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Re: 64 Planet Galaxy Download!!!


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64 playable planets, larger Galaxy, more trade routes added, several pirate controlled systems.


Also.. each side starts with 900,000 credits, to start building up your forces. Also..  the Rebels will grab planets quick if you play as the Empire. So you better be faster and grab them. If the rebels get enough planets... they will easily overwhelm the Empire.

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couple of things to suggest:


1) Cut down the amount of planets and credit limit in the beginning. This gives both player and AI time to build up and makes the campaign good and long.

2) Perhaps give the pirate side an AI to allow it to build out from the planets that it has control of. Also try to see if the AI can be made to fight harder (pirate side anyway), as I wouldn't mind them attempting to take control of planets of mine and also fight the opposite side.


A slight error I've come across (not that it causes any crash bugs), is that Kamino has a ground setup, even though you can't land any troops. Is this in readiness for a map of some kind?? If this is the case I've got an idea when the tools are released.


All in all this is excellent and I'm sure as hell including it in my private mod.

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Kamino was added in.. from Petroglyph. I just unlocked it..... I will be releasing a different version shortly that will have a playable ground map for Kamino. Also... the 900000 credits.. You will need it.... Trust me! You need to get you pop cap up.. and start grabbing planets. To do that takes money to build space stations and buildings to build troops etc etc. I tested it and I burned thru the money pretty damn quick. As far as the pirates go... I made them realistic.... Pirates dont grab systems... However I may see if I can make them do Raids. For now they control... 4-5 Systems, also their forces in each system is pretty impressive. 1 Acclamator and a Tartan Patrol Craft are not gonne be anywhere near enough to... Dislodge them.
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I hate to tell you this Havoc.. but most of the maps in the game are reused over and over. I've looked thru all the models.. and maps etc etc. You'd be surprised how much Petroglyph reused things for the game. Some people complain that the Hard modes are TOO hard... and the EASY modes are too easy. So.. this should make things a bit more interesting. Ohh and Havoc... dont be hatin.
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Actually Havoc. It never hurts to create things BEFORE the tools are released.


Anyway, z3r0x. One thing to consider when the tools are released. See if its possible to limit ground attacks to just troops. That way you can make an inside map. Same thing could be done for an actual deathstar map.

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its funny you say that.. cuz.. I found the Deathstar planet model... You could set up as a real planet.. but the invasion occurs on a map.. that appears to be inside. I used to do level design for MOHAA, prior to that Quake, and many other games. So anything is possible. The one thing I would like to make as a new model or have get released with a Expansion pack are SkyHooks... Coruscant should have a bunch of them floating around the planet. Also.. Golan Defense Platforms... would be cool.... As would more droids...  Ahh... I have many ideas.. and I know some ways we can do alot of stuff. If anyone wants to brainstorm. I'm always available.. my AIM SN is z3r0.
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As long as the bloody map editor is easier to use than the BF2 one. I took one look at it and gave up. Lets hope that the EaW one is more like the one for Starcraft (which I still think is the best one that was made).


One thing I'll be trying to do, is create some new structure models (I've got several CGI models which I can make rebuilds of. I just need the dam modelling importer/exporter), so the maps should hopefully get additional items for them (*crosses fingers).

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Making maps in Battle for Middle-earth was easy. Making them playable was damn-near impossible.




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The editor needs to be very simple to read.  Basically, showing the map on the screen, and on the side a bar that lets you select props and stuff to put on it, and then you just drag that prop onto the screen and put it there.  There should be a thing where you can select the ground texture (snow, grass, dirt, dirty grass, etc.).  and...ummm...I just lost my train of thought.  Anyway, here is a picture of an owl.






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DragonShadow your abosolutely coorect those maps for BFME were easy but hard to make useable without bugs etc. Also I was wondering if Neomodia could be added to this Map. It make me very happy. Also would like to see Neomodians made available if someone cna after tool release etc.
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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What are you talking about by leaving the Ssi-Ruuk in the game :o ???? Was it in the game or coded and left out? I'd love to have them in the Game ;D.
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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Sweet ::) wonder if anyone can fix that as well as add their ships.Also noticed Trandoshans,Kaminoan,Gamorrians as well as other goody hidden stuff. Wonder why they left all this out ??? >:(. Wonder if they were planning on a addon or something. Anyway I hope folks can figure this stuff out and make em available as I my self have been working on making stuff buildable that wasn't which leads me to ask If you could add Pirate Ships and Fighter,Starbases etc (alreadt know about Pod Walker V-wing) buildable for Empire/Rebels ????
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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in the virago, venator, pod walker(or something along those lines) thread there is a link to a "unlock late republic units:" download.  that unlocks alot of stuff.  I use it, too. 


I don't know why they took all those units out.  Makes little sense to me....Except for Trandosha.  Trandosha is in the same system as Kashyyyk, so they only put one.




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Mistakes I've found so far are Bakura no planetary species,terrain,weather,advantage,history,etc. Zhar historical reference is Waylands ???. If I find more I'll let you know.
"The attack on me by the Jedi has left me physically deformed. But, my Resolve has never been Stronger"Palpatine
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