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I'm having trouble with land TIEs and X-Wings. As some of you know I have TIEs included in my mod. They work great the only problem is that they dont target other air units since there using the speeder variant. How do i give them the ablity to target air units? I gave them the reg TIEs behavior and i got some surpirsing results. I call them bipolar ties. Since they start floating up facing downward (looking depressed) after they spawn then when i tell them to attack units they go crazy as if it were space combat (going through the map etc) Its cool and all but i need them to be higher up when they attack, but if i make them any higher they will not be seen. Can someone help me?

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First thing I would try is looking at behavior of AA units and see if there's something obvious that lets them target air units. There may be an AI behavior for it if you're lucky. Lookin GROUNDVEHICLES, not GROUNDCOMPANIES.
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Nope now they dont fire on anything at all :( But it was funny how they were firing at the same target and crashed into each other and exploded when i had the space unit behvaior on
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I would back up and start fresh, copying over the speeder entry and then changing only the TIE model and the name. Test it out as Rebels to keep variables to a minimum. If that works, change just the variables to make it an imperial unit. If that works, I'd start changing the other variables one by one and testing in between. Trying to do too many changes at once never works for me, and then it's impossible to tell which change caused the problem.
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