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Filo's Personal Mod (Custom Tech Tree)


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At start: my english is still weak, sorry for mistakes :)



I've always prefered holding to the star wars canon, as strong as is it possible, and I was getting irritated, when I saw units like Tartan or... the whole Consortium. OK, I can understand  MPTL (Rebels needed an artillery), or Lancet (Empire needed flying unit). But why is there a stupid, never seen before Tartan in the place of Carrack? Carrack wasn't good? And what is the reason of creating 2-M repulsor tank when there is IFT-T known from both Battlefronts? And T-2B and T-4B tanks were a good idea(rebels haven't got many vehicles), but I think they shouldn't replace good old T-1B and T-3B, they should be just next to them.


I decided to start my personal mod, which makes the game as canon as is it possible (I mean: not "unplayable, but canon", of course some units have to be keeped to save the balance and gameplay) and -by the way- add some units and ideas from other mods. Do you understand? Max gameplay with max canon  :D


I don't want to release that but I wanted you guys to see this:



Filo's Most Canon Personal Mod:


The Beta version of tech tree (It still can change)


-------------------TECH LEVEL 1-----------------------



Rebel soldiers

Plex Soldiers

T-1B (As strong as AT-ST )


Assault Frigate mk.1

Nebulon B-1

Corellian corvette

Z-95 (Good against V-wings)






Biker scouts


Dark Trooper Phase I


Victory mk.1 (As strong as Venator)

Dreadnaught (As strong as Acclamator)

Carrack (Replaces Tartan cruiser)

ARC-170 (Bomber)



Player starts with some Venators and Acclamators, but he can't build them anymore.



-------------------TECH LEVEL 2-----------------------






Field Medic Team

Engineer Team


Corellian Gunboat

Assault Frigate mk.2 (Replaces Assault Frigate mk.1 read more here http://pff.swrebellion.com/index.php?topic=4491.0)

X-Wing (Replaces Z-95)





IFT-T (As strong as T-2B, has a limited 'Rocket attack' ability)


E-Web Team (From Bailmod, yeah :)


Victory II (Replaces Vic. mk1)

Imperial Destroyer I

TIE Fighter

TIE Bomber



-------------------TECH LEVEL 3-----------------------




T-47 Airspeeder

Rebel Infiltrator

Galofree Transport

T3-B (Can switch to anti-aircraft attack)



MC80 (with wings)

MC30 Frigate

Marauder Missile Cruiser








Dark Trooper Phase II

Juggernaut (Now with rockets)

AT-PT (As strong as deleted 2-M repulsor tank)


Imperial Destroyer II

Broadside Cruiser

TIE Interceptor (Spawns from ISD2)

TIE Scout


-------------------TECH LEVEL 4-----------------------





V-Wing Airspeeder (With cluster missiles)


Quasar-Fire Carrier

Nebulon B-2 (Replaces Nebulon-B, as strong as Assault Frigate mk.1)

CC-7700 Interdictor Frigate

K-Wing (Replaces Y-Wings, they are a bit faster, and much stronger)

E-Wing (A bit better than X-Wing, has a lure ability)

X-Wing XJ (Replaces X-Wing, only Hunt ability added)




Lancet-class Aerial Artillery



TIE Phantom

Escort Carrier

Immobilizer 118 (The correct, canon name of Interdictor frigate)

Scimitar Bomber (Replaces TIE Bombers, as strong as K-Wing)

Assault Gunboat (Good Against all rebel fighters, except the E-Wing and A-Wing)


-------------------TECH LEVEL 5-----------------------




Dark Side Adepts (Korriban only)


Death Star

TIE Defender


Rebel Alliance

Jedi Knights (Yavin 4 only)






-Emperor Palpatine (escorted by Red Interceptor Squadrons, piloted by Royal Guards, at Tech Level 5 you can build him an Eclipse (Byss only).



-Darth Vader (At tech level 1- black Eta-2 with V-wing Squadron, at TL2 TIE Advanced with TIE Interceptors, at TL 4 you can build him an Executor (Kuat or Fondor only).


