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New empire Shipping Yards?

Guest Admiral_Antilles

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

Ok, here i was on day 89 playing Rebellion, on easy mind you with the smallest possible number of planets. I am using Diplomats up the yin yang when suddenly Yavin is Attacked! Sure, Sure, Its natural Yavin is always attacked, but, this time it was different 6 SSD's appear over yavin with 12 carrack cruisers, ON THE 89 DAY! I did not edit a thing in RebEd either. Tell me are there new Empire shipping yards or something?



Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 2 months later...

It can happen.


did you put the difficult on hard. becaus if you did, your enemy will start with more ships.


It happend to me on more then one occasion.

R2D2 Where are You.
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Ric, dude, the original post was being attacked by 3 Super Star Destroyers on Yavin on day 86...with no RebEding! I guess you missed something in the along the posted replies, because the original posted-scenario cannot happen in 86 days without editing! :wink:
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Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Easy, you simply should´ve built 6 Bulwarks and 15 CCs to defend Yavin. :lol::lol::lol:


No, seriously your copy of the game must really hate you. That´s what you get for constantly humiliating the AI. :lol:

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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  • 4 weeks later...
youre copy hates you like socl's copy. :(:wink:
Yeah, Antilliles, I'm pretty sure this is the root of the problem. I'm still working on trying to hack the game and get that bug out...but no success. :x


Still, are you sure you meant six SSDs...err...are you sure you meant SSDs? :?



Perhaps Antilliles has come across a secret none of us know about...perhaps it has something to do with the ellusive source code.... 8O

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No, SOCL; progame game data the likes of which we're after to catapult our beloved game into true mega-wooness, has nothing to do with what double A didn't stumble across.


For double A was perhaps flying. Flapping into the full force of realization of the Imperial might he was up against.


My guess is that any common sense left in his brain simply said 'Adios, you're on your own on this one;' and abrubtly left to make a pot of tea, while the rest of it's ID was awed by the presance of the Imperial Fleet.


It's a theory..

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No, SOCL; progame game data the likes of which we're after to catapult our beloved game into true mega-wooness, has nothing to do with what double A didn't stumble across.
I wasn't serious, bro. :roll:


For double A was perhaps flying. Flapping into the full force of realization of the Imperial might he was up against.
Agreed. :twisted:


My guess is that any common sense left in his brain simply said 'Adios, you're on your own on this one;' and abrubtly left to make a pot of tea, while the rest of it's ID was awed by the presance of the Imperial Fleet.


It's a theory..

Heh heh heh, once again, I agree. That does sound like something Antilliles would do. :lol:
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My guess is that any common sense left in his brain simply said 'Adios, you're on your own on this one;' and abrubtly left to make a pot of tea, while the rest of it's ID was awed by the presance of the Imperial Fleet.


It's a theory..


I think he just wanted to start an interesting thread. Something to discuss about, either it makes sense or not

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I think he just wanted to start an interesting thread. Something to discuss about, either it makes sense or not


That'd be just like him! He is the Master of all Spam after all.

Perhaps...but I thought we had given Antilliles that particular title....
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  • 3 months later...
Hey I can send you a savegame... I can manage to have 6 SSD on day 004. :) on normal Rebellion :) Try the last download from the TC area .... you will see some interesting staf there :):idea::!::idea:

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