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Instant Ground Battles


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The AI is really funny....  >:(

Well, I don´t know if this is a AI issue or a "feature". After i killed 3 heavy attack runs from the rebels with only 3 ships in orbit and low level station and the hypervelocitygun, they won´t do space battles any more. They have extreme big fleets at orbit but they do nothing, just producing more more more. On some systems they have only level 3 bases but 20 to 30 y-wing squads, 9 firgattes, 4 marauders, 3 to 7 mon cals and up to 70 (!!!!) fleet and field commander in space... nothing happens, except the game begins runnig slowly cause the huge fleets - sure, the demo doesn´t support huge fleets or ground forces.


The big problem here is that I get message "incomming enemy fleet at xyz". Seconds later, I have to beat a ground attack. They ignoring my space stations and fleets. This isn´t funny. I won´t use a "no ground battle" planets.xml, because I want to do some battles of course, but not so much. Sure. The game features that you can land a undedectable forces to disable ground to space weapons, but this feature destroys all my fun to crush the rebels with the hypervelocitygun. Since hours, the only thing I do is to defend my planets.  No space battle, except I attack them. :(


Question. What units are capable of landing undedectable forces? I will disable that.  ;D

OK, maybe it´s possible to say the AI to do such runs at lower rate.. If not, this feature is bad.

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It's a rebel ability to assemble raid fleets to bypass Imperial fleets in orbit. I'm pretty sure there's one unit that allows the forces to do it, but I can't remember.




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It's a rebel ability to assemble raid fleets to bypass Imperial fleets in orbit. I'm pretty sure there's one unit that allows the forces to do it, but I can't remember.

There's a line in gameconstannts.xml that control how many rebels count as a raid party, if you changed this to zero the raids would stop. I have no idea whether this would affect the AI whatsoever :/

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