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Is Palpatine Anakin's father?



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Um...SOCL?...What's an "anrgy crazy"?
I'm not quite sure, but a while back I came across a post that a member made that said: "It's a lot of fun screaming with angry crazies" or something like that, and since then that is what I have been calling the members of SWR...angry crazies. :lol:
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"Hello everyone I'm Josh Adams here with the 11:00 news.


Today at Skywalker ranch, home to Star Wars Creator George Lucas, was attacked my crazed fans over the Origin of Anakin Skywalker. The Leader of the riot was wearing a Stormtrooper costume yelling THRAWN!!!!! No word on injuries yet.



Back to our other top stories."


Thank you Josh, we are live at the LucasArts Headquearters. Apparently a dutchman dressed like R2-D2 has entered to steal the source code for an almost obsolete game. Along with him were a masked man with a German accent and an englishman along with his cat.


It seems to be a coordinated attack. While at Skywalker Ranch a stormtrooper and a Yuuzhan Vong are forcing George Lucas to correct his prequel movies, a group has attacked the Lucasarts headquarters.


This is Julian Astorga live from the LucasArts Headquarters, back to you Josh.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

Thanks Julian,


Now to Dr. Elvis Miggel,



Dr. Why would people act like this...this barbaric nature?


Well it all starts with SWFSD or Star Wars Fan Social Disorder. It affects the brain, Making the Star Wars Universe seem real to them. They act as if everyone around them are Star wars Characters as well. The affects still baffle us but, we are learning more.



Thank you doctor. Now back to you Julian where we have some new Developments under-way.

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Guest Admiral_Antilles

Yes it sort of does. This gives me a new idea, we should have a RPG that deals more with real life with a hint of SW like we are doing now! :D




Whos with me?

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Yes it sort of does. This gives me a new idea, we should have a RPG that deals more with real life with a hint of SW like we are doing now! :D




Whos with me?

It would be fun, but let's not do it unless we get support from the higher guys (i.e. Elvis, Scath, Trej, & Jahled).
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Guest Admiral_Antilles
I don't intend to. I will contact Scath or Elvis if I get enough people who would actually play. :D
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Sorry for bumping this, but palpatine is Anakins fater right?


palpatine got the knoqledge from Pleagius to influence the midi clorians to create life(as he said pleagius could do) And anakin was "created" by the midi clorians in Qui-Gons opinion. I dont think Lucas would have put that line in from palpatine by life creating if that hadnet anything to do with the story... or?

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Thought about it too... but no.


It was merely linked to the Padmé thing.


Would be absurd choosing Anakin's mother for it and make a slave boy he first tried to see dead and all.

No it would be too absurd.

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That would be too much coincidence. Its already weird enough that Darth Vader was the father of two of the Rebellions leaders (without knowing it). To throw Palpatine in as the grandfather is just waaaaaaay to much a coincidence. I think Lucas was just making Anakin conceived by the force to be a mystical thing to show that he would bring balance to the force. In retrospect, we know that Anakin was not the one the profecy spoke of. Who was it? I kind of remember it being Anakin Solo...

Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side!


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It wasn't Anakin Solo. It was Anakin Skywalker who did by bringing forth the beginning of the end for the Empire.

Lucas himself confirmed it as do alot of EU stuff.

Luke was the turning point off course giving Anakin the final push to embrace his destiny. (by pleading unheroically)

Anakin was the chosen one. No doubt about it.

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but by distroying the people who follow one side of the force that isn't bringing balance. anakin solo's use of both sides of the force without having to submit fully to either sounds a lot more like bringing balance then anything darth did
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That's just a whole lot of the EU rubbish made in the latter era.

They totally messed up the SW concept there.

Lucas vision is very clear... The Chosen One rises... becomes a hero... than a villain. His son rises... becomes a hero and turns the villain to good. The Chosen One reappears and kills the Emperor.

That's the plot of the Saga. The structure.

All that stuff about another chosen one... the NJO thing and all. I really hated it lol.

But i suppose that's perspective.

Some swear by everything the EU says. Others swear by what Lucas says and some others choose a middlepath.

To me... the Chosen One is Anakin Skywalker.

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to be honest i don't take too much from either the movies or the EU as the be all and end all of it. i like the universe it's set in and how things work that's it. i was just saying that to bring balance to the force isn't really to just change sides a few times. if that was the case the french would of brought balance to ww2. my thinking on it is balance is being able to use both to the full advantage of helping the universe advance from it's current state. palpy and vader being killed wouldn't of suddenly made the universe a better and brighter place to live in. having an entire invasion force pretty much stop and want to settle down and make amends seems a touch more like it to me
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Palpatine just threw that in to further influence young Skywalker to his side


notice later when he says (roughly, I've only seen it thrice): "Only one has mastered the ability to cheat death, but perhaps together we can unlock the secrets..." Ugh, I know I butchered that, and I feel like a wannabe fan, I apologize


anyway, he doesn't know ofcourse. He lies to Anakin to further drive the nail that is his servitude to the Emperor

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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Palpatine states in 2 different instances that:


1) His own mentor taught him all things about the Force


2) Darth Plaegius (sp) taught his apprentice everything he knew


however, Palpatine says that the tale of Darth Plaegius is an old sith tale, and does not explicitly state that his master was the death-cheating Darth

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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glandry wrote:

Maybe his mother just got really wasted one night...


Vadar: Luke I am your father!

Luke: No, it's not true! My mom couldn't have been that drunk!

"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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glandry wrote:

Maybe his mother just got really wasted one night...


Vadar: Luke I am your father!

Luke: No, it's not true! My mom couldn't have been that drunk!

"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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Conclusion... we have none. Like usual.

SW universe is massive and well though out but at times... unclear... undefined or paradoxal.

A shame lol.

Sometimes it feels like discussing DBZ powerlevels and abilities lol.

It's all perspective.

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Everyone has been saying that Anakin Skywalker didn't bring balance to the force and all. Well here's a new way to look at it. When episode one came along, there were thousands of Jedi and just two sith. Then, come Episode three, Anakin has narrowed down to a jedi knight and master against a sith knight and master. (Ie, Oda and Obie One vs. Palpatine and Vader). So technically he brought balance to the force... Unless you want to go off on the Thrawn trilogy and claim that he really didn't because Ca'baoth was already a dark jedi. Just sayin', something to think about.


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

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I'll post my own idea and see what you guys think. The Prophesy of Anakin Skywalker, as I interpret it, is like this:


There is no "balance" to exist between Sith and Jedi. The Sith, as Palpy himself puts it, use methods and techniques that are "unnatural" or perversions of the Force. Therefore, any Sith that exists is something akin to a wart or blister in the Force. Anakin brought balance to the force not in the prequel trilogy, but in the OT when he threw Palpy down the shaft and died shortly thereafter. With both of them dead, the perversions in the force were removed, allowing balance. I recognize that Obi-wan said in the OT that there exists a light side and a dark side, but that doesnt necessarily mean that bringing "balance" to the force means that each side must get equal representation or power. If the purpose of the Dark Side is to disrupt and destroy, then order and balance can only be obtained when the Dark Side is completely suppressed.

Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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