-Moff Tarkin

-Moff Jerjerod replaces Moff Tarkin at TL 3


-Admiral Ozzel

-Admiral Needa

-Admiral Piett

-Grand Admiral Thrawn

-Ysanne Isard (At TL5 you can build her a Lusankya, (Fondor Only).


-501st Legion


-Rom Mohc in Arc Hammer (need to build Dark Troopers, at TL4 also land unit- Rom Mohc in Phase 3 Dark Trooper armor )


-General Veers


-181th Fighters Group

-128th TIE Interceptors Squadrons


-Boba Fett


-Mara Jade, at TL 3 gets lightsaber, at TL 4 turns to the light side (joins the rebels)


And maybe Tavion Axmis with Disciples of Ragnos or Jerec.




-Princess Leia in Tantive 4 (Raymus Antilles is deleted)


-Mon Mothma

-Jan Dodona


-Kyle Katarn with Jan Ors(At TL3 he is Jedi, at TL4 changes ship to Raven's Claw)


-Han Solo with Chewbacca




-Luke Skywalker


-Rogue Squadron


-R2D2 with C3PO


-Lando Carlissian in Lady Luck


-General Madine

-General Rieekan

(They could command ships)


-Ackbar in Home One (At TL4 changes ship to Mediator)





OK, that's all. What do you think about that? Cut something, or maybe I forgot something importnant?


Please, comment.

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Thank you :) But I'm afraid it will be only my personal mod. But who knows...


Oh I've forgot about the Underworld, but I think I won't make too much changes. I will only change it into Black Sun, and replace Tyber with Xizor and Urai with Guri.


Or maybe I could move some units to new faction of Mandalorians like in Droid's Mod :)

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Oh I've forgot about the Underworld, but I think I won't make too much changes. I will only change it into Black Sun, and replace Tyber with Xizor and Urai with Guri.


Or maybe I could move some units to new faction of Mandalorians like in Droid's Mod :)


Both ideas are commonly seen. Maybe you should make something totally new. But what pirates would fit in total canon besides Black Sun?

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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All good ideas are already used, I don't think I would make something new. I.e. I can make Consortium into Confederate Remnant, but it was also seen in some mod. IMO the Black Sun pirates are more canon than Zann Consortium. Anyway it won't appear in most GC's because the most importnant for me is Rebel-Empire conflict.


At least it was Galactic Civil War between Galactic Empire and Alliance to Restore Republic, and any third faction which is more powerful than pirates from EaW is a bit non-canon.

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It was on Filefront EaW forum, and it -I guess- was also used in Avenger's Conflict in Space. (Replace Piett with Accuser by Piett with Executor). It was something like if I good remembered


BTW Nice avatar  ;)


EDIT: Maybe I should move Assault Gunboat to TL3, and at TL4 make TIE Avenger?

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OK, I found that:




hero name



Where the xx in tag is numers from 07 to 12 or something like that.


For more info look there: http://forums.filefront.com/sw-eaw-modding-mapping-editing/276967-removing-units-certain-tech-level.html


Anyway it's simple. I just need to have models of Mara with saber and without saber, and code three different variants. Next- when one spawns, the other disappears. Easy.




Ok, I will make all 3 other factions. Each one will be available in other GC:

-Mandalorians ('Mandalorian Crisis')

-Confederate Remnant ('The New Droid Army')

-Black Sun pirates ('Pirates at War' or 'Shadows of the Empire')


BTW: I forgot about Dash Rendar to rebel heroes, but i'm not sure about it...


But why am I writing there? It probably won't be the public mod...

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I don't think so. I don't need your permission because this is my PRIVATE mod. I posted tech tree here cause I wanted to listen to opinion of experts ;)




(Cuted off consortium)




Prince Xizor




Jabba the Hutt (Diplomatic hero)



R-41 Starchaser

Supa Fighter

Z-95 Headhunter

IPV-1 Antifighter Corvette

Interceptor IV Frigate

Vengeance Frigate

Agressor Destroyer






MZ-8 Plasma Tank

Pirate Skiff


F9-TZ Transport





Some Clone Veteran (Maybe Alpha-66 or maybe Alpha-98) in Mandalorian armor




Kedalbe Battleship

Crusader Corvette



Canderous Tank


Mandalorian Soldiers (the killing machines, each one must take two series of shots from antiinfantry turret to die)

Mandalorian Jet-troopers (its bit non-canon but Mando's needed more units)


All these units will also be indigneous units on Mandalore, of course.





