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idk if u can make it slow unless you make the animations slower but if u put an explosion with the deathclone model for example heres the normal moncal deathclone in the spaceunitscapital.xml file


















supposedily i think u can make the explosion MUCH BIGGER if you do this RV_MONCALCRUISER_D.ALO, (explosion name)


this is theoretical and has not been tested yet but u can try

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I will try this. I hope it will work.

I was trying to have bigger explosions especially for large capital ships.

More over as I like models around especially from SAU and Space Add on, I would like to have better and slower death animations like in the stock game. My lack is that I can't model so my only hope is to do something via coding.

THX for the help. I hope you may provide more about this in the future. :D

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Some fixes I've found:


Change the Death Explosion for the hardpoints - destructable hardpoints emit their explosion again once the ship is destroyed. (Use Friggin_Huge_Explosion_Space).

And you can change the death explosions on the ship to that too.


The explosions on death clones are timed, and they trigger specified explosions. You'll need to re-export to get huuuuge explosions everywhere tho.


"That was fun"

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Thx a lot for the clue.

But what you mean for re-export?


You have to work on the death clones (as they are animations) in 3ds max, and then export them to .ala format (alamo animation).  So if you have a custom model that you can load up into max, you can edit the death explosion for it and add new or bigger explosions to the animation track and then re-export it.  If you're trying to add on explosions to the game's death clones, there's nothing you can do with that -- we can't import .alo and .ala formats yet.

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