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Skywalker/Kenobi - Ground/Air


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Hi! I would like to make Skywalker (Red Squadron) and Obi-Wan as Darth Vader. What i pretend is have a ground version of Luke (don't matter if it has to use obi's model) and a space version of Obi-Wan (leading a veantor ship). Is possible to make this? Some ideas  :)
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until we make something that can read and export models, we can't put luke in, unless they already have a model of him.  Then it would be as easy as some copy and pasting.




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Well, I thought ri_Luke.alo was the land model. I recall seeing that model and few others like his death clone, landing, moving etc.    Not sure if his textures are in the game, I haven't looked at those.  Dodonna also has a model (ri_dodonna.alo).    Correct me if I'm wrong though, Isn't the models that start with ri (rebel)/ei (imperial) the land models and the files that start with rv (rebel)/ev (imperial) the space models?  It seems that all the other heroes models follow that pattern. 
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Just thought I'll let you know; the ai/ei/ri .alo files are the model files for the infantry objects, just as av/ei/rv are the models for all the vehicles (space and land). This pretty much gives you the idea that the models are organised by type and faction. Also the .ala files are the individual model scripts for specific events in the game that aren't required by all models.
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