Gizor Dellso in Providence-class Light Destroyer/Carrier



Vulture Droid

Droid Tri-fighter

Munificent Frigate

Recusant Light Destroyer

Lucrehulk Carrier



B1 Droid

B2 Droid

Droideka MK. II

Snail Tank

Hailfire Droid




Other changes

-GOLAN 1-3 Batllestations buildable on most importnant planets (like Coruscant, Carida,(and other Core Worlds)  Geonosis or Yavin 4) (idea from z3r0x's mod)

-added some new planets

-added planet Sluis Van, another shipyard world where you can build destroyers

-rescales all ships to make scales more realistic (in most of ships- upscales, cause bigger is prettier  ;D )

-the mod is based on equivalent units like Nebulon-Dreadnaught, Victory-Assault Frigate, or T1B - AT-ST and Dark trooper - Infiltrator

-The non-Williams music, and also all non-Orgiginal Trilogy music is now deleted, but added a lot of new music from Original Trilogy

-the Projectiles.xml file remade

-on most of planets you can build a special unit available only on this planet like Strident-class Star Defender on Mon Calamari, Firespray on Kuat, N1 on Naboo, or Bothan Spies on Botawui

-custom ground defense towers added to all factions (sorry for 'stealing', Droid  ;D but I think it's great idea)

-added Ground Landing to Rebels and Empire which spawns Airspeeders or Lancets

-increased pop cap of course

-new descriptions for most units

-other minor changes



BTW: Even if I will publish this mod, why your permission is needed? You don't have the copyright for Mando's  ::)

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You didn't get my joke >.< no one does.


I meant that if you wanted you could just take all the code, since from that unit list the units are pretty much the same.


Nice tho.


"That was fun"

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Yeah that's true :) Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and mod ready xD

Anyway, could I use your mandalorian soldier model?  ::) First I wanted to reskin Boba Fett, but I noticed he has a jetpack so he can not be.


I have an idea. I could create the GC where there wouldn't be Empire and Rebels, but it will be full of mini-factions like Naboo, Corellians, Geonosians, Mandalorians, Hapans, Mon Calamari, Ewoks (!) and others. But in separate mod, cause it would be non-canon.  ;)



BTW Why did you changed avatar? I liked the old one, altough it's manga :P  ;D

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My mandalorian soldier model is the basic one in FoC ;). The Mandalorian Elite is the one that's reskinned (by 1upD).


Haha the mini factions thing would own. The ewok invasion!


BTW Why did you changed avatar? I liked the old one, altough it's manga

I felt I needed a change? lol.


"That was fun"

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Yeah, 100 ewoks per quad  ;D And upscaled one - commander with termal detonators and wooden ewok starfighters  ;D ;D ;D


YES, I still prefer canon ;)

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Actually a good job it is a private mod.. a LOT of those idea's are very similar or the same as in sote which we have already implimented in the mod Alpha builds :D Modding your own private mod is fun though - you can build it just to the way you want to play a game.  ;)



Sote Mod Website @



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I've read some about SOTE and in fact landing platforms are there too, but... there is nothing more which is a similar idea.


Golan/XQ platforms are on most mods. The idea to build them only on most importnant planets is from z3r0x mod, ok, but if I use something not mine, I write it below.

And everyone can 'invent' new planets or realistic scales.


The rest like Ship Yard Building (which I just HATE) doesn't appear in this mod.

So where are your 'LOT ideas very similar or the same as in sote' huh?  ;) Please don't tell me that I stealed or copied something, could you? I invented myself all of those ideas.


This post was based on information from this site: http://forums.filefront.com/sw-eaw-modding-mapping-editing/298359-mod-sote-tbr.html

Maybe something changed, but again: I invented myself all of those ideas.

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