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Re: How long to do the first mod of the full game


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well from the projects i'm use to many small mods basicly SPAM the network at release. this means about 50 mods and new changes withen the first 3 months. after that mods become more indepth and bigger, with better features. after 3 moths we get a cupple of good "mod packs" and or "builds"


in about a year + most comunities get their first "conversion mod" inwhich the game has compeletly changed.


i don'y know what "imp assault 2" because i'm mostly a rts player myself. but i'd say with a game like this. full conversion will take about a year give or take a month or two....


but many factors come into play with this estimate. first - how many people are in the build team. two- is it coded? how long will it take to break? (so far seems free code) third is there mod support by the company? or will modders need to figure things out themselves? (editors, mod tools.... ext...)


again this is all figurative. but from the past games i've played and supported. about a year for the first full conversion.

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B5 mod might be cool, but htere is NO WAY it could be BALANCED in ANY way! Not that things should be balanced, but B5 Tech is beyond balancing.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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lol yeh would be chaotic.


Vorlons would kick all ass.


Then the Shadows


Then the Minbari


Then Centuri


Then Nann


Then Alligned planets


And somewhere at the bottom yee old humans  ;D


Although saying that the new earth crusiers might have a say in the matter. But yeh lol would probably be the most unbalanced game in history  ;D

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I say the first mod will be within 18 hours of the games release, the first mod unlocking/adding a new feature within 20 days, and the first total conversion in 5-6 months. Though the big TCs like IAII and LoW i expect by Fall or December
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i think i agree with the message above, just look at how quickly we have modded the demo, it hasn't even been out for more then a few weeks and already we have quite a few mods up and running and atleast another 10 or so on the drawing board
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The speed of the mods will have a direct correlation with the speed and completeness of Petroglyph's mod support (or rather whether or not LA will let them do what they are good at and stop *i*k*ng around).

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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Speaking from my own project point of view, you wouldnt' see a polished complete TC wihtin 12 months, and thats likely to be one that rebuilds the original game (better models, better textures, etc.etc). With a complete TC it could take up to 2 years. Still the games likely to have a good strong community and considering how moddable its supposed to be, it should be modded long after most other games life have disappeared (how many here still play TA I would wonder??)
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Your right, i mean just look at the games that are easy changeble, for example c&c series. there are alot of conversions out there who add alot of sweet features.

my point: if the game is so easy moddebla as the demo i think this community could have a as long lifespan as civilization!

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hopefully the game will be more modderbal

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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Map editors, i am soo good with them, i love useing the ones on EE, AOE, ...

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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There is.

BSG the second Cyclan war.


Great  :), thanks for the information Fosђjєdi, i have found the link to the forum of the creator so i can keep track of his project, if anyone more is interested here it is: http://s14.invisionfree.com/The_Second_Cylon_War/index.php?act=idx



Edited by Tranon
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