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this is where you can make up characters for the video and other people can commant in them


my character which i made up when walking home from school :D


Name:Colonel Borlov(still needs a first name)

Profession: Leader of the Freedom Hunters(a small fleet)


Misc stats:(things such as hight and other things)


background: Borlov was a Colonel in the clone wars. he commanded a venator called the ...... and served in the open-Circle fleet under general Kenobi. but was soon transfered with his ship to be a long ranged scout. near the end of the clone wars. Borlov was sure Palatine was up to something but he didn't know what.


when order 66 was issued to the cloneTroopers on his ship Borlov fought to save the Jedi along with most of his crew. luckily most of the clone troopers were on the planets surface and with the Jedi's help he manged to defeat what was left on the ship. he then took the few Jedi that were left to where ever they wanted to go to hide from the empire, after this he turned to smuggling and other things to keep his ship running. but he was alway ready to help the Jedi and to fight the empire who he felt betrayed him and his crew. through only the high ranking officers in the FH and the soldiers who have seen him in action knew but his second in command was a jedi(Lt-Colonel Jeres Val)the fact that he was a jedi was kept secret to protect him and the ships crew he installed a secret tunnal that lead to a eta-II intercepter incase of attack on the ship and the Lt-Colonel needed to escape from the empire


while he never joined the rebel alliance(he wanted to stay away from any new government for he vowed never to trust another one again.) he did fight in many battles with them.


He keeps a strong sense of morals never attack someone with lasers unless they were shot at first (unless they were the empire)always preferring to use ion cannons. he keeps a strong crew and nearly everyone of the ship can do at least two of the jobs needed to keep it running. his pilots are among the best and he keeps mixed star fighters and shuttles. once you join his ship you have a vote in everything that happens aboard it. every year they can vote for a new caption but none has ever called up the vote for it. lately he as been seen flying with smuggler groups but if he's joined them for money or morals or something else remains to be seen


Freedom Hunters

the Freedom Hunters are a small group that was formed just after the clone wars.they are lead by Colonel Borlov and his second in command Lt-Colonel Valthey. they mainly just goes around trying to make a living. they have been know to work with smugglers and other groups and even fought with the rebels at times. the Freedom Hunters Fleet only has One Venator as the flag ship and lots of smaller ships. through no one knows where they keep their base is it is most likely on the outer rim. The empire has put a large reward for info on the group or the capture of any members but has had no luck so far. they have been know to hide jedi and like their leader are willing to do anything to help them.



Freedom Hunter logo (made by DS)


Freedom Hunters timeline


19BBY- Freedom Hunters (FH) formed by Colonel Borlov

18BBY- FH sets up main base on planet Dantooine

17BBY- FH starts to do jobs for different smuggler groups

16BBY- FH send a task force to attack an Imperial weapon convoy and steal as much as possible and destroys the rest

16BBY- after convoy was attack Imperials puts out a 10,000Credit reward for any information that leads to the capture of the FH

15BBY- FH attacks a small imperial base and steals a squadron of TIE Fighters

14. 1/2BBY- Imperials increases reward to 20,000credits

13BBY- A X-FH member tells imperials where the FH base is. Imperials kill the traitor so they don’t have to pay the reward then attacks the base. FH had already fled the base leaving traps that kill half a squadron of Stormtroopers and 3 TIE fighters

13BBY- FH lay low for awhile

8BBY- ships that have the FH lgo on them attack an imperial bacta Convoy and give it to worlds that need it.

8BBY- Many more raids by the FHs some of imperial bases some of other stuff.

7BBY- Raid on heavy imperial base by FH they make off with another squadron of TIE fighters plus some heavy Guns and other weapons. Reward up to 100,000 credits by now

6BBY- FH starts to need cash badly they arrange for the Colonel Borlov to be captured for the money. Once he is they launch a mission to break him out of Imperil hands.

5BBY- they lay low only launching raids to keep them alive and their ships running

0BBY- FH helps out the rebellion and gets two squadrons of X-wings as payment.

1ABY- FH launches another raid on an imperial base this time they make off with a TIE interceptor squadron. But they lose half the commando team.

2ABY- FH starts to attack imperial bases more often as well as helping out smugglers.

2ABY- Jeres Val joins the FH starts out at rank of captain because of useful leadership skills

3ABY- no attacks on imperials this year Imperials say they got scared of them and ran away

3ABY- FH seen flying with a smuggler group more often.

Edited by Controller


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Character Name: Trenos Drak (Look in PFF Mod thread)

Profession: Pirate/Technology Controller

Age: 26


Trenos is a fairly skilled assassin and a very powerful user of the shadow arts. He is called an assassin since he knows how to blend into the dark (or light) and attack using any means possible. His ship is called "Death Pearl" by people but he calls it "Hidden Pearl" since for those that come to oppose his ship never survive unless given mercy on those bright "days". Trenos helps those in need but only if they will pay him back in some form of favour. He tries to gain money by doing Assassin hits and killing important figures on major and minor planets. Nobody sees him coming but when he does its already to late since the hit has been blown and you see him escaping.


He used to train and then work for the secret Imperial Forces to destroy special selected targets. He successfully managed to assassinate key targets and threats to the Imperials. One day he accidently assassinated one of the Imperial Officers after being drugged by a smuggler with a dart gun. He was punished by working hard labor since he was a crusial asset to the Empire so his life was spared. Later he was freed he fled to a new planet with a stolen vehicle.


He helps the pirates and a third party called "Technology Controllers Organization" and helps control the peace on both sides hes on. Pirates such as Hutt tried to get him killed but he almost faced his blades until a small spider droid spotted him. Trying to not leave any clues behind he blew up the spider droid and fled from Tatooine and is now hi-jacking and destroying powerful weapons of war.

Edited by Ghostly_Substance
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Trenos is a fairly skilled assassin and a very powerful user of the shadow arts.


Shadow arts! Yata! ;) Anyway...


Character Name: Jeres Val

Profession: former Dark Jedi, Mercenary

Age: 25

Background: Selected for training after the Jedi Purge, Jeres Val was trained from the beginning as a Dark Jedi to serve Emperor Palpatine and enforce the New Order. He was one of the skillful few who survived the Sith Lord's training programs, and was hardened as a powerful Dark Jedi. After several successful first missions for the Empire, Jeres became fully aware of how the Empire was built and maintained. His missions were simple assassinations of Palpatine's political enemies and others who showed discontent with the new Imperial doctrine.


On his last mission as an Imperial assassin, Jeres Val was sent to find and eliminate a Jedi who had escaped the Purge. When he finally found the Jedi, he was struck by how different he was from Jeres' expectation. This Jedi was not a rebel or warmonger. He didn't even commit any crimes against the Empire. He was just hiding, trying to survive in a galaxy where he'd been betrayed. Jeres decided to learn from the Jedi instead of killing him. In the few short weeks Jeres was with the Jedi, he learned much about what it was to be a true Jedi, while keeping the Jedi's location secret. Unfortunately, an Imperial Intelligence agent discovered the Jedi's hiding place, and an assault was carried out in the dead of night.


Jeres left the Empire after that, vowing to fight against the injustice and cruelty that it embodied. He became a mercenary for a short time, doing odd jobs to earn some credits to buy his own ship. Eventually, two years after the Battle of Yavin, he fell in with Borlov's "Freedom Hunters", and worked his way up to become Borlov's Lieutenant Colonel. Now he fights the Empire more actively alongside the soldiers of the Hunters...

Edited by DragonShadow




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