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Re: Mod - star wars: civil war screenshots (galaxy and new units)


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added more capital ships and shipyard build system (to increase the build number x3)


will post screens tonight when i get off work!

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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dw33 this looks really amazing.  I have a question though.  Your mod will be pretty all-encompassing and I'm wondering if you culd make a version that doens't have 80 star systems?  Maybe one that's in between 80 and the normal maximum size shipped with the game?


Also, did Petroglyph say when they were releasing an importer?

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I am curious..  how did you increase the map size... I know how to move the planets around..  but its thr size thats stumping me. I tried the scale and mass factor in the Planets.XML file for the galaxy model. All I did was make the background itself further away or closer.
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planets.xml, first section is galaxy, increase the scale.


i could release it with any number of planets from 2 - 100 or so (100 or so being all planets in my planets.xml)

Edited by dw333

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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Update (haven't been working on it to much lately, busy with life stuff), a few screenshots...


Empire Heavy Shipyard Capital Ships (not complete, missing several, WD's, TS, etc)


VSDII - Victory II Star Destroyer

ISDI - Imperial I Star Destroyer

ISDII - Imperial II Star Destroyer

SSD - Super Star Destroyer

SVSD - Sov. Super Star Destroyer

ESD - Eclipse Super Star Destroyer

DHC - Dread. Heavy Cruiser

AHC - Aclam. Heavy Cruiser

some more empire units not on there but in game (VSDI, Ventor SD, Bulk HC, Vanguard HC)


Image showing a Heavy Shipyard in game, image isnt in box, but it will be...and Rebel/New Republic Cap Ships (not all in, but some not in picture are in game already, just not added in time of picture)




Image of buying shipyards



Shipyards cant be captured yet (as of now they are destroyed when you win battle), but you can do a hit and fade attack to destroy the shipyards, works and is very cool to cripple their building capacity! Am working on allowing them to be captured!

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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I should post some batte screens, scaling, special effects, shipyards in battles,  and such.. will try and get some up monday...

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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I will be able to get my modded files out tonight or tomorrow.. I just need to get the size factor done. I am not gonna have 80-100 planets..  Mine is more like 65. So far I added in Zhar, Ylesia, and Mustafar. Kamino was all added BACK in. There were a bunch of planets I wanted to add in.. however I am trying to keep it is realistic as possible. I am sticking to unihabited planets, Hutt planets, or Human planets. I wanted to add in Ord Mantell... however there are no existing ground maps..  that would match or even come close to Ord Mantell. Mustafar was easy. Its a volcanic planet. Not many inhabitants. So I ised the Shola maps.. Ylesia is a Swampy Hutt controled planet. So I just used Nal Hutta maps. Zhar is a grassy planet with humans. So I used the Wayland maps.
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Shipyards are valuable, you cant just have them everywhere! a download will be available when i feel its ready for download, when enough things are done, this first release is only space changes and additions for the most part, there are a few changes to other areas and gameplay...

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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Ok... everything is ok... but now I got planets off the mini map. I see dw333's mini map all the planets fit on there. yet he increased the scale of the galaxy. Is there a way to adjust the scale of the mini map so everything fits?
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