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Spacestructure.xml - where's this thing???


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I'm trying to code and explosive asteroid to an upcoming map, and I'm thinking in use the orbital resource container as a base code. The problem is that I can't find where this structure is in!

In the map editor it stays under SpaceStructures, but there isn't a xml with this name and it's neither in SpaceProps, Buildables, etc.  :P

Any help?

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SpecialStructures.xml have you tried?



Scratch that, that';s just the file with the destructable asteroids.


But I DO remeber finding the file before.




- Props_Story.XML


and the code that makes it go BOOM:




Edited by Droid803


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Thaaaaank you a lot, D803!  ;D

I took a look at Props_Generic.xml, but I couldn't ever imagined that it was under Props_Story.xml (since it wasn't under this category in ME).



Ok, I coded the explosive asteroid, but it doesn't work at all:


<SpaceProp Name="Explosive_Asteroid_A">
	<Text_ID />
	<Encyclopedia_Unit_Class />
	<Facing_Adjust>0.0, 0.0, 0.0</Facing_Adjust>
	<Mass />
	<Armor_Type> Armor_Satellite </Armor_Type>
	<Reveal_During_Setup_Phase> false </Reveal_During_Setup_Phase>

	<Radar_Icon_Size>0.05  0.05</Radar_Icon_Size>



The problem is that fighters can hit it, but turbo lasers and laser cannons don't hit it, and torpedoes and missiles don't hit it either... Any help, please?

Edited by HK-47
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- Props_Story.XML


and the code that makes it go BOOM:




Does this work on Land?


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Its a generic Particle effect.  ::)


So yes, it does.

Does it only affect enemies?

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No, not really. You'll have to wait for that alo importer.



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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Thanks for the explanation... Project Peragus XII will wait...  :-\

1upD, I don't remmember the name, but I know there's an explosive container in land battles (it was used in Dathomir mission)... Is should be under Props_Story.xml, it's code may help you...

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Don't be so hasty about stopping that map...



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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Yep. Asteroids are easy to make in Max. I made it, applied the ingame texture, and added a coll mesh.



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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I should make a kamikaze unit


*remembers bet to make Geo kamikaze if FoC included Ewok handlers*


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Isn't it Peragus II? I tried making the map using default props (explosive containers inside destructable asteorids. It didn't work very well due to 1: Lag, 2: um...BOOM! and 3: uh...well, it didn't look right lol.

Volatile Asteorids...1 stray laser = annihilates map O_O...that would be cool tho.


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Yes! In Kotor, it's Peragus II. But Kotor story was too many time ago  :P, and now there's another disastrous mining attempt in the Peragus System, this time orbiting the 12th planet of the System: Peragus XII!  ;D

Unfortunately, I don't think if there is a model of a half-exploded planet with a exposed core, so I'll use the destroyed planet remains prop (another planet that I would like to put as background in a space battle, is Telos IV with the restoration project almost completed and a very small part of the Citadel Stations still around it  ::))

I'm building the "explosive asteroid field" around the entire map and some other smallers in small sections, if you shot one little asteroid of the the bigger field, almost everything will BOOW! And you loose...  :P

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Well that was my problem, I stuck the explosive things everytwhere and 1 shot hit and the whole map lit up with fireworks, then my game crashed.


I think Citadel Station can be done with the "death star surface" props pretty easily.


Maps that require mods to run are more interesting, but hmm, well, a hassle to manage. Good luck :P


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Your game crashed? Uh, my game can be a bit slow when there are lots of explosions, because I run all graphic settings (except shadows because I don't like) in max, but it never crashed... I hope that won't be a problem to me... And the persons who downloads the maps...  :(


Some days ago, when I had the Peragus XII idea, I thought in making a land map in Citadel Station using some of the DS surface props, but in space, well it's not a bad idea... ::) But the problem is that... let's say that I would need to create another credits resource (probably an space dock, since it won't have asteroids) and I would need to put the in the three DS props code, to it look better and add some of the Urban Props to Space...


If I had more skills in modding (or perhaps if I have some skills in modding  :P), I'll make much more maps - I have lots of ideas (like indoor battles inside a ship like an Acclamator and out the ship, in background, the AI vs AI in an amazing battle - I can do the map but I can't add the space ships to land yet and the Hostile variant factions that I made for space maps don't work at all - Hostile A, B and C were supposed to be enemies of each other and neutral to Rebels/Empire/ZC, but they fire on everybody  :P)

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I quit it because it froze up, practically....300 explosive resource pods going off simultaneously much?


Well, you oculd just COPY the hostile faction entirely and change the allies and enemies. make them ALLIED with Rebels, Empire and Zann.


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I did it (and I made entries in the Text File to avoid confusion in the ME).

And I in Hostile A code in example, I put only Sarlaac (to future projects) and Hostile B and C in Enemies...

I made three additional hostile factions because in the maps, A will be Empire, B Rebels and C the Consortium. But neither of them should fire at the player's units independent of the player's faction. It should work as if you were the commander of an Fleet and the Hostile ABC commanders of another fleets (enemies or not)...

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(like indoor battles inside a ship like an Acclamator and out the ship, in background)

That would be amazing! Do it! Do it!

Indoor maps look hard...


I modified the Hypori campaign map once to work in skirmish. It was sweet. Lots of claustrophobic infantry-only areas. I think it would be smart to modify the Coruscant museum to make the insides of ships.

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Modify the Coruscant map? No no no...  ;) I took a look in it and I think it would be easier (at least to me) to try to do from a blank map... But that would take a lot of time to finish and without the battle outside, I don't think it would be that cool... But who knows?! The future always in motion is...  :P
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It's not as hard as it looks. Took me a while, but look at all the thousands of things that need to be added to make good interior maps!


(Hint: If you double click something, it selects all objects of that object's type)

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Hmm... Maybe you can be right...  ;)

To the hint, thanks, but I already knew that.  ;D

Is this modified map going to be in the next version of your mod? I would like to take a look in it...

But, no worries, the biggest problem is the Space units in land (no, I'm not saying it's because of my lack of modding skills anymore, since I saw it isn't that hard at all: the units wouldn't need to be buildable and most of them could have almost unlimited health, so we'd have an background for hours... But now I say that because of the scale! But perhaps, since you'd  be already inside an Acclamator, they wouldn't need to be that big, let's only suppose that they're very far  ;D).

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