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Is Palpatine Anakin's father?



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AdmiralToguroAni wrote:


From what I understand, they're saying that there is no "Dark Side" or "Light Side" anymore, but I dont really hold that as canon, simply because Light Side users get the privilige of being Force Glowies.


In the Jedi Academy trilogy and the novel "I, Jedi" (not NJO series, but post Thrawn trilogy), Exar Kun was a 4000+ year old Sith Lord "spirit". I don't know (or think) he was a Light side Force "glowie". Maybe an "anti-glowie" :? ?


As for "Dark Side" or "Light Side", I don't think there are any "sides", but I do believe it depends on the perception of the user. If you think there is a "Dark Side" (whether you are a force user, good or bad), then it surely exists for that person. Could you image a true opposite of the "Dark Side"? The "Light Side" master would be Jedi Master Chuckles the Clown, where everything is bright and cheery. If anger and Force lightning aged/deformed Palpatine, what would happen to Chuckles? In a mock battle with Palpatine, he would go into severe belly whopping laughes, unleashing hordes of Force butterflies, bubbles and flowers! All of which would stop/counteract the Dark Side Force lightning (is Force lightning a "Dark" power? Why can't the good guys use it? Maybe you have to be real angry to generate it which is not a "good" Jedi quality). Chuckles would be "deformed" by always having a smile, maybe a really white complexion and an excessive amount of blood flow to his nose (hence why clowns have white make-up and red noses). :?8O:lol:


Just a stray thought that got out of the ol' corral.

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How dare you interrupt our conversation about hermaphrodites with your Star Wars related post?! Ah well...


As for what your saying, I also believe that how the person uses the Force determines wether he's "light" or "dark". If someone uses the power with evil intentions, then he is definetly using the Dark Side. That being said, Force Lightning is definetly a skill only used by Dark Jedi. You see, Force Lightning is a corruption of the Force. Like the Light Jedi, their skills include running faster, jumping higher, fighting better, that sort of stuff. Sure, its above the normal par for a normal human, but its not inhuman. Now firing lightning out of your hands, thats unnatural, and as I see it, a corruption of the Force. But thats the difference. The Light Jedi embrace and understand the Force to be the being of the galaxy, and all-powerful aura that connects all living things together. The Dark Jedi only see the Force as a way to get more power to further their personal, selfish intentions.

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I dunno, force lightning could be natural. Supposedly the force is everything/ all living things, correct? Well, suppose that there are microbacteria in the air- in causing them to release the appropriate nitrogen gases, you could create a force lightning... Though that begs two questions. 1: Do I know what I'm talking about, or am I remembering something else? 2: Why the hell would you shoot it out of your fingers if you could use microorganisms?


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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There's nothing natural about a human being firing lightning from his hands. Blue lightning at that. It is a corruption of the Force. And while there are microbacteria in the air (at least according to Lucas the Force is made up of micorbacterias in a way), the user has to use the power welled up inside of him for such a powerful, corrupted use of the Force.

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I would direct your attention to Dark Tide I: Onslaught. In it, Valin uses the force to cause several creatures to tip a small rock, and also to bite the living crap out of Ganner before he becomes cool.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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Yeah! That little... 'adventure' was great. But not really that it wasn't done before...


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Except then it was really big bugs in a big white exoskeleton.


Side-Note: Ganner becomes cool? I've read up untill the end of Jedi Eclipse. Ganner has had his defeat that he claims has made a new Ganner...but I still don't like him. Maybe it's just me.

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Ganner actually tries to help out Jaina, he tracks down Jacen while he is still "working" for the Vong. Jacen eventually uses him to get to the Vong worldbrain. Ganner becomes a wall of protection, killing warrior after warrior, sacrificing himself so Jacen can get time with the world brain. In some impression of future time, there is a Vong image of "The Ganner" .. an impenetrable wall.


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The Jedi mind trick is a iffy subject. Later in the novels, Luke becomes very wary and refuses to use it, feeling that using it moves him dangerously close to the dark side. Why? Because affecting someones mind is unnatural.

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Hah! So therefor in my defeat I have have a victory over the victor! There fore by losing I win! Douglas Adams would be proud... Or else pissed that I could possibly think this measures up to him... And this is nowhere near on topic. Someone'll probably lock it soon if it doesn't get back on topic. So i'll raise some more force stuff: how in the world would you get someone pregnant with the force? It was discussed that palpy might have, but really, since women have no means to, ahem, fertalise themselves...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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Technically virgin births are possible, but the resulting child is always genetically identical to the mother, therefore a boy being from a virgin birth is scientifically impossible.

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Well seeing how the Force is everywhere, I guess it can also jump inside a women and "fertilize" an egg. Though why it only happened once (as far as we know), then the question is why would the Force impregnant somebody.

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Well, really, how would the force make a sperm? It just plane can't. Which brings us back to the theory of his mother being a hermaphradite...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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Maybe the Force can. I mean, if the Force can allow some guy to mess with someones head and hurl lightning bolts at them, why can't it create life as well. I remember from Jedi Academy series when Admiral Ackbar's aide (the other Mon Calamari chick) had the power to go into Mon Mothma's body and pull the poison out of her one molecule at a time. If the Force can do that, than me thinks it has the power to create life.

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I figure the Force can create a child. The Force acts as "God" in the SW universe, and according to Christian beliefs, God can make a virgin birth, so I suppose the Force can, too. I figure GL was going biblical on us with Shmi Skywalker, it makes sense, since Anakin brought balance to the Force after shafting Palpy and then dying himself (NJO stuff aside).


The Light Side of the Force is essentially God (of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic sense), and the Dark Side is more or less Satan (tempting, easier, but ultimately less powerful).


Either way, the whole "how can the force make life?" argument is moot anyway because Darth Plagueis did it, and Palpy could have made Anakin using that method, or the Force got tired of waiting to exterminate the Sith and got the ball rolling by making Ani. We know it CAN be done, and I wonder if we're thinking about it too much if we wonder HOW it can be done

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Virgin birth do not necessarily imply biblical. Most mythologies do have to some extent or another, godchildren conceived by women, but fathered by divinities.


The thing with Skywalker is that there are no Gods in SW, there is the Force, which is an energy field. So it is hard to believe that a Forcefield would create life to bring balance, an cataclysm of cosmic dimension would just as well bring balance. Weak plot, Lucas, weak plot.


Also we are told that Plagueis could prolong life and stop, but not create life out of lifelessness.

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I've always ignored the prophecy, making my own twist of the SW Universe saying that the Force is always in balance... but that's just me. But because I feel like it, I'm going to explain.


I think there was no "Chosen One" or one that was supposed to have brought balance to the Force. Instead, no matter what happens, niether side can be wiped out completely, and won't be gone long. Both sides are always at the same potential strength. So, when Luke was the only remaining Jedi, he needed enough power to balance against the other two. So he had the potential to get it, and through the movies found it... saying that either means that his actions led to the death of Palpatine or that he found added strength in his father... either way.


But that makes the Force almost seem sentient, almost like a god throwing elements together and enjoying the show.

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