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Chemtrails + Sylphs


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Well below is a post I made on another forum but for this I'll have the below and one paragraph here. (From PF to Spore now to PFF)


Sylphs are cloud entities that eat up chemtrails and keep our air clean. Whenever USAF and UN planes fly over your area you get those trails that stick for hours or even days and thats harmful for you. To combat this you need a device called a "Cloudbuster" or a "Orgone Generator". A cloud Buster is a simple road based device that attracts negative energy and brings out positive energy to the area. It helps improve the weather and gets rid of these chemtrails you see in the air. Then we got Orgone Generators which help make your area more stable making people and everything more positive.


If your a skeptic and want a sake of argument I recommend you try the below and put it in your backyard. Wait a week to a month (or maybe even a day or few hours) to see the weather improve and smog clear out. Before saying this is impossible at least try it out then prove me wrong. I read people's comments saying how much fun they had pissing off the USAF and UN chemtrail sprayers. :lol:  8)


I'm not safe also so I'll try this out:



Whats best for the Enviroment


Well I haven't tried it but I read stories and personal comments saying at how much this device below works. It pulls negative energy in releasing positive energy back out into the surrounding area. Also I read comments that if pointed at a low tech UFO you will scare it and be repayed with a broken part or damaged something of your property.




One such comment says when he put up this device it cleared his area of any harmful chemtrail effects and even had helicopters, planes and such going back more then needed only proving those who used this simple device to say how it works. Chemtrails disappear swiftly as if it was never sprayed in our air helping the Sylphs (Cloud entities from our earth, Jupitor, and Saturn). Its a simple device and may cost you only up to $100-200 the most. If you get sprayed by these chemtrails they will disappear only to have planes and helicopters fly lower and spray more only to have them waste their efforts. Well now I can clear my neighborhood of smog and messed up weather (since its supposed to).




Well don't believe me? You don't have to but you can at least give it a go by at least trying it out. Maybe research it seeing who else has it hearing their stories while using such devices. However if you do such things be careful at how you use it since I hear some minor problems which can be overcome (i.e Headaches or energy sucking out). I recommend people try out the rods grounded to the ground to be on the safe side and learning as much as you can about this. At this point I'm still seeing what people say about this.


In brief:

The first link shows a device that improves weather in your area, gets rid of chemtrails and smog. Anything else I have yet to find out but it sure as heck helps the Sylphs get rid of other Chemtrails around America and the globe.

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I smell scam. lol.

I don't even get smog, and wtf's a chemtrail? lol.


And I'm pretty certain that the sylphs are good enough at what they do to not warrant us needing to put another machine in or backyards...


"That was fun"

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Chemtrails, damn I'm tired of defining it so I'll let google do the job.




I rather be safe then sorry Droid so I'm trying this out. If it works I'll protect it twice as hard.



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"The Chinese are being spared"


Thank you. Now I don't have to care. I just need to go back to me home country. XD

Plus, its just a conspiracy theory >.>


"That was fun"

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Here I'm trying to do something serious and just seeing if anybody on PFF is going to build some kind of Orgonite Device of some sort but droid jokes around. Don't believe it? Then find out if it is at least true like I'm trying to or like I keep saying ignore it. If its something of value I'll try it and if it doesn't work then I'll just stop with it and say it doesn't work but if it works I'll boast about it.


I just want to find people who will at least try building this orgone Generator (Google) in big or small scale to see if it works. Heck even the Chinese believed in such things like Yin Yang it should be plausible.

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While I sincerely wish this is the case...

As with all conspiracy theories, it sounds extremely plausible.


But lack of evidence isn't evidence.

Do YOU have samples of chemicals from them "chemtrails" proving they are chemicals? Does anyone? No. they're just contrails.

As I said, lack of evidence proving that they aren't chemtrails cannot be used as evidence that they are.

And if you're going to be stupid and waste time/money building a machine the pumps god-knows-what into the air, good for you.


Conspiracy theories are just that. Theories, made up by people that have too much imagination. Theories that are followed by people who are insecure.


Me? I don't mind what the government is doing.

The government should mind what I plan to do, though. They probably won't like it one bit.


