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Re: Victory Mod Beta 0.3 [Updated] (Use Space Ships in Land Battles!)

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Victory Mod

Beta 0.3


This is a mini-mod that lets you use atmospheric capable space ships in ground battles.  You can download it here:

Victory Mod Beta 0.3


The ships are still built at space stations with the usual costs and requirements and retain full capability in space battles.  However, they pop out on the ground (as long as there is room on the planet) and can be used in both defense and assaults (though they get dropped off in shuttles which looks kinda funny :P )



They use their turbolasers to devestating effect, demolishing ground units in single salvos.  The ion cannons sweep the battefield, disabling everything they touch.  They are vulnerable to beefed up air defenses though (including the planetary turbolaser, transformed in to devestating anti-ship weapons) and their weapons cannot puncture planatery shields, so you will still need your grunts to go in and do the dirty work.  This is the mod for all those commanders who are tired of having their huge fleet sit in orbit doing nothing while their poor troops get slaughtered!



Ship List:



-Victory Star Destroyer

-Acclamator Assault Ship

-TIE Fighters



-Nebulon-B Frigate

-Corellian Corvette




Future versions should see more balancing and tweaks for the AI.  If you have any feedback on these issues or the mod in general, please let me know in this thread!





Edited by FormulaRedline

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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victory star destroyers, in ground combat?! holy crap, thats insane!  :o but since when can VSD's go to the planet's surface? i thought they were only meant for space combat. ???


Quote from wookiepedia:


Victory I-class Star Destroyers were 900 meters long, making them some of the largest capital ships capable of atmospheric operations.


They can't necessarily land, but they can still go in atmospheres to bombard locations.




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Great mod! This is really fun to use. Imagine what we can do once we can build bigger maps with a map editor!


As for the edge crash problem, I think it's because ground units can't reach the edge of the map (it's always blocked with objects or impassability) so the game doesn't know what to do. However, airspeeders (Snowspeeders) can pass the map edge, and have their own movement class. I'd suggest making a variant with the speeder movement class and see if that does anything.




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As for the edge crash problem, I think it's because ground units can't reach the edge of the map (it's always blocked with objects or impassability) so the game doesn't know what to do. However, airspeeders (Snowspeeders) can pass the map edge, and have their own movement class. I'd suggest making a variant with the speeder movement class and see if that does anything.


Unfortunately that is the first thing I tried, and it makes no difference (just double checked too  :-\ ).  It's strange because, as you say, speeders fly of the screen no problem.  I'm not sure why it crashes with this ship.  It doesn't help that it doesn't even try to turn around.


I'll look into the problem more soon, it would be a shame not to be able to make this a stable mod.

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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I've had corvettes in atmosphere stable in the game... why shouldn't a VSD be stable?

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Well, do Snowspeeders and Corvettes have anything in common in their unit code? If they do, is it the same for the VSD or is it different? The best method is probably to compare and contrast the units to see what's the same and what's different. That could help narrow down the likely problems.




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oh oh oh beautiful!!!! I hope it works for the italian version.. and if also this spawns enemy fighters... this was one of the things I was waiting for!!! has it been scaled much in order not to be too big?


edit: for me the game crashes... and is the VSD locked into that diagonal position?

Edited by Darth Vader

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I too have the corvettes working...maybe it has something to do with the destroyable hardpoints?  I could just take those out and use hull damage only.  I'll try that and see what happens.


Darth, I had it spawning some TIE fighters, but I took it out for this release because the only effective counter to the VSDs were shield generators...and the TIEs could fly right into the shield protected area dn take out the power gen.  I'll put them back in when I release the mod with corvettes and X-Wings and what not so the Rebels have other counters to the VSD.


But I have no idea what you mean by diagonal position?  And read above, the crash is caused by the ship leaving the screen.  If you continue to give it orders instead of just letting it drift, it won't...but I'm working on a fix!

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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Well scratch that, after more testing my corvettes crash the game when they actually leave the map.  They can disapear visually before falling off the edge, but when the icon reaches the edge of the mini map the game crashes.


Stellar, do you think you could confirm tht this does indeed not happen with your vettes?  And if so, would you be willing to share your code with me so I can compare?

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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I don't have the corvettes active on my mod anymore, I thought having a starship spitting turbolaser fire at true life scale was a bit overkill.  8)

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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maybe u can consult the pirates at war mod team? They added space units to ground combat, and they dont have any crashing bugs that ive seen within that mod. Ask them how they did it so u can adopt it for ur victory star destroyers.
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Darth, I had it spawning some TIE fighters, but I took it out for this release because the only effective counter to the VSDs were shield generators...and the TIEs could fly right into the shield protected area dn take out the power gen.  I'll put them back in when I release the mod with corvettes and X-Wings and what not so the Rebels have other counters to the VSD.


But I have no idea what you mean by diagonal position?  And read above, the crash is caused by the ship leaving the screen.


I was wrong, it makes its position stable after a bit, it's a good effect actually, because it shows the actual take-off of the vehicle from land... btw I await the mod of the TIEs!!!


uhmm.. is it scaled to the right proportion? or it is just me seeing it too big? I'm not critizing, it's just that maybe, since it's so large, you could give it a higher height

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maybe u can consult the pirates at war mod team? They added space units to ground combat, and they dont have any crashing bugs that ive seen within that mod. Ask them how they did it so u can adopt it for ur victory star destroyers.


I got the idea for their mod...unfortunatley it did have the same problem when I played it.


EDIT:  Just retried PaW, the crash bug in that mod is NOT the same as this one, it has nothing to do with the ship leaving the map, so maybe I can learn something from there.  Though in the first run through nothing obvious jumped out at me...this could take a while  :-\

Edited by FormulaRedline

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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Okay, I just installed this mod.  I went to Mon Calamari, Destroyed the rebels in space, and landed.  Then I brought this thing out.  The second it lifted off the ground the game crashed. (froze, but the thing stopped working none the less.)  Any thoughts on this?




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Hmm. It didn't crash when it left the ground for me. I haven't tried putting it on the edge of the map yet.




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Okay, I just installed this mod.  I went to Mon Calamari, Destroyed the rebels in space, and landed.  Then I brought this thing out.  The second it lifted off the ground the game crashed. (froze, but the thing stopped working none the less.)  Any thoughts on this?


Interesting...that's the first I've heard of that.  Have you been able to repeat the bug?  I know I've used them on Mon Calamari multiple times so this is new to me.

Victory Mod - Space Ships in Land Battles

Legacy of War - Staff Member

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I got it working, it must have just been something with my computer.


I added it to skirmish, and ANNIHALATED the entire enemy base.  The turbolaser tower fell in three shots, al lthe buildings fell in four, and I seriously pwned all hteir pathetic troops




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