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Re: New light Calamari Cruiser model from Xwing Alliance

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Firstly, those are not stock FoC models, so your point is now void. Secondly, they have vastly higher poly counts than stock FoC models, which in part makes up for the lack of bump maps (sheer laziness on the modders parts). But if you slap a stock ISD next to a Space Addon one, you'll find the lower-poly ISD with a bump map still looks better than the higher-poly ISD without it

Actually.. it depends..

First I come to treat bump mapping as a modeler being lazy.. not a modder being lazy

"Never substitute a bump map for geometry that should be there"

thats whats said in production

of course in gaming its more efficient to use a bump map...



That being said..  A ship with more polies SANS bump map should look better because of the fact that the detail is actually there, than one with one trying to make up for it.. Bump maps get you close.. not that close


However normally *IN EAW* good bump maps and low poly counts do indeed look better than high poly sans bum.. due to the fact that if they DID add the geometry that the bump map added.. the poly count would go off the charts, those models problably dont have all the details modeled and are expected to have those in the bump map .. just out of the fact that it will go in game


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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Actually.. it depends..

First I come to treat bump mapping as a modeler being lazy.. not a modder being lazy

"Never substitute a bump map for geometry that should be there"

thats whats said in production

of course in gaming its more efficient to use a bump map...



That being said..  A ship with more polies SANS bump map should look better because of the fact that the detail is actually there, than one with one trying to make up for it.. Bump maps get you close.. not that close


However normally *IN EAW* good bump maps and low poly counts do indeed look better than high poly sans bum.. due to the fact that if they DID add the geometry that the bump map added.. the poly count would go off the charts, those models problably dont have all the details modeled and are expected to have those in the bump map .. just out of the fact that it will go in game



Homeworld 2 engine doesn't use bumpmaps, so Warlords models don't have bump-maps. However, for EaW/FoC's engine to compare with HW2's, it needs it's one advantage: bump-map capability. Bump maps actually look better in EaW than modeled on details (due to the engine's lighting effects). Unless a model is in the multi-100k range of polies (such as the original Legacy SD model on scifi meshes), textures tend to look flat even with modeled details. Bump-maps give a 3d effect without having to model (significantly increasing poly count) all the tiny details of the texturing.


But I digress. Use em or not, your choice. I'm just saying they'll look better if they get added.


Either way, imagine high-polies...with bump maps. ;D Very good eye candy, lol.




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As people have said above.. dont think that way.. I am guessing you havnt really seen what bump maps can really do.. *refer you to my sig i do!*

you dont have to put bump maps if you dont want...

If you do however.. dont forget about the specular map.. A bump map looks absolutely horrible if the specular map is set incorrectly... 

Oh I´m adding them now.


specular map is set incorrectly... 

What is the specular map?

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

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I have corrected the hardpoints on all the new models and added the bump maps on all them less on three, I have problems with the family repair yard, shipyard, rebel plattform and Ion battery, with bump map they take a brown color.


By the moment I have added these models.



Bulk Cruiser

Bulk Freighter

Cargo Facility 1

Cargo Facility 2

Cargo Ferry



Container Transport




family repair yard

Ferry Boat Liner






Imperial Search ship

Imperial Search Center

Industrial Complex







Repair Yard

Imperial Scout Craft







Tie Droid Interceptor Warhead


Now I go to add a few fighters.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

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You can give it as mant abitilities as you want, from what I know, but onky 3 will show on the commandbar


Only TWO show in the command bar.


I think what he and myself are asking is if you can set a unit to have more than two abilities and still have them button activated.



Acclamator Cruiser


(manually activated) power to weapons

(manually activated)power to engines

(manually activated)power to shields


Is this example possible?


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Only TWO show in the command bar.


I think what he and myself are asking is if you can set a unit to have more than two abilities and still have them button activated.



Acclamator Cruiser


(manually activated) power to weapons

(manually activated)power to engines

(manually activated)power to shields


Is this example possible?


Technically. As it is, the GUI only supports two ability buttons. The only way around this would be to add some abilities as Passive abilities (such as Jedi ability to deflect blaster shots), or to modify the ALO models the GUI uses by adding more bones so more ability buttons can be displayed. That would allow you to (potentiall) add as many ability-button locations as you desire...I think... ;D




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Only TWO show in the command bar.


I think what he and myself are asking is if you can set a unit to have more than two abilities and still have them button activated.



Acclamator Cruiser


(manually activated) power to weapons

(manually activated)power to engines

(manually activated)power to shields


Is this example possible?

I have tried it and the answer is no, you can not because with keys the unit will not accept the last abilitie.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

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Actually, Right-clicking on it won't even show the third.

Tried and tested, thank you very much. The hot key may be the only way to activated it, but I know for SURE the AI can access the third ability, but not the player.


"That was fun"

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If somebody want all the Xwing Alliance ALO models with their textures and code I´m uploading now the EAWAlliance1.5 mod with all them to my server, you will can download them on www.firefoxccmods.com or www.clannomada.com . I remember you that it is a Spanish EAW mod.


This is the complete list of the ships that I have converted.


*Scout Craft.

*Imperial Searchship.

*TIE Warhead.

*TIE Booster.

*TIE Biggun.

*TIE Bizarro.

*Loronar ModStrike Cruiser.

*Bulk Cruiser.










*Plattform XQ1.

*Plattform XQ2.

*Plattform XQ3.

*Plattform XQ4.

*Plattform XQ5.

*Plattform XQ6.

*Bulk Freighter.

*Cargo Facility 1.

*Cargo Facility 2.

*Cargo Ferry.





*Container Transport.



*Family repair yard.

*Ferry Boat Liner.







*Imperial Search Center.

*Industrial Complex.







*Repair Yard.









And if you want see more new things there is a Super Star Destroyer Eclipse I from the AGDV3 mod that probably their creators do not recognize witn many changes on engines, textures, hardpoints and code.


About other ships I have edited other Evilljedi converted to other mods as SAU3.0 Reloaded, SpaceAddon making on them many changes on textures, paticle effects and on special on hardpoints.




As always I remember you that these ships are from Evilljedi and they were originaly converted to ALO format by the creators of the mods SAU3.0 Reloaded and SpaceAddon/FocSpaceAddon.


The mod EAWAlliance was created thanks to the creators from these mods and these more.





Ultimate EAW

EaW Total Realism


And if you want know I edited the ALO models with Ultimate Unwrap3D and 3DMax 8. Thanks to Mikeln by the Aloviewer and to Swgbex by his tutorials.

Xwing Alliance models were edited thanks to Isildur and his program Xwing Alliance OPT to 3d Studio file format converter,  v1.0 and Optgl1.04.

"Nada escapa a mis dominios".

Clan Nomada Web Site

FirefoxCCMods Web Site

(Only www.FirefoxCCMods.com is a English web site).

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