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Physics of Star Wars

Mikan Cyclone

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Well, I would say then that anything is really possible in the universe.  So it IS possible, IMO, to break the "light barrier" and go faster than the speed of light without the aid of worm holes, or black holes, or white holes, or a**holes, or any other kind of hole. 


It would be appreciated if someone checked out my script for a manga me and SharinganHaZe are working on. We really need some critiques and comments. It can be found here http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42901631/

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I was thinking about that.  Though their is craploads of stuff that say we CANT break the light barrier, what we don't believe can't hurt us, right?  The only thing I can see happening after we hit the light barrier is total and complete blackness, more black than anything ever seen.The complete abscence of light is something that we can never actually see, cause even in space, we have stars.  Anyway, I"m jsut ranting.  CHeeseman will come in and refute me with his crazy "scienmatology" (of no relation to Scientology).




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Hey, your just jealous of my brains  ;D


well you can't go faster then the speed of light, the max energy an object can have is equal to it's mass times the speed of light squared (E=MC2) Energy determines how fast an object is moving (K=1/2MV2) after you plug whatever object you are doing into those equations you will find it is impossible to reach the speed of light, you can get close, but never actually reach it


oh, and in star wars hyperspace does not refer to going faster then the speed of light, it refers to channels in space which is all in string theory

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Which brings us back to the channels in which the speed of light is actually faster than it is in a vacuum, therefore enabling "faster-than-light-in-a-vacuum" travel. Correct?


Its all ambiguous. I just try to forget about physics and juust enjoy it as a good movie, regardless if it is possible or not. Though it WOULD be cool...lol.


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Note: I am not jealous of your brains.  That would NEVER happen.

Also Note:  It is the THEORY of relativity.  Therefore, it is not a law, because it hasn't been 100% proven.  I choose not to believe it, though the Graviton theory doesn't look appealing either =P  Some of the theory makes sense though, like the whole "Space is curved" jazz.  However contradicting it is, I still believe that it's just a matter of time till the human race discovers some way to break the light barrier. 


Also, Hyperspace is an entirely different dimension, with different physics, much like Slipspace in Halo, only with star lines.




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I try to be different =P


Dimensions don't necessarily HAVE to fall into the string theory.  Only problem is, is that our human mind cannot bear to comprehend the basics of the nature of other dimensions.  My belief of the dimensions is really...different...and even I don't understand it.  It's kinda like an infinite web of realities all linking to a single master reality (that I call 000) with a meeting point (that I call Lobby).  You can think my Idea is the biggest piece of BS in the world, but quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.  I won't even try to explain what Mythyk's dimensional beliefs are; only he can do that.


Back to Star Wars....Hypserspace...isn't something I think about much.  I don't really know how to explain it in my view.  Hyper/Slip/Whateverspace in my belief, is most likely the links between dimensions.  When a ship can cut through this, they are able to access the ability to go anywhere in their dimension.  Hyperspace is always activated in space because, as shown in Halo, it inflicts massive damage onto the surface of the planet.  Or, in some cases, it could be because the gravity well interferes with the ability of the drive to stay in that dimensional plane.  Ships in star wars have gravity well warnings instilled in them so they don't interrupt the gravity field, and therefore possibly come out of hyperspace in the middle of the sun.

That's my opinion at least.




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It's kinda like an infinite web of realities all linking to a single master reality (that I call 000) with a meeting point (that I call Lobby).

Thats basically M theory, simplified. lol.


Another thing I dont get about the physics of Star Wars, is blasters. I mean, they shoot lasers right? Imagine how quickly you would have to release the trigger to get a laser shorter than say, a line?


There is a an theory that there are lanes of something (It was a long time ago Maybe energy) but the point is that if you found one of these lanes you COULD POSSIBLEY travel faster than light


I read that in an old copy of New Scientist. Ill find the article when i get the time.

