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Crappy Glitch


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Ok, it turns out it's not as crappy as SOME glitches :D


Anyways, a while back, I made a Droideka MK1 for TUM, but it didn't work. I was afraid it was a problem with the model, and that I'd have to scrap it again if I recoded it with the MK2 code. I replaced it with the MK2. But now, when I was working on my sith ghosts, they have the exact same problem! None of the passive abilities work(Most likely manual also), they won't move, and even the shield/lightsaber won't go on!


What's wrong? I used a varient of Bhaalshad's Dark Side adept code. (Thanks Bhaalshad ;D)


  <GroundInfantry Name="Sith_Ghost">
    <Encyclopedia_Text> TEXT_TOOLTIP_DARKSIDE_ADEPT </Encyclopedia_Text>
    <Encyclopedia_Unit_Class> TEXT_ENCYCLOPEDIA_CLASS_DARKSIDE_ADEPT </Encyclopedia_Unit_Class>
    <GalacticBehavior> SELECTABLE </GalacticBehavior>
    <Garrison_Category> Infantry </Garrison_Category>
    <!-- Lightsaber holstering data -->
    <SFXEvent_Draw_Weapon> Unit_Light_Saber_On </SFXEvent_Draw_Weapon>
    <SFXEvent_Holster_Weapon> Unit_Light_Saber_Off </SFXEvent_Holster_Weapon>
    <Holster_Weapon_Bone_Name> b_saber </Holster_Weapon_Bone_Name>
    <Holster_Drawn_Bone_Translation> 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 </Holster_Drawn_Bone_Translation>
    <Holster_Holstered_Bone_Translation> 0.0, -5.835, 0.0 </Holster_Holstered_Bone_Translation>
    <Holster_Transition_Time_In_Secs> 0.17 </Holster_Transition_Time_In_Secs>
    <Holster_Minimum_Drawn_Time_In_Secs> 15.0 </Holster_Minimum_Drawn_Time_In_Secs>
    <Holster_Disable_Engine_Loops> Yes </Holster_Disable_Engine_Loops>
    <SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_Vader_Lightsaber_Idle_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop>
    <SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_Vader_Lightsaber_Moving_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop>
    <SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop> Unit_Vader_Lightsaber_Cinematic_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop>
    <SurfaceFX_Name>Generic_Footprint, Infantry_Terrain_Modifier</SurfaceFX_Name>
    <Movement_Animation_Speed> 0.8 </Movement_Animation_Speed>
    <Custom_Soft_Footprint_Radius> 6.5 </Custom_Soft_Footprint_Radius>
    <Custom_Hard_XExtent> 2.0 </Custom_Hard_XExtent>
    <Custom_Hard_YExtent> 2.0 </Custom_Hard_YExtent>
    <Space_Layer> Land </Space_Layer>
    <UnitCollisionClass> Infantry </UnitCollisionClass>
    <FormationSpacing> .5 </FormationSpacing>
    <MinimumPushReturnDistance> 10 </MinimumPushReturnDistance>
    <Min_Speed> .1 </Min_Speed>
    <OverrideAcceleration> .1 </OverrideAcceleration>
    <OverrideDeceleration> .25 </OverrideDeceleration>
    <Mouse_Collide_Override_Sphere_Radius> 10.0 </Mouse_Collide_Override_Sphere_Radius>
    <!-- If you want heroes to contribute to political control, use Political_Control_Bonus_Ability -->
    <Armor_Type> Armor_Hero </Armor_Type>
    <Projectile_Appearance_Delay_Frames> 16 </Projectile_Appearance_Delay_Frames>
    <SFXEvent_Health_Low_Warning> Unit_Attack_Darkside_Adept </SFXEvent_Health_Low_Warning>
    <SFXEvent_Health_Critical_Warning> Unit_Attack_Darkside_Adept </SFXEvent_Health_Critical_Warning>
    <CategoryMask> Infantry </CategoryMask>
    <!-- LandHero -->
    <Ranking_In_Category> 2 </Ranking_In_Category>
    <Blob_Shadow_Scale>5.0, 5.0</Blob_Shadow_Scale>
    <Ground_Infantry_Turret_Target> Yes </Ground_Infantry_Turret_Target>
    <Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
      <!-- Primary ability -->
        <GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> Emperor_Force_Lightning </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name>
        <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
        <SFXEvent_Target_Ability> Unit_Lightning_Emperor </SFXEvent_Target_Ability>
      <!-- Secondary ability -->
        <GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> Vader_Force_Whirlwind </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name>
        <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
        <Effective_Radius> 500.0 </Effective_Radius>
        <Spawned_Object_Type> Force_Whirlwind_Particles </Spawned_Object_Type>
    <Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
      <Redirect_Blaster_Ability Name="Squad_DJ_Redirect_Blaster">
        <!-- Redirection chance is rolled first. If failed, we roll block chance. If failed, we take the damage. -->
        <Max_Projectile_Redirection_Angle_In_Degrees> 135.0 </Max_Projectile_Redirection_Angle_In_Degrees>
        <!-- We can block/redirect shots from the following units types: -->
        <Applicable_Unit_Categories>Infantry, LandHero</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
        <Applicable_Unit_Types />
      <Earthquake_Attack_Ability Name="Squad_DJ_Attack_Structures">
        <!-- Note: As well as matching the below Unit_Category/Unit_Type filters, the -->
        <!-- target object must also have the EARTHQUAKE_TARGET behavior attached. -->
        <Applicable_Unit_Types />
        <SFXEvent_Activate />
        <Target_Particle_Bone_Name />
      <System_Spy_Ability Name="Squad_DJ_System_Spy">
      <Force_Lightning_Ability Name="Emperor_Force_Lightning">
        <!-- <Activation_Style>Special_Attack</Activation_Style> -->
        <Activation_Style> User_Input </Activation_Style>
        <Applicable_Unit_Types />
        <Start_Lightning_Frame_Number> 8 </Start_Lightning_Frame_Number>
        <!-- See LightningEffectTypes.xml -->
        <Lightning_Max_Targets> 15 </Lightning_Max_Targets>
        <!-- How many victims will the lightning seek out, including original target -->
        <Lightning_Targets_Radius> 100.0 </Lightning_Targets_Radius>
        <!-- How far from the original target will the lightning seek for other victims -->
        <SFXEvent_Target_Affected />
        <!-- B_FOOT_R B_FOOT_L -->
        <Target_Light_Effect_Color>0.3, 0.3, 0.8</Target_Light_Effect_Color>
        <Target_Light_Effect_Color2 />
      <Force_Whirlwind_Ability Name="Vader_Force_Whirlwind">
        <!-- <Activation_Style>Special_Attack</Activation_Style> -->
        <Activation_Style> User_Input </Activation_Style>
        <!-- We need to be within this distance of the clicked target to consider activating Force Whirlwind -->
        <!-- How long does it take for the shockwave to spread from the hero to the max range? -->
        <!-- Percentage chance to activate given a certain number of valid targets in range. -->
        <!-- First number in the pair is the number of valid targets, second is the chance to activate. -->
        <Activation_Chance>0,0.0, 1,0.0, 5,1.0, 500,1.0</Activation_Chance>
        <!--				<Activation_Chance>0,0.0, 500,0.0</Activation_Chance>	< ! - - never activate -->
        <!-- We only consider the following unit types "valid targets": -->
        <Applicable_Unit_Types />
        <Owner_Particle_Bone_Name />
        <Owner_Light_Effect_Color>2.0, 2.0, 2.0</Owner_Light_Effect_Color>
        <Owner_Light_Effect_Color2 />
        <Owner_Light_Effect_Pulse_Count />

