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Question: Why the bad reviews?


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My copy of Rebellion and the strat guide (I won off of Ebay) has been shipped, and should be arriving at my door within the next few days....


In the meantime, back at the cave, I have been reading some things about Rebellion....and I have realised, this game got not many good reviews...I have faith that the game is a good game, I know it is complex and all...but why the bad reviews? I know that you all love it, even after all these years since it was first released....


Just wondering why the game didn't do too well in the reviews it had....

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Well, when I first saw someone playing Rebellion I thought it wasn't that good, I've played it and then I "saw the light" I think that rebellion got bad reviews because the Graphic art of the game isn't to good, most of the time it is 2d, nonetheless the fleet attack screen is 3d. Those reviewers only look at the lay-out, the graphics the sound and the gameplay. They don't look at the fun there is in playing it because they play it for like, a hour, and the review another game.


The first time I played rebellion i didn't like it. It lasted about 5 minutes because then I found out that you could fastforward the briefing.


It takes time to really get on with rebellio and like it. I took me ten minutes but a friend of mine took 2 hours before he liked it.


And using rebed to create your own cards or load form th cards section makes playing rebellion more fun, because what is more fun than to see yourself commanding an entire fleet of stardestroyers well?

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Just ignore the reviews. Rebellion is NOT a game for twitch gamers. It really isn't a game for RTS gamers, either. Those two elements are what contributed to it's bad reviews, given the time frame in which most of those reviews were posted. Rebellion does not have one particular "style" or "niche" that it easily falls into, due to the fact that it contains so many different game elements.


Rebellion is a game that incorporates RTS elements, character advancement, resource management, fleet combat, and jumbles them together in a gloriously random galaxy. It generally follows the post-"A New Hope" storyline, but I think the most endearing quality of the game is the fact that it DOESN'T slavishly adhere to the Star Wars storyline.


The game may start off slow, but give it a few solid hours of gameplay before drawing your own conclusions. And if you have questions, anyone here on the boards will be willing to assist. After a game or five, you'll be hankerin' for some RebEd modding!

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



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I didnt read many reviews but one that i remember the guy said that you get annoying messages all the time and have to build all the mines and refineries, so possably they didnt take the time to find the little time savers and saw it a lot more complex than it is, after awhile it becomes second nature.
Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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I didnt read many reviews but one that i remember the guy said that you get annoying messages all the time and have to build all the mines and refineries, so possably they didnt take the time to find the little time savers and saw it a lot more complex than it is, after awhile it becomes second nature.



You are so right about that, first of all you are able to turn of message sound wich make receiving them less anoying, you can let IMP or 3PO manage your garrisons and refineries (I think that is what you ment by little time saver) and most of all 90% of all messages is of no importance.


(Unit deployed at Coruscant or something like that, who cares)

I find your lack of faith disturbing - Darth Vader-

Wipe them out, all of them - darth Sidious -

It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice - scooter-

If you see the flash, but don't hear the bang, you're dead-Drill Sergeant-


Check my Forum india.messageboard.nl/4095


Most posts are dutch but english is allowed

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Certainly many games need fine tuning, but the reality is developers must answer to the whims of the publishers. If they say its ready whether it is or not, they ship it out the door.


To be frank I'm sure we all would want this game to have been this way or that in our heads, but as far as playability and replayability this game still stands out against all odds thanks to programs like Rebed.


For me, the one thing I would have wanted to be different is the frequency by which we've got to click the mouse to execute one thing or another. I don't know about anyone else, but when I play, I play in limited stretches at a time, then play something else less "click demanding".


The only other thing that stands out for me are how the waypoints are set up in tactical. When you zoom in or out, the waypoints get smaller and I find I often have to pause the game just to reorient what I want to be looking at. Sure tactical could have been better too in places, but the only immediate fix I want is the waypoints to be consistantly visible whether zooming in or out.

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I like clicking, i use keyboard shortcuts when i need to but there are too many keys, i get confused 8O8O8O8O8O
Why are people afraid to die? It is a natural part of life. Life and Death. They go together. Some people are just willing to speed up that process.
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Well what I mean is more along the lines of if I assign a character to sabotage mines, they would do that indefinitely until I change their orders thereby saving me from having to keep giving them that order.


Course the problem is in having them only go where odds of success are in their favor based on what you send with them, rather than like, the computer controling them for you poorly. Or even better, if they were sent to a lightly guarded world to sabatage something, they could stay there until they've hit everything they're able to. Anyway, if something like that could have been automated, that'd save a ton of clicks right there.


Basically I like to know where they are, how they're doing, and when they're back if I recall them to give orders manually, that's about it. I know that's in there now, but they only go after one thing at a time on a world/fleet. I'd like them instead to stay put and cause as much trouble as they can, and flee on their own without me directing every minute detail of their mission.


A feature like this would be better though in a much larger game with tons of planets.

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I feel it´s easy to get a wrong impression of the game. When it came out I immediately bought a copy. I quickly became tired of it though. I hated the long time it took the fleets to get places and the endless hours it took me to complete a game. Back then I was even convinced the AI was unbeatable on the "hard" level. :oops:


Strangely for all the years in between I had the nagging feeling that there was more to the game. Recently I bought a copy very cheap and began playing again. Fortunately now I used the net to look for hints. Thus I learned how to beat the AI.


Best of all I came across this site and began playing against human opponents. Now I´ve seen the light. This is how the game is supposed to be played.

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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