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Re: Graphical Effect Tweaks - dial up users ye be warned


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I've been messing around a lot with the projectile and particle files, as well as textures... Ended up replacing nearly every single space explosion and laser/weapons FX in the demo and adding a bunch of new ones. Only ones I can't find are the Y-wing ion torpedo files.


I have increased the length of most heavy turbolasers since these pictures were taken. You may also recognize the XvT style of projectiles.


Anyways.. pictures:


Fighter explosion FX




Light laser cannon FX



TIE bomber heavy rocket special ability



Proton Torpedoes



Twin laser cannons (and Imperial Modified Corvette ;))




Exploding Marauder corvette



ISD gun batteries (I think the ion cannons need to be more defined - they're the faint blue ones)




ISD exploding (as soon as I figure out how to get rid of the blue....)



..something blowing up


I just like this shot :P



Something on the Acclamator blowing up




So... should I continue in this and release it once full EaW comes out and I edit more stuff? I still have the ground stuff to revise too.

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these efects are bomb! what would be really awesome would be if you shared your fx mod with warlords and taste of rebellion... but yeah that prolly only in my dreams.. so right on with the new effects keep em coming there kickas
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Capstani, nice work... those heavy space bombs made me wax nostalgic :).  Do you think that the weapons for the capital ships could be replaced by beam weapons?  Think Star Trek phaser banks, or better yet, Freespace2 :).  I was thinking that the mechanics for Pietts special ability with replaced by different graphics is all we need to build beam weaponry, but I am half-colorblind and have no artistic talent at all, so I can't make the alternate graphics.  What do you think?

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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that is kick, share it with cain and steller please

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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Glad you all like it... I've decided I may release it once I have a version for the full game.



@Teradyn: I have yet to look at how the graphics for Piett's special are defined... abilities are very hard to work with at the moment (took me ages to code the TIE bomber's rocket special). It should be possible though.


Anyone know how animated textures work either? I'd like to mess around with animated projectiles.

Also: opinion - should I stay with the modelled concussion missiles for smaller craft (ie A-wings, T/Avengers), or should I switch to XvT style reddish-orange thingys?

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Like your dision, as there in only a few days left. Make sure it is nice a polished for the release

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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Well, a combination of the camera rotating key and the "roll the mouse wheel" was used... I haven't changed any zoom settings.


I'll have updates tomorrow, and hopefully stuff like X-Wings with proton torps as an ability... its harder to code than it at first seems.

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How did you change all the fx anyway? I'm looking to do that for a third faction I plan to build, but I'm not sure what files to modify.




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If you're adding a new faction you may do better to wait until mod tools are released. At the moment all I'm doing is replacing things, and if actually want new SFX you have to edit the models, which we can't yet. Everything weapons-wise I've done is done with the customrender code I posted in your other thread.
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