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Coruscant Blitzkrieg

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Playing as the Alliance...Large Galaxy, HQ Victory, 2nd round Tournament game from MSN Gaming Zone. I note Coruscant has no shields, no defense turrets right from the get-go. My HQ is in a rim system not too terribly far from Sesswanna. Lone ISD with fighter compliment defending Coruscant. Averam is not defended, from what I can tell (it's still day 1 in game), but I assume there will likely be at least one Imperial Army Regiment stationed there.


Fleets at my disposal:

Corellian Corvette, Medium Transport on Corellia.

Corellian Corvette, Medium Transport at HQ.

Bulk Cruiser on Drall.


Massed everything on Ghorman (neutral at this point). Sent Bulk Cruiser and Medium Transport to Averam. Cruiser Bombards the garrison, 2 troops from Medium Transport Land. Uprising immediately begins. As predicted, ISD leaves Coruscant to smash my troops on Averam, and, in the process gaining massive popular support throughout Sesswanna. I give it 2 days after the invasion of Averam, and I send 2 Corvettes and One Med. Transport to Coruscant. Bulk Cruiser and Med Transport from Averam are sent to Coruscant as well. By the time I get there, the ISD had made it to Averam and had bombarded both my troops. Every planet in Sesswanna joins the Empire. Not a problem, my fleet is already en route to Coruscant and there's no way that ISD can get back to Coruscant before I get there. Fleet arrives in system, no less than 8 TIE Squads defending Coruscant. They go for the Medium Transport of course, in an attempt to destroy my 2-unit invasion force. The Corvettes make short work of the TIE's, although the Transport is heavily damaged, it is still flying. Slow game down to Very Slow Speed, and begin bombardament of Coruscant. Once the usual 6 garrisons of Stormtrooper Regiments are destroyed, I initiate planetary assault, and begin to watch the end-game cinematics. Game ends around day 50 or 60. It was good while it lasted, too, as I was severely trounced in the 3rd round of the same tournament.


Master of Rebellion

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No, I just got really lucky....happens every once and awhile. Usually Coruscant will have at least 1 shield generator. It sometimes has a turret of some sort too. The only thing set in stone about Coruscant from the beginning of the game is that there will be a construction yard there, an ISD with full fighters and full troops (sometimes among other ships, but the ISD is the only constant), 6 Stormtrooper Regiments on the ground, and no less than 6 (usually 9) TIE's on planet, and of course, the Emperor will be there as well.


Master of Rebellion

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A search on Altavista for "Star Wars Rebellion"...was looking for info on where I could find people for multiplayer Rebellion. Stumbled across some place with the address "SWRebellion.com" and figured I'd join....seems to have more Rebellion fans I've seen gathered in once place since the game was first offered as a multiplayer game on the MSN Gaming Zone. :D


Master of Rebellion

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Guest Scathane

Yup! That's us: the largest gathering of Rebellion fans in the world! :D Apart from finding people to play online with, we do a lot of other stuff here... We're working on a Total Conversion (set in the era of Thrawn), we have new characdter, troop and special forces cards for download and we have have tactical modles for capital ships that weren't originally in the game! :D


How are you on Rebellion editing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I won a game very similar like youre story. I just played not HQ vic but found very luckiely Darth and captured him with Han, Chewie, Luke and another one. Than move to coruscant ISD was away (didnt know why :roll: ) and some sabotage missions of the shields, defences and troops later I invaded and captured the Emperor 8):D

All done until day 80 was reached and with difficulty Deathstar.

"I am growing stronger with the Force"
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