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NJO Ending Theories!!!!!!!

Guest Admiral_Antilles

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
This post is for all of you to post those theories and ideas you have on how NJO will end. Also when NJO ends, what will take its place as the latest in the EU saga. So get those posts comin. :D
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I haven't read refugee, and I can't say muich about the ending I have a couple of too-absurd thoeries... I will wait without many thoeries for the ending of the series... After NJO? Unknown Regions...
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I think there's going to be some sort of showdown with Zonama Sekot traveling to Coruscant, possibly destroying the whole system as a consequence. Certainly the Vong won't all die, it goes against everything the stories preach, but somehow or other they will all leave, or be driven back.


Luke will die.

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I don't think Luke dies.

Destroying Coruscant... perhaps...

Bu tI think the Force will be the key to the ending of the NJO, the Force and the Yuuzhan Vong...

HAs anyone other than me ever come to the conclusion that Shimra is a Force-User???

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

So waht you are all saying is that the next series we be about the Mop Up of the Yuuzhan Vong in the Unknown Regions. Wait! if its about the Unknown Regions then they won't be the Unknown Regions much longer! 8O



Great ideas! keep them coming. :D

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I have the feeling that another brilliant Chiss will emerge and discover a way to defeat the Vong by studing their art.... if the Vong have any....


besides, if the Emperor had tactical genius like Thrawn, why not have one for the Alliance? Hell maybe he/she'll be able to use the Force too.....

Mooninites Unite!!!
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
Good Idea, And I am by no means saying that it Won't happen but, It is Highly Unlikely it will happen. Not one part of the story deals with or mentions a tactical genious. PERIOD. Great Idea though. :D
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
How would thrawn manage to beat them though. I have never read anything about Vong art. You know something we don't trej?
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I can only remember that Shedao Shai told Corran that the remains of Elegos could be considered art... So that is the closest I can think of Vong art... There is also Vong music for their religious rituals...


i meant the Thrawn clone as a joke, though...

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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I can only remember that Shedao Shai told Corran that the remains of Elegos could be considered art... So that is the closest I can think of Vong art... There is also Vong music for their religious rituals...


i meant the Thrawn clone as a joke, though...



I knew it was a joke, just tried to make a point that even Grand admiral Thrawn would a hard time against the Yuuzhan Vong. Thats all.

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