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People who make SW Rebellion not worth playing online...


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I've so far played two games online, one very enjoyable against a friendly opponent who even though loosing gave a very good game and an enjoyable experience.


The second I played today vs "Lebarronn90", who I contacted via these forums for a game... (not sure if thats his account name here)...


we played two games, first on small galaxy, he quits out as soon as I take over half of Sesswenna after 25 odd days, because he left one stormtrooper on a planet, while it was in uprising and moved his star destroyer away, so I moved in quickly and took it over. He suddenly sends me a message saying the games now over and quits out before I can respond, he says its because small galaxies are rubbish and you need a "place to withdraw to".


We then play a second game, this time medium galaxy, I have a slightly better positioning in terms of planets etc. yet he starts bitching about the fact he only got one ISD, a Dreadnaught, and a troop transport when I got two bulk cruisers, a corvette and a transport, (practically the same). He again makes quite a few mistakes, leaving various important planets ungarded, and after about 60 days I manage to take over Sesswenna. What does he do? takes his star destroyer to each planet in the system, which I control, (with the exception of Coruscant), and he takes it over, then scuttles everything, then leaves, does that to EVERY single planet in that system that I own. I think, well, ok a bit lame, but he's the empire, they do things like that, that's totally cool, and THEN I get three planets in the Corellian system via diplomacy and he declares that the game's over again because he's got nowhere to go to? Im like? wtf, what about the two other sectors where we each have two planets in?


I wouldnt have minded anything he did if he'd been willing to just play, but no, as soon as he thinks he's going to lose he just quits out.


Id suggest anyone who approaches him in the future not to play with him, you'll just end up wasting your time.



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i have posted my reply via a new topic I will say however that posting something that is intended to do nothing more than have others develop negative feelings toward someone is both childish and immature in the extreme. You beat me solid played well and the victory was yours in my view perhaps i would do better the next game but because of your attitude i would never play you again until you grow up a little. As for the rest of the people here i say to them he's not a bad player sure had me right where he wanted my but if the desire of the game is to win and you surely did that why complain about achieving victory short or long a win is a win
Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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Absolutely not!


Multiplayer sounds like crap.


Anyway my computer is shagged, it keeps switching itself off...aghaa!! :?

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I think, and we could start a poll, what I will do too by the way, that playing online is cool but sometimes it is not nice to see your own faults or bad points :evil:
Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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I just played Lebarronn today, and had a very decent playing experience. Nobody likes a quitter, but nobody wants to play a game that looks so bad that they know they're going to lose. A win is a win, if he quit, you win. Sure, some may frown upon the so-called "dirty" tactics of invading planets and scrapping the stuff and leaving, but hey, perhaps the parameters for using such tactics should be set out before playing. IE: No suncrushing, etc. People have different styles of play, and some are more apt to let the game play as it was designed, and others are more in favor of setting out rules to govern in-game tactics that limit the scope of the strategy involved. Making rules against "invade-n-scrap" seems like the cheap way of remedying a problem that could be solved by employing the same tactics yourself, or simply putting a shield generator on a system.


Master of Rebellion

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  • 3 weeks later...
hi all. I have to say that i have played at least 6 games with Lebarron/Firebird26 and he is not a quitter. In rebellion when one side cant win the game, is better to start a new one. It is more funny. I am sure if Roguey will play more times against Lebarron, he will change his opinion of him. If anyone (roguey inclusive) want to play with me, my msn is: eguzki_disdira@hotmail.com.
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i have posted my reply via a new topic I will say however that posting something that is intended to do nothing more than have others develop negative feelings toward someone is both childish and immature in the extreme. You beat me solid played well and the victory was yours in my view perhaps i would do better the next game but because of your attitude i would never play you again until you grow up a little. As for the rest of the people here i say to them he's not a bad player sure had me right where he wanted my but if the desire of the game is to win and you surely did that why complain about achieving victory short or long a win is a win
I doubt he meant to cause negative feelings toward you, Lebarronn, but instead wishes to warn us from his experience...just as is your right to do the same. It was not childish nor immature of him to do what he did.


