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Has anyone noticed that...(about skiprays/tie defenders/b-wings)...


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TIE defenders should be better than any other fighter at killing fighters. B-wings on the other hand should suck at killing fighters but not as bad as Y-wings. and the skiprays............ I dunno much about them but uhhhhh sure whatever
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I love how the defenders can pwn as a fighter and a bomber, those things are so usefull as a backup. You just bring them in where there are no vettes, and goodbye enemy cap ships.

The vipers are WAY overpowered. 5 or so squadrens can strip an isds sheilds and start pounding its hardpoints, and the buzz droids kill vettes easy if you arent looking and forget to keep them moving.

Skiprays are really weak, the only thing cheap about them is that the high lvl consortium station spawns way too many.

"For every TIE fighter you shoot down, a thousand more rise to take its place"

-Baron Fel


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