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Well..since I hate reading code in those viewports..I can tell you that I dont see a container for your unit. I had a few glitches with abilitiesnot showing up. Adding a container fixed it. Also, can you right click the unit and use the abilities or no?
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They don't go in squads though...


I changed the abilities, the AI targeting priority set, and the model.

It's not just the abilities, they won't even move, and their lightsabers won't go on.


I had the same glitch with a droideka, once. Shields wouldn't go on.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Squad or no squad you can still use a container...if they dont move.. then check the animation speed.

There's only one per squad...

They don't need containers.

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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So has anyone actually got a working Droideka 1 working?


If so z3r0x are you planning on adding that as well as the AAT and perhaps Bails Probe droid land on your next release?


Anyway the Droideka thing Has me stumped and one with a shield would be cool.

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So has anyone actually got a working Droideka 1 working?

A few people. Lets stay on topic.


I found a problem, but apparently this wasn't the problem. *SIGH* I've got worse glitches, and I'm soooo sick of looking at ghostly faces staring blankly at me.


I have another glitch with Clone Troopers. They work fine as indigenous units of Kamino, but won't be built by the rebels(never tested Empire).


  <GroundCompany Name="Clone_Trooper_Squad_Kamino">
    <Encyclopedia_Good_Against> Rebel_Trooper Plex_Soldier </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
    <Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> MPTL Rebel_Infiltrator UC_Rebel_Buildable_Anti_Infantry_Turret </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
    <GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>
    <!-- changed to reflect the real health of the units-->
    <Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories> Yes </Build_Time_Reduced_By_Multiple_Factories>
    <Create_Team_Type> Clonetrooper_Team</Create_Team_Type>
    <!-- AI  Changed to 18 troopers in squads of 9 -->
    <Company_Units>Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW, Squad_Clone_Trooper_GCW</Company_Units>
    <Max_Squad_Size> 9 </Max_Squad_Size>
    <GUI_Offset>0 0 5</GUI_Offset>
    <Tactical_Build_Prerequisites />
    <Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
      <!-- Primary ability -->
        <Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER,	 0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
        <Mod_Multiplier>TAKE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER, 0.5f</Mod_Multiplier>
  <GroundCompany Name="Clone_Trooper_Squad_Kamino_R">
    <Company_Units>Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R, Squad_Clone_Trooper_R</Company_Units>


I'd rather fix this one, since this is what my mod is all about. I could just scrap the sith ghosts...


Hmm thats interesting.. Some one unit heroes have containers.. and I added a container to one of my new droid units.. works like a champ.

Thanks. I'll try it. What droid unit would this be?

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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Well, for mine, I didn't use any ofthe container-required abilities. I don't think the Infiltrator uses a container, not sure...but when I tried using a container, I got a ring and my infantry, all working, the ring follows the single soldier (ok), BUT it also sometimes refuses to follow the unit, and the FoW Reveal follows the ring, so my infantry heads into the fog...and dissapears. So I just scrapped the whole conatiner and no such problem, the infantry retained its own sight range.


Maybe it was just a coding blunder on my part in the container (but it was a direct copy...and I tried using both the SQUAD version and the normal version. Same problem...), no container, pouf it worked.


Well, I'd guess it wound't hurt to try a container right? Its not going to get worse than it is.


Psst. should be "Rebel" not "Rebels"


"That was fun"

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*slaps forehead*




Thanks. Now my mod can actually be fun for me again. :)

"I feel fantastic and I'm

Still Alive

and when you're dying I will be

Still Alive

and when you're dead I will be

Still Alive


Anybody who thinks Palpatine is a sepratist knows NOTHING about star Wars

When in doubt- rocket it.

Dowload The Underworld's Might beta from Filefront!

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