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So what does the demo offer?(for those who have it)


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hopefully will be incredible. Anyone want to bet it'll be modded like hell like orginal demo cause they leave stuff in it?


I shall Name him MiniMe.... 

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lol the fileplanet page isn't even loading for me, i think theres too much traffic atm lol.


Glad i'm in the 3dgamers wait line although i tried to download something else from there earlier and i got some stupid error so i hope that doesn't happen again.

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i don't think petro is THAT stupid...i hope


if they are, then it's only good for us cheapos  ;D



[3:52:33 PM] Arbiter says: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin would cure all of his diseases....

[3:52:47 PM] Arbiter says: Except with the side effect of probable death.

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It seems like a prequel to the story. You start on Ryloth. You  have to corrupt Mandalore through piracy I believe. That launched a space battle. The ships hide in the asteroids and you need to laun.ch buzz droids. Once done, you send a defiler to Nal Hutta to access black market technology. Then you bypass there to steal the artifact from Jabba whose on Felucia. Nal Hutta is controlled by the Empire. Zahn talks their way through to Nal Hutta and lands. They then need to set up their mobile defense unit which can't move once a defense object is built. They also can't move on foot do to poisonous plants. So you pile into a transport and take a short ride where you have to move out on foot. You then encounter a few troops to take out. Urai Fen's sonic stunner and Zahn's bribery help. Then you need to make your way past two auto turrets using Urai Fen and Tyber's cloaking devices. You then sneak past there and take the artifact. Urai Fen escapes but the Empire comes in with At-st's and dark troopers to arrest Tyber. Urai Fen then feels that the Consortium needs to lay low on Kamino. You build a fleet to attack in space and then on land.


Some new units:

Pirate Ships, Transport, defilers, Urai Fen and Tyber.

Enemy Units: Noghri Assassin is seen, dark troopers also.


New abilities:


Cloaking shields, Buzz Droids, Laying Mines, and Stim packs to name a few.


New planets:

Mandalore (space only) Felucia (land only) Kamino (land and space)


I think that's everything. My game crashed on Kamino's land battle. So I'll go replay to be sure.

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It's a pretty good game from what I saw.  Like Yodaminch said, YOu start on Ryloth, corrupt Mandalore, get black market tech, go to Felucia, then do a little land thing in which Tyber is arrested.  Then you go to Kamino.  It was fun


All the units available looked cool to me.  I'm just sad I couldn't try out the giant Krayt Class.  All the Consortium ships have a jagged edge theme too them, which in my opinion, is the coolest.  The Buzz droids don't seem to do anything other than look cool...though I might not have seen their effect to the fullest.  The Demo is CAMPAIGN ONLY, no Skirmish or Galactic Conquest.  The Campaign is very straight forward, and also, Tyber has a good voice actor.  Unfortunetly, if you play through it all the way once, unless you have a freakish tendancy to do the same thing over and over again, or just want to look at pretty Felucia/Kamino, it has NO REPLAY VALUE.  Also, I'm about to test out the modability...see if I can't rip the units and ships to shreds and see how compatible they are with the Vanilla game :)




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I personally loved the land attack on kamino. I sold all space forces and loaded up on land forces. The transports cloak so you can sneak right up on the enemy. I had two transports positioned right by the empire shield. I let my tanks do the hard stuff, then I deployed my troops and Urai Fen to destroy the rest. Urai Fen is pretty interesting. He can self heal, cloak and confuse the enemy. He's a pretty powerful asset. I did lose him in the Kamino battle, but I had the time sped to the max so he came back within a few seconds. Can't wait for the full thing.
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I love the campaign and the abilities are more clearly pointed out. I like Kamino and its great detail and its exagerated capture of Tyber  ;D Not really exagerated but pretty cool. This demo lets us use more then that of the previous demo but it keeps lots out of our grasp which is a neat way of teasing us  :P The stealth I can see would get annoying and noobs would cry for a nerf of it. No AI saw me which is the way its supposed to be and the only time they attacked me was when I unlocked.  Have fun messing around with the Empire and I see that Petroglyph finally added real platforms (yay!!). Those Dark Troopers are evil to destroy but when you do its gone. I like how they added a money system to the death of units on land that just added to it.  I didn't lose any heroes (except Tyber but that was story).


Anyways this demo offered a lot then the previous one which is cool but i'm not sayign the last one suck just saying this one offers more. ;D

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i just finished playing the demo. i liked it a lot. i love the new faction. its verry interesting. the new units are cool too. i loved the land units. i think its going to balance out how good land battles and space battles are. because in EAW most people loved the space battles waaayy more than land. well from what i saw. but anyways im looking forward to getting this expansion.
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It was a pretty good demo, albeit short.  The buzz droid special ability seemed rather worthless...agreed.  I did enjoy the space battle over Kamino...I built a couple of each of the ships.  The Vengeance-class Frigates are fun, 2 of them owned the heck out of a Victory-class Star Destroyer.  Much fun  ;D



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damn im still downloading it via Xfire. 20% done. it went live while i was sleeping and then i forgot to set it up before school :'( so 80% to go :(


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Let the modding for the demo start !!! Let's race each other to see who finds hidden stuff ;)

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damn i cant be part of that race because by the time i get it you will have found most of the hidden stuff so i have something to say

anyone who finds any hidden stuff before i get the demo will be shot. do you all understand? ;D


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I had a little direct x trouble at first - seemed when I downloaded it from the microsoft site, it was missing a key file when I ran the game's diagnostic.  Had to get the missing file from a google search of it but it worked fine after that. (d2dx9_30.dll somethingerother).


EAW ran fine before, so I guess I messed up when I rinstalled Call of Duty 2 most likely. (I probably overwrote it to an older version of directx).


I didn't explore the whole demo yet, but first impression I have is I like the units as well. I think the idea of this faction using cloaking was probably the only way a third faction was going to work.  A few questions on it though.  The transport that's cloaked on the ground - does it have a troop capacity ceiling?  Again I haven't tested everything out to be sure, just want to know how many I should make per grouping of troops and mercs.  So far it would appear that, unless you use the transport in combat, you'll probably only ever need 1 on the battlefield.


I am also curious as to what target priorties and weak-against targets have changed among the empire and rebels due to the new faction being added.


Lastly a question about Zann.  In the Mandalore mission one objective is to capture a Venator (sp?) destroyer.  Is capturing ships a space bonus of the character or was it a fluke demo/camaign only thing?

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The demo was well put together. Whilst it gives an albeit short lived experience, it does allow you to see some very good units and interesting special weapons. I was quite glad to see a Kamino land based map, but I was disappointed to its still capable for vehicles to be used (troops would have been far more realistic to the actual kamino city).
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The F9-TZ transport does have a capacity limit. 


I do not believe capturing ships is a special ability from what I have seen.  I think it was just a campaign objective (similar to missions on the original EaW campaign).



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