"That was fun"

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will this do? a report from the United States Air Force

The "Chemtrail" Hoax

A hoax that has been around since 1996 accuses the Air Force of being involved in spraying the US population with mysterious substances and show various Air Force aircraft "releasing sprays" or generating unusual contrail patterns. Several authors cite an Air University research paper titled "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" (http://www.au.af.mil/au/database/research/ay1996/acsc/96-025ag.htm) that suggests the

Air Force is conducting weather modification experiments. The purpose of that paper was part of a thesis to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives and it does not reflect current military policy, practice, or capability. The Air Force's policy is to observe and forecast the weather. The Air Force is focused on observing and forecasting the weather so the information can be used to support military operations. The Air Force is not conducting any weather modification experiments or programs and has no plans to do so in the future.


The "Chemtrail" hoax has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications.


Claims and Facts


Claim: Long-lasting contrails are something new and they have abnormal characteristics.

Fact: Contrails can remain visible for very long periods of time with the lifetime a function of the temperature, humidity, winds, and aircraft exhaust characteristics. Contrails can form many shapes as they are dispersed by horizontal and vertical wind shear. Sunlight refracted or reflected from contrails can produce vibrant and eye-catching colors and patterns. Observation

and scientific analysis of contrails and their duration date back to at least 1953.


Claim: Grid patterns of contrails in the sky are evidence of a systematic spraying operation.

Fact: The National Airspace System of the United States is orientated in an east-west and north-south grid with aircraft flying at designated 2000 foot increments of elevation. Contrails formed by aircraft may appear to form a grid as the winds disperse the contrails. More contrails are seen in recent years due to the growth in the civil aviation market. The FAA is responsible for the NAS and Air Force aircraft operate under the same rules and procedures as civilian aircraft when using the NAS.


Claim: There are reported outbreaks of illness after the appearance of "Chemtrails"

Fact: There is no such thing as a "Chemtrail". Contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind. If there are massive outbreaks of illnesses, your local health department should be able to tell you if it is an abnormal event. Local health departments generally network together when they start seeing problems. If there is a problem, the CDC will get involved.


Claim: Samples taken have shown the presence of the "DOD patented" bacteria pseudomonas fluorescens.

Fact: The bacteria claimed to be DOD developed and patented is actually a common, naturally occurring bacteria. The U.S. Patent Office (www.uspto.gov) lists 181 patents involving pseudomonas fluorescens, none of which are held by DOD.


Links to Related Sites

• FAA Office of Aviation Research –http://research.faa.gov/aar/

• FAA Office of Environment and Energy –http://aee.hq.faa.gov/

• DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics –http://www.bts.gov/

• Center For Disease Control and Prevention –http://www.cdc.gov/

• EPA Office of Pesticide Programs –http://www.epa.gov/pesticides

• International Civil Aviation Organization –http://www.icao.int/

• Air Transport Association –http://www.air-transport.org/

• Aerospace Industries Association –http://www.aia-aerospace.org/

• Federation of American Scientists –http://www.fas.org/index.html

• General Electric Aircraft Engines –http://www.geae.net/

• Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Engines –http://www.pratt-whitney.com/engines/

• Rolls-Royce Aircraft Engines –



Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 1999. Aviation and the Global

Atmosphere. A Special Report of IPCC Working Groups I and III in collaboration with the Scientific Assessment Panel to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Published for the IPCC by Cambridge University Press. J.E. Penner, D.H. Lister, D.J. Griggs, D.J. Dokken, and M. McFarland, editors. 373 pp.


Appleman, H., 1953. The formation of exhaust condensation trails by jet aircraft. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 34: 14-20. Brewer, A.W., 1946. Condensation trails. Weather 1: 34-40.


Chipley, Michael Ph.D. A Review Of Military Aviation And Space Issues, The Forum For

Environmental Law, Science, Engineering And Finance, December 1999.


Chipley, Michael Ph.D. A Review Of Military Aviation And Space Issues: Aerospace And

Airspace" (Part II), The Forum For Environmental Law, Science, Engineering And Finance, January 2000.


Spargo, B.J., Environmental Effects of RF Chaff, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., August 31, 1999.


Pike, John, Aircraft Weapon Loads, Federation of American Scientists, 2000.


Aircraft and Contrails. EPA publication number EPA430-F-00-005. 6 pp EPA, 2000.



source: http://www.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-051013-001.pdf


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Not from Wikipedia or anything from government or military. Try again since those sources never tell you whats needed.


And droid you think I give up this easily like you? Try again :)

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what exactly are you saying these Chemtrails are doing. are they modifying the weather? are they drugging the population of some country? what exactly is the point of them.