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the blasters make sense (more or less) the gun could have a form of capictor that would limit the amount of energy released at once, so it wouldn't matter how fast you release it, holding it down wouldn't do anything either, because it would release a set amount of energy and that would be it...so it could, theoretically, shoot just a quick blast without having the user have super quick fingers....but the problem I see with star wars blasters is how people (such as leia) get hit, but don't die....with the energy in a laser leia, could, theoretically live, but she would have lost the arm that was hit, it wouldn't leave just a small wound, the laser would blast a hole right through you
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and for some reason the blasters shoot really slow. I mean they are lasers that are supposed to go at the speed of light. Now it would be boring if in the movies they actually did go the speed of light but they still go really slow.
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what of instead of lasers they were plasma,

It's kinda like an infinite web of realities all linking to a single master reality (that I call 000) with a meeting point (that I call Lobby).

Yeah thats something like what i believe(just no lobby)


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the blasters make sense (more or less) the gun could have a form of capictor that would limit the amount of energy released at once, so it wouldn't matter how fast you release it, holding it down wouldn't do anything either, because it would release a set amount of energy and that would be it...so it could, theoretically, shoot just a quick blast without having the user have super quick fingers....but the problem I see with star wars blasters is how people (such as leia) get hit, but don't die....with the energy in a laser leia, could, theoretically live, but she would have lost the arm that was hit, it wouldn't leave just a small wound, the laser would blast a hole right through you


They charge the energy over time tin the capacitors to release a shorte burst of energy rather than beam. And why her arm didn't fall off, its because she is a main protagonist. Anyone else would have lost that arm, or even died from that shot.

You saw thsoe stormies and rebels die rly fast on Tantive...


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yeah, I know...anything worse then a paper cut and a storm trooper will die, but a main hero can take a bullet to the head and miraculously live through the experience!!!!!!!


A lot of you guys are really empathetic to the stormtroopers, eh? 

At any rate, that's poetic license most of the time.  I just wish that some fanboys/girls, would not complain so much about it. 


It would be appreciated if someone checked out my script for a manga me and SharinganHaZe are working on. We really need some critiques and comments. It can be found here http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42901631/

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Actually, I'm not that empathetic to the stormies, I just like stories that kill off a main character or two. And I mean kill of the main protagonist (but leave the side protagonists to finish the story).


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but the point is even if a main character were to die, a stormtrooper would not do the killing it would be darth vader or someone like that


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WHAT!!!  :o  That's one of the GREATEST death scenes in all fiction.  The series would be boring if no protagonist died at SOME point.  No main protagonist even died in the film.  Someone had to die.  And who better than Chewie, IMO one of my all time favorite Star Wars characters, he is loved by fans in a subtle way, and is sometimes taken for granted by Star Wars fans.  Without him dying you probably wouldn't be talking as much about how great he was.  It's catharsis, for gosh sakes.  Get some un-pretty tragedy into your systems.  Through Chewie's sacrifice we are reminded in his death of how awesome he was in his, albeit fictional, life. Plus, it took an ENTIRE MOON to kill Chewie.  (I'm surprised Chewie's massive amounts of awesome didn't cause the moon to stop from crashing and begin orbiting around our furry friend.)  That cause of death is testament to his greatness.  BTW, it was Yo'Gand's Core that caused the moon to crash, not regular physics.  So that sort of thing COULD and DID happen.

*steps off soapbox*


It would be appreciated if someone checked out my script for a manga me and SharinganHaZe are working on. We really need some critiques and comments. It can be found here http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42901631/

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that death was lame. I mean come on ::) a moon dropped on your head!? like something out of a terrible 1960's sci-fi movie. Chewie was too cool to kill. Jar Jar should have died instead. Then everyone would love the book. They should have killed off the solos, especially the children they're annoying. I'm glad they killed anakin solo later HE was abnoxious.
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Without him dying you probably wouldn't be talking as much about how great he was.  It's catharsis, for gosh sakes.


well for one thing only the real die hard star wars fans read the books, so those people (including me) who haven't read the books talk about how great he is not because he died, but because he had a cool hair style! duh! get with the program! :D


well it is a lame death, I have never personally read it, but I have heard of it and how he was killed by a moon dropping on his head....that is the lamest way to die ever! They could have killed him off thousands of other ways! but they had to pick the dumb way. Being shot by a third death star would have been cooler! and more dramatic!

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He should have died like Ganner Ryshode or something. Taking a lone stand against an army of Vongs.


That would have been better. Or shot by a stormtrooper. That works too and is still less lame than a moon crushing him.


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