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Force Unleashed stuff?


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Hey guys! Long time no seen eh?


Well, I've been modding my game in the last days and I was thinking if someone made new skins/models related to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.. The new Stormtroopers are so cool, here are some pictures (oh yes, they are from Hasbro Toys :P)


Incinerator Troopers - just reskin the default Stormtrooper & Sandtrooper skins from the game.





Stormtrooper Commander - basically, the Stormtrooper armor with Clonetrooper style markings on it, nothing that can't be done by reskinning game's Stormie...






And these.. Well these would need new models:


EVO Trooper






Jumptrooper - I think it has a jetpack on its back that looks like the one from Clone JetTrooper on Battlefront II..



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  • 3 months later...



If I still modded FoC, I'd had those skins done in the blink of an eye! Yet without FoC, I lack the willpower to do it.  :'(


Well, at least I get to see them in FU....Er...wait...What's the abbreviation for Force Unleashed?


EDIT: Meh, today is a boring day, maybe I'll work up the willpower to actually make these skins. Unless you want to.

EDIT:Almost done with the incinerator, might have to quit soon.

EDIT:Finished Incinerator. The alpha channel is on his pauldron, just like the standard Stormtrooper. I have to go do something, but I'll work on the trooper later today. He'll replace the regular stormtrooper, since it's just an alpha change. Oh darn it, that was supposed to be the commander! Ah well, I guess I'll hex a separate model for him to. BTW, I'll fix the helmet buginess. That was always a problem with my clone troopers...

Edited by 1upD

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  • 2 months later...

You using that for your mod? looks good.

Well, no. I was going to make it free release or whatever. But since no one replied, I never finished the skins. (I just made that one)

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* bump *

* sigh *

Nobody cares.


it looks good. :)


*watches tumbleweed go by*

I've been over at gamingsteve talking about spore lately, and there is no comparison in activity. The problem with keeping a FoC mod forum up and running is this;


A small percentage of people:

1. know about modding

2. know how to mod

3. have the correct modding software

4. have the game

5. have the time


The 2 problems are 3 and 5. few people who fit all other criteria can afford the appropriate modeling software, and even fewer have the time; most are in college now.

Another issue is the economic situation in the US. Higher expenses means a $600 modelling program is the last thing on your list of thing to get. And because there are fewer modding specialists, the newbies just starting out and the people who can't afford all of the software hit dead ends in their progress, and most give up.


This is the main reason spore has picked up in popularity; all the software is included in the game. if you have the right computer and the game, you're set to make pretty much anything you want.


EaW's engine was just too restricting; the coding was the best aspect, it made coding easier, but unless you had a modeling program like max, most modding options were dead in the water. IMO, the programmers left too much responsibility to the modding community, which then cracked under the constant pressure of newbies constantly asking for help, requests, and a lack of people with the right software.


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it looks good. :)


*watches tumbleweed go by*

I've been over at gamingsteve talking about spore lately, and there is no comparison in activity. The problem with keeping a FoC mod forum up and running is this;


A small percentage of people:

1. know about modding

2. know how to mod

3. have the correct modding software

4. have the game

5. have the time


The 2 problems are 3 and 5. few people who fit all other criteria can afford the appropriate modeling software, and even fewer have the time; most are in college now.

Another issue is the economic situation in the US. Higher expenses means a $600 modelling program is the last thing on your list of thing to get. And because there are fewer modding specialists, the newbies just starting out and the people who can't afford all of the software hit dead ends in their progress, and most give up.


This is the main reason spore has picked up in popularity; all the software is included in the game. if you have the right computer and the game, you're set to make pretty much anything you want.


EaW's engine was just too restricting; the coding was the best aspect, it made coding easier, but unless you had a modeling program like max, most modding options were dead in the water. IMO, the programmers left too much responsibility to the modding community, which then cracked under the constant pressure of newbies constantly asking for help, requests, and a lack of people with the right software.


Wow...I think I'm going to cry. :'(


If you can manage a mod with just leeching and reskinning, the $600 isn't really a requirement.

That's my specialty. :)



(Insert cursing of your choice here)

Somebody beat me to it!



Whoa...It sounds great though!

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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Well, it doesn't have to be $600.

You could use a free modeling program, or get a modeling program for free.  ;D

Not 3DS max.

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

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Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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I got 3ds max for free!!! (family friend gave me his license after I fixed his PC and saved a couple tens of thousands of dollars in data)
Bow to me, as a slave does before his master, or a peasant before his king.  For, you shall soon be as such to me.
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I got 3ds max for free!!! (family friend gave me his license after I fixed his PC and saved a couple tens of thousands of dollars in data)





(LOL, I'm probably too dumb to use it anyways)

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Actually, believe it or not, the learning curve is not as horrible as everyone thinks.  The interface is daunting at first, but once you get a basic idea of how to navigate, you can pick up all the stuff needed for EAW within days.  Then, you just let everything else trickle in over time from experience.  Now, if you were actually tryin to learn it all in a short time, then yes, you'd have to be another Einstein.
Bow to me, as a slave does before his master, or a peasant before his king.  For, you shall soon be as such to me.
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Actually, believe it or not, the learning curve is not as horrible as everyone thinks.  The interface is daunting at first, but once you get a basic idea of how to navigate, you can pick up all the stuff needed for EAW within days.  Then, you just let everything else trickle in over time from experience.  Now, if you were actually tryin to learn it all in a short time, then yes, you'd have to be another Einstein.

Ah. Well, I looked at other modeling programs, and they all baffled me. Maybe that's just me, I'm the reskining guy. ;D


Back on topic, did anybody see that reskin pack with TFU skins? It's really good!

"I feel fantastic and I'm

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and when you're dead I will be

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Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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