Edit: and while your doing that, how about you find some evidence from an established and accredited source.


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touché, well what I tried saying above got twisted as more replies happened (especially on PF). All I'm trying to do is to see if anybody here (and on PF, and spore) is willing to build a simple Cloudbuster. If chemtrails do or don't exist it would be something that we as a population could bust like Mythbusters. Saying chemtrails doesn't exist coming from Wikipedia or the government are both sources that shouldn't be trusted and obviously those who aren't with them either. Its more like trying to find the mean and seeing what you can see with your own eyes, some see more then others.


I can see these sylphs and I can see these C-trails (for dual purposes) so that means something has to be there. As for a source, I got to various sites :P. Well if you really want one then heres one but its not on the Sylphs and Chems (unless I mislooked).


http://www.alienshift.com/id119.html , Enjoy. I'm trying to keep it to reality as much as possible its just that its hard to juggle your thoughts with society's thoughts with nature's thoughts.

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On the contrary, Substance.

It is the government and wikipedia that are more trustworthy than any source you come up with.

Terribly sorry, Substance, I still win.


You know why?

Because, as I said: Lack of evidence isn't evidence.

You find me some proof that there are chemicals. Until then, your point holds no more value than mine. In fact, it holds less, as you have no proof whatsoever. No statistical facts. While I, on the other hand, do. You cannot prove that you see slyphs. But I cannot prove that you cannot. Thereby, both arguments in that particular debate are moot.

However, on the topic on CONTRAILS, there is significant proof, coming from more veritable sources that you can ever produce. You may condemn them as much as you wish, but the fact doesn't change that they exist.

You may say how many people agree with your point, but it is a logical fallacy.


Good game.


"That was fun"

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For clarity sake: only on the subject of cloud/chembuster + orgonite which is the main part of it.


Still doesn't change the fact that I'm going to try it and create more results for other people to work with. If it works I can then find out how well it works and if it fails then I can disprove the countless cloudbuster, chembuster sites out there so I don't really need a site until I can prove something this simple so thats why I'm not really keen on finding a proof site. This is why scientists and curious people are on our planet so we know whats what. However theres people willing to censor, willing to go against, and willing to create their own just to be right. Though I don't care as long as something works the way it was said to be with no lies or deceiving.


Its much easier to try it myself ,with some friend help finding, to create evidence (or more of). If it works then the sites that mentioned it will have more value that/then the government + Wiki would ever have. Wiki is a double edged sword since you put what you know but it can be easily edited if someone does not like it. As for the government they only let you know what they want you to know leaving you in the dust or say things because they have the power. Well same goes for the sites I google but like I said if theres a mean or a plausibility of it existing then I'll consider it like I always have. If it wasn't for this damn snowstorm I could of told you if I was in the middle of the progress or not but since I never talked to the interested friend I have to wait and hold up the fort until its ready to be reinforced or retreated from. ::)


Sorry but it ain't game over until someone on this forums gives me proper results saying the cloudbuster works or no :P





Now for the Sylph part:


Well its true what I maybe looking at are just forming moisture clouds or they could be Sylphs themselves. From what I searched up and from what other people said is what I have been going buy to the point where I saw the majority of the sky being Sylphs partying while the rest were just clouds. If it was in the experts eyes I probably would either be disappointed or happy that I was right. Whichever they are I want to find out so I can't really hold the fort on this one. I showed you the picture of one droid but you considered it to be a normal cloud, so be it. I'm not smart enough in this topic (nor the above) but I'll at least consider it Sylphs until I get proven right or wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did you at least give it a try to see if it was real or not? Its something thats simple to try out so until then I'm not saying if its real or fake. However I will defend it like mentioned until someone does become like a cloned MythBusters.
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Look, your argument holds no weight.

Did you try making an orgasm device and screaming "I'm Rich" to get a trillion dollars? I think not! you should go try that, the world's new richest man is proof hat it works. He wants you to believe he earned that money. But oh no, if you believe that, then I'm afraid he's got you. He built an orgasm device and said "I'm rich", and now he is. The spaghetti monster rewards those who understand the ways of the world! If you build devices that please the spaghetti monster, he'll reward our materialistic selves.

Everyone should do that too! then the whole world will be rich! There will be no more world hunger! If you don't do this, a select few people will continue to abuse this knowledge, and the world is doomed. I'm sure the government is startign to catch on. If you don't follow now, its too late!


