, 8 skiprays, 12 Assault gunboats, and 8 TIE Defenders. light frigates i rarely build but if i do its normally any of them.


Reb's: 2 MC-80's, 3 MC-40's, 6 Neb's, 8 Skiprays, 8 Heavy gunships, 6 Y-wings, 6 B-wings, and 8 X-wings(awings die to quickly)


Milita: 1 Invincible Dreadnaught, 1 aggressor, 3 Corellian Missile frigates, 6 gun frigates, 8 skiprays, 20 X-Int uglys, and 8 Heavy gunships.


Basicly i like long range firepower but generally its just 2 Destroyers providing this unless im playing as the Empire. Everything else that doen't sit back and shoot is a decoy ship just there to keep the preasure on while the bombers/skiprays do the real killing.

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  • 8 months later...

I play often empire and i use otfen the lancer frigate. the lancer frigate is very strong vs fighters and the cpu often build fighters.


tie interceptor are very usefull, too. And i love star destroyers, they are powerfull ships!

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nothing smashes everything like ISD's. i use fighters for cover, never for attacks on caps. i dont usually bother with frigates, ties up my factories when they can be building ISD's. they brush off frigates and corvettes like flies. and reb cruisers are an even match at best, but usually far inferior, as it should be. as you make the mod, we should all keep in mind that the rebs and imps should NOT be balanced. with hyperspace on, it is very easy to use reb tactics with imp ships, and it works very well. i use golans for factory defense, and hype ISD's in to range and take out their factories, hype out and repair, hype in and take out some cruisers, rinse and repeat as needed. if you time it all right, the ai sends fleets after your factories, then turns them around when you hit their rear, then turns around again when you hype out. you can keep most of their ships in limbo and whittle them down. for fighter defense, i use ints, defenders, and adv.
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I think it's not fair to use Hyperspace against the AI since the AI doesn't hyperspace (except on Big maps in which it would take ages to get into combat). But yes, the ISD is the best all-around ship, with a few weaknesses (because of it's firing arcs, the back  and bottom are very unprotected).
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i dont usually consider whether im going to make the AI cry or not when i play. the same tactic can usually be used without hyperspacing, though. you just have to start the withdrawal sooner, so that the ISD's have enough armor left to win the running battle with any cruisers that they may send in pursuit. same outcome, far more time consuming.
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  I personally use a little bit of everything. I prefer playing on LARGE maps (why don't y'all space the start points out a little more so you don't start in gun range of every other player?) set up a perimeter around my nav buoy, maybe 100-150km out (or more) in every direction with a ring of proximity sensors. Everything inside I consider mine and trespassers are shot until they... ya know, are dead.

  Anyway, pairs of Bayonet or other light frigates patrol the extreme fringe/just outside my border, Carracks and other patrol frigates make a circuit back and forth across the sensors,each of which is lightly guarded by a couple perimeter guns. Enforcers and other heavy frigates stationed at regular intervals, and here and there a larger Victory or old Procurator to act as anchors and fast response units to incursions. Imperators and other destroyer classes respond to large scale invasions. Golans defend the jump point and are sent to hot zones immeadiately between me and opponents (the most likely approaches, in other words). Grav mines are sown inside the border to prevent more intelligent opponents from getting inside.   

  Need high or unlimited caps, lots of money, lots of time, but makes for a very "alive" home sector with lots going on that constantly has to be managed. Not sure how effective it would be against a human, considering they likely wouldn't give me the time to set up, be constantly underfire.

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  • 2 months later...

I make my own little plots up so I use everything. The little crap ass corvettes and transports and all.


Which is why I really want a better mission creator (hell any mission creator) so I can do escort missions and stuff.


For battles I tend to use the heavier stuff like cruisers, so the respective supercaps of each side.

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