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New ship and unit models?

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Hi all, sorry if this has been answered or asked before, only got a couple minutes to post and no time to search forums.  I haven't had time to check the modders websites either.  Last one I checked, there was a SSD model being worked on I believe.


Anyway, question is....are there any modders working on new ship models or units for the game?  I ask because I would love to one day have the bulwark battlecruiser (from SW rebellion/supremacy) in the game if at all possible and also there are a few units and heroes I would like to see added.  Leia, Lando, maul are a couple I'd like to see.  I seen a luke and dodonna entry in the xml files, but I couldn't find a model for either one in the .meg files. 


Second question.....if making these models are out of the question, would existing models be able to have their skins changed to represent other characters?  Like mara jade skinned to look like leia, how much of a possibility is that?

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the bulwark battlecruiser, is one of those BS units created by some games (for BS balance reasons), that should never be used or talked about again!  I dont think serious modders will include it in their mod.


not trying to be an (censored), so overlook any overtones...

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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Balance issues are the worst reason to do anything (like the Bulwark, which doesn't actually exist). If the rebels are technologically disadvantaged and have to use tactics to win (gee, how realistic), then the game is better.




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Well, that's nice and all what you guys are saying but really is irrelevant to my questions.  Simply put, I would like to have a bulwark in the game for my own personal enjoyment.  Everthing else about it doesn't matter, it's  personal preference and should there  be a modeler out there spending time making existing SW ships or non SW ships, then I would like for them to think about a bulwark and every other ship that ever existed in previous star wars games. 
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By the way, I wasn't asking for any modders to include such a ship in there mods.  I was actually thinking from a individual model standpoint.  Like some guy who likes making models for others to use.  I mean I've experience such things in other games where someone simply made models for the game and that's it.  They allowed other modders to skin them and use the models in any mods.    So that's what I was thinking of.  Sorry if It sounded like I wanted someone to include the bulwark in their mods.
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Actually, there is a mod that plans to add the Bulwark as a hero ship for the Rebel Alliance/New Republic. Imperial Assault 2, or IA2 as some call it, will be adding the ship. Legacy of War (LoW) might add it, but then I don't really know about that.




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heres an article about them actually

Bulwark-class battlecruiser

From Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki.

The Bulwark-class battlecruiser was one of the largest warships ever used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, though it was rarely seen.


The original, 1,000-meter long Mark I battlecruisers were built for the Bulwark Fleet, which the Techno Union used to escape the blockade of Foerost during the Clone Wars. In response, the Galactic Republic released their fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers to protect Sector 0.


Designed by TransGalMeg Industries, it was typically used as a command ship for a small fleet. After the founding of the New Republic, this class of warships were probably either mothballed or scrapped.

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Legacy of War isn't going to use such a BS ship.


On topic however Legacy of War will be adding many new models to the game.


Actually...they are. I don't mind the ship itself, I just mind if it's put it to balance the factions...factions aren't balance in reality (nor in Star Wars)  :P




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The Bulwark battlecruiser is one of several ships from Rebellion ever referenced outside of that game. The Bulwark Mk. I was mentioned in The New Essential Chronology and I believe Dan Wallace (the author) said that he intentionally named it with a Mk. I tag, because the ship in Rebellion is much, much bigger (being able to challenge an Executor Star Dreadnought or at least be a Rebel commandship like that). So that would have to be either a Mk. II or Mk. III model. :)


Even the Mk. I, being only 1,000 meters long, was quite impressive at the time (since it's shaped like one of those exotic fish-species that are as tall as they are long, it adds greatly to the volume of the ship, giving it more space to put guns, than on those other thin, skeletal vessels in the CIS Navy).

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  • 3 weeks later...
I use bryants mod 2.6 with a LOT of tweaks made, like better explosions, the length, i mad ethe shields more dependable, since lasers smash hulls apart, so the shields are like 20000-60000, i made the firing width 500, so the lasers come fro the WHOLE length of the ship, unlike the unrealistic one spot, and made them shoot more, since its pathetic, how little lasers it shoots
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I would like to see added.  Leia, Lando, maul are a couple I'd like to see.  I seen a luke and dodonna entry in the xml files, but I couldn't find a model for either one in the .meg files. 


Dodonna and Luke have models, but they're REALLY screwed up.  I'm working on trying to resolve that entry soon.  We would have to wait for mod tools before we could add in Lando, but Leia has a model already, and I'm going to add her soon.  Sorry to say this, but Maul would be a HORRIBLE idea, seeing as he's DEAD by this time.  And I know it's "Just for fun" but you have to keep realisticity.  Maul would only be good if someone made a mod that let you play around the time of EP I.




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And I know it's "Just for fun" but you have to keep realisticity.  Maul would only be good if someone made a mod that let you play around the time of EP I.


I am sure there is going to be a sandbox mod down the line, where you will be able to pit any faction ever in star wars against every other one.

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