Look at that, my argument is no less absurd than yours. I can use every argument you've used to defend your point to defend this one. Haha!!!!


I'm building an orgasm device just to be on the safe side...


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Seriously droid don't be a fool. All I'm trying to do is seeing if anybody is interested in trying it out, being a clone of Mythbusters. If you didn't understand that then please don't bother replying until you know someone who knows of the positive or negative results. If your not going to take this seriously then don't bother posting..........


Also I'm still trying to get a friend interested but the one who would be is not really the type to do such things. However if it does happen I'll post results but until then Droid don't bother until you got results also. Making me repeat myself since you didn't bother reading my previous post.

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Seriously Substance, don't be a fool. All I'm trying to do is prove that it is really easy to defend a point like yours, and to see if anyone is interested in my own idea. So, please don't bother replying until you know someone who knows of the positive or negative results of my own proposal. If I'm not taking this seriously, god knows who is.


Also, I'm trying to illustrate another fact here. That most people are completely blind to intelligent satire of any sort. However, if you still continue to be blind towards my true intentions after I have explicitly stated them, then indeed, I am a fool. I shall laugh at the foolishness oft his world and drown myself in my own folly.


I would give it a try, if it were free, easy, and if I had the time to... oh well...


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Droid your just posting and arguing just because you feel the urge to, I'm not. Its a nice day outside and the contrails from the planes disappear swiftly but theres this one spot where it doesn't so it hangs. I even took pictures with my cellphone camera. 2 high altitude planes left off contrails and it disappeared swiftly, one of them was lower and didn't let one off. However theres this long one just hanging down near the bus station area which (when I look at the window) its still there. When I look into the distance I see air polution becoming visible like fog does in the morning.


Droid if your moronic not to understand all I'm trying to do is turn myself and other people into Mythbuster clones. I guess its hard for you to understand that since I had to repeat this for the third or fourth time now. It just sound so stupid but if it is then prove to me how stupid it is by showing me the results you gained by doing so. Don't give me this bullcrap false comparisons unless your serious (which I see your not). If you think my posts don't hold weight then try weighing your own first.


Can't I talk to someone who can at least give a proper opinion. AT-AT tried, codeuser stayed neutral, Sheepeep(on our Petro chat) stayed neutral.

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Ok, enough with your personal attacks.

You know you have nothing on my arguments, so you insult me? How low of you. I am not arguing for the sake or arguing. I am offering an alternate opinion and demonstrating it through various means, including satire, which you may or may not understand. You, on the other hand, are pointlessly trying to defend a cause that has no proof, no reliable sources, and no weight whatsoever. I am only trying to help you become disillusioned. You willingly believe arcane myths all to easily. I'm not saying the myths are wrong, but I am saying you shouldn't believe so strongly unless you have absolute proof.


Oh well, I guess you're so stubborn, you'll stop reading right here. If you aren't, then prove me wrong and read on.


I'm sorry you can't take my arguments for their worth. It just shows how degraded society is today. You say try it. Well, guess what? Contrails disappear over time regardless, and just because you have some machine in your backyard pumping god knows what into the air, it doesn't mean its doing something to help the slyphs, whatever the fuck those things may be, speed up the cleaning process. As for chemtrails? I'll believe it when I see it. No, don't build the machine to test, take a plane up and get some contrail samples and see if they contain chemicals. that's the most surefire way.


If they do, then publish your findings. Someone will do something. If they don't, guess what? No such thing as chemtrails.

After that has been established, you can actually test if the slyphs exist or if you are doing something with your orgonite device. You can routinely test the level of chemicals present in chemtrails comparing when the device is active and when it is not. If there is a decrease in the chemical content, then I guess I lose this one.


That is how you do a proper mythbust. You need to set up the correct experiment. If you're going to build  a weird machine and see if contrails take less time to fade, there's no solid proof at all, beacause, as you said, sometimes contrails just disappear quickly. There might not even have been a "chemtrail".


I've put it in idiots terms in a hope that you will understand. There is a way to test this, that will satisfy even the most skeptical of people. however, some hearsay and a conspiracy theory and some mere observations do not amount to any argument of weight whatsoever.


I'm sorry if I made it seem I was simply arguing because I like disputes. Perhaps I should have stated this earlier. i assumed you would have understood my logic. Now that I know you don't, I hope that this explanation has been sufficient. I sincerely hope that through this I have stated what you would qualify as a proper opinion.


"That was fun"

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