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Is Palpatine Anakin's father?



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That's actually a very interesting take on it. Having both sides forever in balance, keeping eachother in check, maintaining a harmony throughout the galaxy. Very interesting indeed.

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I dunno... It goes against a lot, but prophecies are just people who claim to have had a vision of the future, or insight from the gods. So prophecies are made by crackpots... But movies aren't made that way...
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Virgin birth do not necessarily imply biblical. Most mythologies do have to some extent or another, godchildren conceived by women, but fathered by divinities.


XD I did a school paper four years ago on Dionysus(The greek god of wine and parties) and I still remember he had a similar case...

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In Zeus' case though, he was actually sleeping with the woman. Greek Gods were more or less people with uber powers. Anakin's birth was from an all powerful presence, or field. Its possible that the midichlorians, under orders from the Force (whether the light side prophecy or Palpy/Plagueis' influence) were ordered to manipulate matter to fertilize an egg to the specifications. The midichlorians could function like Nanomites, breaking down and changing matter at an atomic level. This would explain how Anakin doesnt really look like Shmi, and also how the fertilization was done in the first place --change one of Shmi's chromosomes to another one with certain specifications. It could also explain how Mon Mothma's body was purged of poison--the Jedi used the force to tell the midichlorians to destroy the poison on a molecular level. Just a theory, but it might make sense. (again, if this is negated in the NJO books that I havent read then nevermind. I tend to think that whatever is in the movie, such as a definate distinction between a Light and Dark side trumps whatever is written in the books, but its all up to interpretation).
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XD! Zeus was Dionysus's father...


But I dunno about the last post there... As soon as I couldn't find any logical explanation for Hyperdrive... I gave up looking for Science in SW

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AdmiralToguroAni wrote:


The midichlorians could function like Nanomites, breaking down and changing matter at an atomic level. This would explain how Anakin doesnt really look like Shmi, ...


I think that was more from the "casting department" than the Force :wink: .


It could also explain how Mon Mothma's body was purged of poison--the Jedi used the force to tell the midichlorians to destroy the poison on a molecular level.


That was in one of the novels (don't remember which). Cighal used the Force to "pull" the poison out of Mon Mothma's body. It was very tedious as she had to "search" through her entire body (on the molecular level), identify the "poison" and manipulate it out of the body.

Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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Palpatine is not the father - no relation whatsoever other than former Master-apprentice type.


I am curious as to how anakin was conceieved however. His mother was a slave, was it something forced for the pleasure of a master? Or something to do with the mediclorians or something. Perhaps it will all be revealed.

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What about Palpy's master, Plageous, or whatever the hell he's called? He was supposed to have the knowledge on midi chlorine manipulation, or whatever. After all, Palpy is supposedly stealing his plan as according to R. A. Salvadore's Revenge of the Sith.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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If Darth Plagueis (or Darth Sidious) was responsible for Shmi's pregnancy, then why wouldn't there be some sort of agent/observer to keep an eye on her and him, and be able to report back? Would you create the "ultimate Force user" and then just walk away? Unless it was Watto, but I wouldn't count on that. If Darth Plagueis was responsible, then Darth Sidious (if he knew of the experiment) didn't know who or where. It was just luck/destiny/the Force that brought Qui-Gon to Tattooine. Going from Naboo to Coruscant via Tattooine, is going quite a bit out of the way (and they weren't heading for Tattooine at all, it just happened to be "nearby"). If not for Qui-Gon, there would be no Darth Vader 8O (well, maybe somebody else "might" have found Anakin eventually, but would he have been accepted into the Jedi Temple?).
Finally, after years of hard work I am the Supreme Sith Warlord! Muwhahahaha!! What?? What do you mean "there's only two of us"?
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They had a hard time deciding to train him at the age he was at. If he were older it would have been a very lengthy debate. But had a Dark Jedi found him first, then he may have still been trained, since I don't think the Sith had such strict recruitment policies. :evil:

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Sith Lord all the way! Wonder what that would have been like... And I suppose that your right about the Plageus thing, though he might have been preparing to send an agent when Palpy killed him off. Ever think of that? :P


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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Perhaps Palpatine learned everything from Plagueis except how to keep people from dying. I think he either says that or hints at it in the film, anyway. However, just because you know you can do it doesnt necessarily mean you can do it well. Palpatine may have said


"I shall create the ultimate force user using my old master's methods! Alakazam!"


And he stood there for a moment...and nothing happened. Apparently it didn't work...or did it? Palpatine may have made a small mistake in using that force power, and so the force DID create a life, just not where Palpy expected it. Figuring that he had failed, Palpy started training Darth Maul and proceeding with his plan for world domination, but when he saw Anakin, he realized that he HADN'T failed all those years ago.

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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What if Shimi (or however it's spelled) was just a flusey? What if she was like the village pod racer? What if she lied to Qui-Gon? What if she stole a baby? Or, what if it's just like we heard it, what if he really was a creation of the Force? I don't think this question can be answered my friends.

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What if Shimi (or however it's spelled) was just a flusey? What if she was like the village pod racer? What if she lied to Qui-Gon? What if she stole a baby?


1) What the hell is a "flusey"?

2) The village pod racer? Now that's just cruel

3) You left out watto as being the father! :lol:

4) Jedi can tell when you lie, as mentioned in one of the Stackpole books (I believe that it's Dark Tide: Ruin).

5)... No clue. Five just seemed like a nice round number to end with. Maybe I believe that the force manifested Anakin. There we go. Force-rape just seems weird to me.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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A flusey is a loose woman who stands outside the village cantina waiting to send a starfighter down a Death Star trench.

Wow, I think I outdid myself there. 8O

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Oh... I guess I kinda shoulda figured that one out. Maybe its a sign that I have a cleaner, purer mind than everyone else... Or maybe that I'm just stupid... Most likely the latter. :lol:


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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