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Just got Rebed Version: .26...


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I may have gotten confused with other stand alone hacks with other versions of Rebed, but I was wondering is there anything with this version that can disable random events?


Also I want to know if there's a way to have it so one could max out each planet's energy spaces (I've never seen the largest planet's energy level go above 14 slots, so if that number is the max, I want to know if I can alter all the planets to have same # of slots)?

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Hi there, interesting name, that you chose :D

I'm totally unaware of these "hacks" that you mentioned, but with RebEd you could never turn of the random events, except that a character could not betray, after you set that flag. Are you referring to the natural disasters ?

We contacted one of the original developers a while ago about that and other things we want to change, but he seems to be quite busy.


Btw, can you point me to an URL were these altered versions can be found ?


To change the amount of available energy is not possible at the moment as well, possible never, since its randomly generated with each new game. The only thing I know of, is that you can adjust the "slots" for your HQ planets with RebEd. I don't know what the maximum for the planets is, but I just checked it and each item (ConYard, Mines, Shipyard, ...) can go as high as 15 per item, so I guess you can have at least one giant planet there with either side.




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Thanks for the info mask, and yea this is what I was confused about. I couldn't remember if the information I got was a description of a hack already out there or if this was something someone either was making on their own or requesting it.


I noticed the ability there with each side's home planet capacity and that's good at least. I was quick to disable traitors too, I hated that almost as much as the random disasters heh :) especially after you built up a character real good too. I say almost as much because generally I stuck those chars on front line duty :D


The only thing that bothers me a little is the AI, but I guess that's been the concensus for a long time.


i.e. I've never detected through spying for example, that Vader does any Jedi Training missions of his own (only that i noticed someone with force potential he ran across and/or recruited in one place). Also I'm not sure if its cause of the editor or what, but giving the oppositional characters diff command abilities, it seems that the game sometimes doesn't exploit that potential.


To get a halfway decent game going, I always keep it on expert level, so that in the case of going against the Empire, they're not always lurking in the core area (I also jump up nearly every sector to high visibility/high value with Rebed). I just wish they'd colonize more rather than just go after planets I got to first. By turn 500 I've colonized the bulk of the outer rim.


Anyway, experimenting with this version of Rebed now since it has way more features than the one I got in the distant past. Playing a game now with no traitors, everyone's abilities improved across the board for both sides and almost everyone a force user :) I'll see how that plays out.


I'll say this though, if it wasn't for programs like this to make the original product tweakable, this game would have been buried long ago.

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Also I might add, that Jedi characters cannot betray :idea:




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Also I might add, that Jedi characters cannot betray :idea:


Nope, they can be traitors just like anyone else. I've seen it happen on several occasions.Generally, traitors tend to turn up if things haven't been going too well for your side.


And most traitors only turn up after a few hundred days. I guess that if you're not winning by then, the game thinks it's time for some of the recruits to think of other career opportunities..



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I wonder, has anyone ever retired a character? When do you do it? Only when they turn traitor?


Also can you rerecruit them later or are they gone for good if you retire them?


Just curious, never tried it. I find uses for every character, even the turncoats heh

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Well if they can still perform decent sabatoge missions or espionage, I use them for that. As well, if they seem to do pretty good at command, I have them border key systems and either set them up as a commander (and put a crapload of fighter garrisons there with an interdictor as an ambush world), or I give them a token fleet of their own, and have them go on raids.


In one previous rebed game I had though that traitors was turned on, somehow the way they were set up meant that a traitor didn't do well 99% of the time if going out on missions of any type, when I know for a fact before, I could still use traitors and boost their skills. Another anomaly I had then was that an unusual number of characters turned traitor on me, nearly half :)


probably because I had the variance on as well on top of jumping up everyone's loyalty. It seemed as if there was a better chance of having a traitor despite how high you put their loyalty at. I'm still testing things out with having the variances on or off, but so far in my current game, for some reason the AI isn't putting as many of its characters in command positions other than general on fleets...this is with the variance off and everyone's stats raised close to 100 across the board with leadership at 200 reb/300 Imp (due to their bonus).


I cranked up everone's leadership mostly so tactical mode would roll a little faster and so that missions might succeed a bit more.

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Here's a question: do traitors ever 'return to the flock'? For example, if you were losing at one point and a character turns traitor (I've seen Jedi do it, too, btw), will they come back around if you start winning?

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-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



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Well, as soon as I have a traitor, I separate them out from others doing missions cause I know they'll almost always foil it. Best to send them out on their own doing stuff, preferably away from important systems.
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Well, as soon as I have a traitor, I separate them out from others doing missions cause I know they'll almost always foil it. Best to send them out on their own doing stuff, preferably away from important systems.


That is what I do, just send them off to sabotage enemy stuff in the Outer Rim because my opinion is they can't do ny harm there.

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You only get traitor's when your populair support get low. This can happen when you lose battles or planet's.


This doesn't mean you have to retire them, becaus when your poppulair support improves enough, your character will "return to the flock".


It happend to me more then ones.

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