By the way, Lebarronn, you are an interesting person and to perhaps understand both sides better, I have a question. May I ask you: Do you have siblings?

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depends on your point of view I guess as to the siblings question. I was raised an only child but in my late teens or perhaps very early 20's I met my half sister (father was married very young and his ex wife gave child for adoption) saw her a few times and then never heard from her again for the last 15 years and don't really care if I ever see the bitch again grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr well thats my story
Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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depends on your point of view I guess as to the siblings question. I was raised an only child
Thank you for answering me question.... Interesting....
but in my late teens or perhaps very early 20's I met my half sister (father was married very young and his ex wife gave child for adoption) saw her a few times and then never heard from her again for the last 15 years and don't really care if I ever see the bitch again grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr well thats my story
With more insight.... Quite interesting....

Thank you; now I understand.

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Now you understand what? If your attempting to psychoanalize me please reveal your findings Hell I'd like to understand me too LOL
Partially. I'm simply trying to grasp a better understanding of your personality type. I don't understand fully.
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Can't really say what type I am. I guess you could say a guarded personality type. Physical abuse in childhood has made me very distrustful of just about anything and anyone with very few exceptions. My strong points would be creativity, sense of humor, and the habit of taking anything that comes at me head on. Faults I would have to list temper(I can be prone to losing my temper for something that really there is no need to get mad about) aqnd distrusting. If a stranger is nice or polite to me I immediately figure they are up to something. Wife thinks its my childhood but I say its my Massachusetts upbringing. People from Boston or near it have this attitude if I don't know you I don't want to know you get lost! I have abandoned some of that since I came to California but at times I still have the same attitude. I trust no one except for those close to me and I am not an easy person to get close to. Ask my wife. The first 2 years I held back feelings even from her and she said I didn't just have walls up I had a mixture of concrete and steel around me. Finally I'd say loyalty is of utmost importance to me but I never look for anything I don't give in return 3 fold. Loyalty and trust but for me I'd say they go hand in hand.
Play For Fun.....Play To Win.....But Most Of All Play With Honor
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Can't really say what type I am. I guess you could say a guarded personality type. Physical abuse in childhood has made me very distrustful of just about anything and anyone with very few exceptions. My strong points would be creativity, sense of humor, and the habit of taking anything that comes at me head on. Faults I would have to list temper(I can be prone to losing my temper for something that really there is no need to get mad about) aqnd distrusting. If a stranger is nice or polite to me I immediately figure they are up to something. Wife thinks its my childhood but I say its my Massachusetts upbringing. People from Boston or near it have this attitude if I don't know you I don't want to know you get lost! I have abandoned some of that since I came to California but at times I still have the same attitude. I trust no one except for those close to me and I am not an easy person to get close to. Ask my wife. The first 2 years I held back feelings even from her and she said I didn't just have walls up I had a mixture of concrete and steel around me. Finally I'd say loyalty is of utmost importance to me but I never look for anything I don't give in return 3 fold. Loyalty and trust but for me I'd say they go hand in hand.
Um, actually, I didn't ask for you to tell me your personality type. Of course, everything you just explained...well, the fact that you explained yourself tells me more than everything you wrote.
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I remember the first couple of games I played against Lebarronn were almost too easy, but he didn't seem to have too much of the losing attitude. Currently I am still waiting to finish up our last game, which i felt so much frustration in because of the assault and scrap method, but hey, it's part of the game so I enjoy countering it. I must say tho, when i thought I was dead meat and threw everything I had at him, i found that I may just have a chance for when we continue, whenever that may be :) I almost like losing... I learn so much... and it's enjoyable in a weird way.
Fear is my ally.
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I almost like losing... I learn so much... and it's enjoyable in a weird way.


You learn the most when you play someone who´s better than you. Or at least that´s the thought that keeps me going. :wink:


@Lebarronn: I think it takes a lot of courage to discuss your personality in this forum and also a good deal of reflection on your part. I´d say those are positive traits ...

Here goes nothing! - Lando
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