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Stuff like Factions.xml what can you do with it? check here. rules and more.


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I am talking about the FULL GAME ONLY

First of all:

is there a database like wikipedia? where you can find all the stuff you need for editing this game?

if not, i suggest the following:

since there is not a database, we should make a topic where we describe each file in the config.meg file (once extracted ofcourse) and what it does.

If needed we can start a new part only for this stuff.


The main stuff you can edit In this file:

NOTE:if you edit stuff, you should always be sure to have a unedited version somewhere on your computers, so if you mess up somewhere, you can just replace it. I just copie the whole game and paste it somewhere on my computer.


Each faction is clearly seperated by . This will show you if you are editing stuff for the rebellion or the empire.

There are several factions apart from the empire & rebbelion.

you also have the pirates,neutral,Hutts,mon calamari,bothan,Hostile,Sarlac and the ewoks. There is not much you can change about these faction since there are not meant to be played. I'm not sure about the pirates.



the above line is for land battles countdown.


The above line is for spacebattles countdown.


*-*The Retreat timer, its default timer is 10.99 seconds. if you want to edit it, you need to use 2 numbers after--> ,  <--

for example:12.54. Then it will be: 12 seconds and 54...



this, is for the spacebattles how much units will automaticly come into battle.Not much else is to say about this item.



each name that ends with .tga is a refferencet o a picture, so i suggest you dont edit this until you are confident you can replace it.


255, 255, 255, 255

i think if you edit the numbers, you can change the colour that comes when you retreat. i am not sure about that though. anway try it out.



This was all the stuff i could think off, at the moment, if there are people who can add stuff to this post feel free to do that.

If you know what some stuff does, post it.


Edited by kingdark
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Hmmmmm, something else thats incredibly useful for skirmish (I've not tried this in any other mode):






Gives a 99 unit capacity on planets (and I'm assuming for all planets for the sides its been altered for in skirmish only but anyone can feel free to correct me on this).

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For the changes to take effect in a campaign, you need to restart. Some change take effect direct, but others need to restart to take effect. for now there is no solution for this

Fondor, land,

Geonosis, land,

Jabiim, space,

Jabiim, land

I think this is for the mission planets, where you cannot use auto-solve. i think if you add more planets to it, you are always forced to fight the battle yourself



this is in light gray, i'm not sure if this is only used as a refference but it referes to withc planet you start with

below you can edit the starting units keep reading for more.

        Empire, Anaxes, Empire_Star_Base_1

        Empire, Anaxes, E_Ground_Barracks

        Empire, Anaxes, Imperial_Light_Scout_Squad

Empire, Anaxes, Imperial_Stormtrooper_Squad

if you want to increase what you start with just copy the complete line. Be carefull with buildings. You can check other lines to make sure its correct.


Rebel, 20000

if you want to change the starting credits just search for the above using control + F. Then copy paste it there and search.

If you want to search for the empire, just change rebel into empire. Simple huh?


more to come in next post

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Ah, this is an intresting file! :P

Its obvious, what you should be able to do:

Change name of planets (altouh i did not try it yet)

income you can change how much income you get from planets

add pop how much pop you get extra to build more fleet/groundforces

capture bonus how much u get for capturing the planet

how much buildslot it is able to have, (not sure if you can change that in all planets, some maps, just cannot contain mor then xx buildings)

Force, is the planet going to give to the empire heros? like vader? or is it goig to give a bonus to heros like obi?


Like i said, just open the file and try to read it a bit, it should be obvious enough

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