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Re: Couple of kitbashed ships pics.

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I was bored, so I thought I would post some pics of a couple of ships I kitbashed out of EvilleJedi's Warlords Models. They are for a personal mod I'm making that uses all of his Corellian ships as one of the factions. Altho he didn't include a true Corellian Heavy or Fighter, so I tried to create those class ships with the basic Corellian theme. I'm still not sure I achieved it but they do seem to "flow" with the other ships when ingame.


Anyway, Disclaimer follows. All the original, unedited models/skins were created by EvilleJedi. All I did was kitbash (or butcher, depending on your point of view) different ones into new units, and modified and or replaced the skins.






1st, a mix of Bothan Assault Cruiser, Trafed, Corellian Destroyer, etc.




And my idea of what a Corellian Fighter might look like. I'm still tweaking it tho.




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You should write articles on them on SWFanon. That website has a lot of crap, it needs better stuff.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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that fighter is awesome. One thing tho. Reskin the wings or maybe cockpit so it looks less imperial. Good job otherwise.
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Very pretty ships.  Is there any chance that you would let me play around with the bothan assault cruiser, with the code? It'd be nice to stick that in z3r0x's mod... Bothan Assault Cruisers pwn! Thanks.



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Thanks everyone, it's good to know my ideas aren't totally crazy. 8)


1upD, I might do that, I've already got a working idea of it's use, as it pertains to the Corellian Navy. Funny how when you're making a ship, your mind is thinking of it's developement as if it's real. lol


Jeteye1, you don't know how much I ran that debate in my mind from the moment I decided on that cockpit. The pic I posted earlier is actually the 1st look, I already had those pics on the pc and just uploaded them. I've taken 2 renders of the other 2 versions, but haven't been able to make up my mind as to which cockpit style I like best yet. What's everyone think? The wings are another issue. I like the look of them, but they are too similiar to the Empires. I've tried other looks, but still not sure. I think I might try changing the black to a gray.






Omega1107, I might release these for public use, but the Bothan Cruiser (Corellian Capital Ship) is a pretty big alo file. Around 6 mbs, so depending on how many you have on screen at the time, it might slow some pcs down. I removed parts of the two ships not seen, optimized it as much as I could, deleted all unseen faces. But I also added a quarter more ship, and an internal, open fighterbay. I've tested it for looks, firing arcs, hardpoints, engines, and any graphical glitches, but not during a complete all out major battle. I'll try to do that soon and decide then if I'll release it.





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Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the positive replies.


There were a few blind spots on the cockpit that were bugging me so I redid it again. I think it fits perfectly now without resembling anything Imperial. I'm calling it finished, at least for now, as I have a couple of other ships in mid-construction that I need to find time for.


Pics of the final follow.












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HOLY SHIT, (excuse my language) Those are hella good models, i need to learn how to kitbash and model now. If you add breakoffs and other effects to the models they'd be hella cool. Do they have death animins yet? keep it up!!!!
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The final version of the Corellian "Dragon" Interceptor. I've added some "art" to the hull to finish it up. Let me know if anyone thinks it's too much. Hopefully I'll be releasing it soon. I want to make clean code for easy install to any FOC mod. It's got six weapon hardpoints, 2 being in the fat front part of the body wings along with the 4 nose guns.



This shot is with the ALO viewer.






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Looks great  :D


Might want to make some different LoD meshes though



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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