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Mine layers


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Wold it be possible to mod in a unit that had a minelaying special ability. It could have one type that blows fighter to pieces but won't scratch caps, and another that fighters can weave in and out of, but caps get a kicking. The unit should be small and fast (so it can get to where it is neaded at the start of the battle) with no weapons, except a weak laser like the transporters have.

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


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(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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A modified Tie-Scout or a modified Y-Wing  ;D Could just use the Land IMP Scout unit special and give it a proxy mode to it or something. Should work  :P
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no a fighter would not hold many mine, I was thinking more the size of an imp v2 patrol thing

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


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(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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Those were examples...............


Well what you could always do is use the Venator and make it smaller, make it grey and give it a mine layer role.

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How about the seismic charge special ability from Slave 1... Just put it on a longer timer or something.

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might work, great idea anyway, think, send some of them in to the enemys fleet at high speed and have them drop about five charges each, than after 10 secs they blow up with more than normal damage, but the enemy has had a chance to get away from the bombs.


But my idea really work on them being coded like proximity mines, think hide some in some asteroids and there goes the enemy sneak fighter flanking maneuver or make clumps of them in front of your ship as a defencive wall. or...

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


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(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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In response to the mines, that would be incredibly leet.  just stringa wall of mines around the entire planet...capital ships speed in like idiots and BOOM! XP. 


In response to the whole planetary defense thing, they should put things like Golan defense platforms in.  Basically a space station with all guns. THAT would be sweet.




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This brings up an interesting question.  Does anyone know about how the skirmish space defenses are built?  Is it freeform or are their "space build pads" that you have to control?

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at the space station proberly

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


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(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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it would be kind of cheap... but it would be an advantage if you could already have laid mines befoe they arrive and have them right when they come out of hyperspace... good rebel tactio id think
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I think the best shot at success is modifying the Slave I's bomb code and adding it to a new minelayer ship. The difficult part would be making the bombs go off based on proximity. Maybe the FOW detector radius (line-of-sight, I think) could be dialed down to a small area around the bomb, and somehow trigger the explosion for when it detects an enemy (or, realistically, any) unit within the visible radius.




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What would be good is that you can't see the mines at first, and if one goes off you know there is a mine fieild but not where the mines are. I still like the idea of a ship that can speed in the the enermy formation drop 5 chareges and after 10secs (To give them some time to get out the way) the charges go


Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


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(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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It didn't end up being hard to do. I've now got a minelayer corvette. It is buggy though - the mines are so small that it is VERY difficult to get anything to run into them, especially considering the z-axis of movement. So therefore I'm looking at giving them a trigger radius of some type... or maybe once tools are released I can just make a big, inivisible model with a couple of mines on it.


Any ideas on how to do that? Also want to try to make their blast do friendly damage too...




Mines are the tiny red dots (they flash ingame)




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so your saying they should lay mines down and then set the timer long enough to let the enemy get away? thats how I'm reading it


sort of, they get a chance but if they don't take it


It didn't end up being hard to do. I've now got a minelayer corvette. It is buggy though - the mines are so small that it is VERY difficult to get anything to run into them, especially considering the z-axis of movement. So therefore I'm looking at giving them a trigger radius of some type... or maybe once tools are released I can just make a big, invisible model with a couple of mines on it.


Any ideas on how to do that? Also want to try to make their blast do friendly damage too...




Mines are the tiny red dots (they flash ingame)




Wow can you post a downloadble mod for it please

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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hey, could you make Marauders and Broad~ Missile Corvettes to give them a special ability of dropping mines, that i see on screenshoots? I was trying whole day, and i didn`t made it :(


btw: that unit you made, which is on screenshots, is additional ship or just you modyfied some...


and, downloadable link for that "imperial minelyer corvette" plxors :P

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I don't, Capstani has :)

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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