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A few changes of my own.


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Ok well, I've been playing around for a while with this stuff and can't seem to get this right. Here are my questions as follows.


1) How do I go about adding new colors that you can select, without overwriting an existing one?

2) I made new name files for fighter squadrons, but when I add them and go in game, All I get are a bunch of these square things and then XVPs for the "ship" name thing.

3) How can I re-enable the ability for a jacked AT-AT to deploy troopers, but rebel troopers, a single squad consisting of 2 Plex Troopers and 3 soldiers.


Those of you who know me from the CnC community (Project Raptor mod) know I only ask questions if I really need help, and this seems to be one of those times.


Also does anyone know if there is a importer and exporter for gmax, or 3DS Max for .alo models the Falcons debris is huge compared to the actual ship and I must change that :P.

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Ok well, I've been playing around for a while with this stuff and can't seem to get this right. Here are my questions as follows.


1) How do I go about adding new colors that you can select, without overwriting an existing one?

2) I made new name files for fighter squadrons, but when I add them and go in game, All I get are a bunch of these square things and then XVPs for the "ship" name thing.

3) How can I re-enable the ability for a jacked AT-AT to deploy troopers, but rebel troopers, a single squad consisting of 2 Plex Troopers and 3 soldiers.


Those of you who know me from the CnC community (Project Raptor mod) know I only ask questions if I really need help, and this seems to be one of those times.


Also does anyone know if there is a importer and exporter for gmax, or 3DS Max for .alo models the Falcons debris is huge compared to the actual ship and I must change that :P.


I'm going to assume for this example you're making a rebel AT-AT and that you've already added it into Groundvehicles.xml and Groundcompaniesrebel.xml, or that you've made a variant entry on the empire AT-AT.  In the vehicle file you'll probably want to change the Text_ID entry to something like "TEXT_UNIT_AT_AT_WALKER_REBEL" and the Encyclopedia_Text entry to "TEXT_TOOLTIP_ATAT_REBEL", while in the companies file you'll want to change the Text_ID to "TEXT_REBEL_HEAVY_ASSAULT_COMPANY".  Or, if you've made a variant you'll want to add these entries to the variant description.


For the 2) part of your question, you'll want to download the DAT editor so you can add the new description lines to the masterenglish.dat file.  I'm too lazy to go find it at the moment, but you should be able to quickly locate it by googling "empire at war dat editor".  Once you have the editor, open the masterenglish.dat file and choose "insert line", then add one of your new identifier strings to the first box (e.g., TEXT_UNIT_AT_AT_WALKER_REBEL).  In the bigger box below that write in your description (e.g., "Rebel AT-AT").  Do this for all of your new text entries and they'll show up in-game just fine.  If you're a bit confused over what lines are used for what just take a look at the Imperial AT-AT entries in the file to see what you need to do.


For 3), the troopers from the AT-AT are actually a special ability in the entry and they deploy a company called "Veers_Deployed_Imperial_Stormtrooper_Squad", which is in the ground companies file.  You'll want to change the deployed trooper squad identification to something like "Rebel_Deployed_AT-AT_Squad" and then make a new entry for that squad in Groundcompaniesrebel.xml.  You can actually just cut and paste the Veers entry and then change it so it looks like the following:



Squad_Rebel_Trooper, Squad_Rebel_Trooper, Squad_Rebel_Trooper, Squad_Plex_Soldier, Squad_Plex_Soldier






You'll need to change the damage rating, of course.  I think the variant here will work, but I haven't tested it.  If not, you can always make a new company just by copying/pasting the rebel trooper company entry, then altering it so that it consists of two plex and three troopers with all the right damage/autoresolve/etc. stats.


Important:  the special deploy ability is listed in both the groundvehicle.xml file (for your rebel AT-AT) AND the groundcompaniesrebel.xml file (where the AT-AT is listed as its own company).  You'll need to make sure that the special deploy ability is listed correctly in BOTH entries (vehicle and company) in order for it to work properly.  Take a look at the imperial AT-AT if you aren't sure what I'm talking about (in both groundvehicles.xml and groundcompaniesempire.xml).


As for recoloring I don't know, but there's a thread on this board that described how to recolor units.



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That ISd color thing wont help with selectable colors, those are in GameConstants.xml, and I have tried adding on to it, but no selectable new colors appear.


Must I use the .DAT editor, I was under the impression that I needed FramWork to use it?


As for the AT-AT, I wasn't aware that I needed a new one, I was improving on the Hijacked one that is already there by uncommenting the ability, and then changing the infantry that are deployed, which I got to work, my problem comes when the first infantry hit the ground and are able to be selected the game freezes.

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hey vangurad

its mee hiho.. i didnt think you would switch engines since u did so well with project raptor .. nice to see you here workin on EAW


oh and exporter will be here when either mod tools are out .. or when someone finishes workin on his ALO exporter project.. somewhere in these forums there was a topic about it... we are all waitin :D


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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Must I use the .DAT editor, I was under the impression that I needed FramWork to use it?


I don't know that you *have* to use it, but I don't see why you wouldn't want to.  It makes editing the text lines simplicity itself.  And I don't know what you mean by needing FramWork, I just downloaded it, installed it, and was good to go. 


As for the AT-AT, I wasn't aware that I needed a new one, I was improving on the Hijacked one that is already there by uncommenting the ability, and then changing the infantry that are deployed, which I got to work, my problem comes when the first infantry hit the ground and are able to be selected the game freezes.


If you take out the hijacked entry then poor ol' Chewie can no longer hijack AT-ATs.  Which might be fine in the galactic game, but without that ability you're pretty much toast playing in the Rebel campaign (i.e., in one of the scenarios Chewies ability to hijack an AT-AT is pretty darned important).


You can make a rebel AT-AT just by adding a short entry as a variant, rather than a full entry.  Either way works.  In the variant all you have to do is add in the lines you're changing from the imperial version.


You definitely have to make the rebel company for the AT-AT, though, and the infantry company which the AT-AT deploys.  If you don't you might convince the game that an imperial AT-AT is deploying rebel troopers, or that a rebel AT-AT is deploying an imperial company consisting of rebel troopers, either of which will probably freeze the game.


All of this just involves cutting/pasting, changing a few lines, and adding the appropriate text entries via the DAT editor.



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No I mean when he's on the AT-AT already, it's added on, see they had it this way before, but then they commented it out. I was just re-enabling it except to spawn rebel troops instead. And Hiho, you're bound to see a mod from me for this sooner or later already have models that need converting ::). Oh and here's another question Max, How can I add a new Hardpoint image? I made one, you will also see it in IA2 if it's possible to add new ones. It's for the Supply Dock.
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i think once u re enable it u have to allow the rebels to call down troops since the empire had can only have 2 squads at a time .. maybe u have to add a line for the rebels to allow them to drop 2 squads.. i have the ability enabled but its just greyed out.. so i think thats what the problem is.. :/ ill finish when i come back


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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