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Re: EAW: Warlord - 6.0 - Total Mod Expansion


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>>> EAW: Warlord - 6.0 - Total Mod Expansion <<<




Added in Warlord MTE v6.0

-Removed more invisible buildings or supplimented with other existing models.

-Fixes the new optional AI modes

-Fixes tp Zaarin faction when playing Imp or Reb (Gives them a better chance)

-Piett ISD ship is now red.

-The bigger planets have now only 6 land slots since that's how much Tattoine map can take.

-Some buildings tech silce fixed error.


Added in Warlord MTE v5.0

- New ISD ships (Zaarin and Piett)

- New unit color for Zaarin's faction (to avoid confusions)

- Zaarin can assoult planets with more than one troop.

- He is an Admiral so his ground troops support is limitated. His gorund companies have huge costs to build and mantain. (necessary fix-plays well with the story)

- The HomeOne has now his own escort and has a limitated number of fighter squadrons on board - his scale and weapons have also been improved.

- Fxeshave been done to reb space station 3 to enable it to explode.

- Tartan no hull explosion bug is now fixed.

- New play mode added (All start with one planet)

- Optional new file for difficulty settings

- Remaining invisible units removed.

- Hero / Troops size issue fixed.

- And many other fixes that don't require listing


Screens from The Mod:

1. Zaarin troops assoulting my empire on their own.

2. Tartan Bug Fixed (The hull never exploded after death)

3. Piett's own Accuser (Imperial Color for better recognition in battle-this ship only shows up when Piett is in space- Piett's double ico bug is also fixed)



1.The HomeOne can spawn his own limited number of fighters.

2. Me commanding Zaarin's forces in an invasion

3. Three fully playable factions



1.The Droids now work (Normal Setting)

2. Zaarin Personal Ship and him. (The Prototype TIE's only spawn from his ships and his ship is not respwanable after death - take care of it - it is also very powerful)

3. The special weapons work - but their power is diminished as well as their firepower ratings.(You see here a hypervelocity in actions - Zaarin can build it too)



1. And Again - the space retreat and land retreat fully work.

2. Battle between brothers.

3. Piett's ISD destruction.



Changes in WTME 4.0:

-Fully enables the land and space retreat for Imps, Rebs and Zaarin

-Fixes to invisible land units.

-Fixes to some planets problems.

-Polishing of Zarrin faction (*You can only assoult with one unit - use an AT-AT, be careful and bomb the hell out of the enemy while playing on easy)

-Fixes VSD unilmited build pop cap

-4.0 makes the mod 99,9% playable

-Many internal .xml fixes

-Report any new bugs on the official topic or in the NMA subforum.


Added in Warlord MTE v3.0


- You can now fully build VSDs, ISDs, MCs, etc.

- Fixed problematic planets (lemme know if you spot new ones)

- Snowspeeders enabled with Y-Wings hulls (They are a nice ground support but I don't think they can cable tow)

- Zarrin can now build troops - so its easy to defeat the rebs and imps (but he still can invade with one at a time - lack of suitable transports for his revolt)

- Enabled the building of ground large turbolaser's defences.

- Fixed the space stations issues - you can now build up to level 5.

- A better structurated build tech queque

- Build queque icons fixed - they no longer show unbuildable structures or units.

- Ion Cannons enabled

- Retreat is still possible for both sides on land (Zarrin can do it in space too)

- New imp structures enabled.


(Lemme know if you spot buildings without model or any other issue. This mod build should be 99% stablie and very polished)


Added in Warlord MTE v2.0:

-Removed all known missing units.

-The C3PO droid is added back in the game/

-Fixed Bestine space map crash

-Added the land retreat ability for rebs and imps(*pure luck - hope it works on your demo too/maybe someone mods it for the space one too)

-Note: Zaarin still has both the space and land retreat ability.

-Gameplay research - New mod play mode recommended is now availeble.

-Tip: Play with the AI on low or medium  if you don't want to loose miserably.

-Lokecd units&buildings icons are still visible but they are next to the same but enabled ones ;)

-Other small general fixes to fighters/ships build time/location and space station level required.

-Better shields to cap ships (Mon / ISD)


Added in Warlord - Total Mod Expansion:

- You can play with the alliance (standard mode/full tech&credits mode)

- You can play with the empire (standard mode/full tech&credits mode)

- You still can play as a third faction (Zaarin)

- Space maps that spawn Nebulon firgates were removed

- Fixes to 3 planets that were misssing GUI texture

- Fixes to fighters movement

- Fixes AT-AT firepower normal against troops

- Many space battles crashes removed (if you spot any PM me)

- Fixes missing space stations in actual 3D battle

- All existing heroes are in.


Added in "Zaarin" 1.3:


-You are able to build imperial buildings and defenses.

-Troops (human) scale and mobility has been improved towards realism.

-Known crashes removed.

-You are able to call down reinforcements when the planet is allowing it.

-Use your bombing runs carefully.

-Use your ground troops carefully since they are your loyal troops and the only ones who followed you in this private rebellion.


General aspects of the Mod:


-This mod is designed to be hard, challenging and fun and you start with only one planet - expanding from that one.

-Play the game as a third faction that has followed the Admiral Zaarin in his revolt against the Empire.

-Adds all existing heroes and you will have to face them all in battle. (*Kyle_Katarn, Han_Solo, Sundered_Heart, Home_One,  Mon_Mothma, Piett, Mara_Jade, Grand_Moff_Tarkin, Boba_Fett, General_Veers.)

-Your action as an admiral to turn against the empire has offered you enough support from the imperial fleet at Corellia and the main space station and shipyards in that system - this will allow you to build all the imp ships and buildings.

-This uprising has created chaos in the galaxy and many rebel or imperial troops will decide to join your army in battle (*you never know)

-Tarkin and his armada is after you and you will not be a friend of the rebellion too.

-See how the galactic civil war is evolving right before your eyes and how the rebel AI battle the imperial AI as you can stop them defeating the Rebels and the Palpatine's Imps and rule the galaxy for your self.

-Your ground troops will be limited on what you start with - this is more of an imperial fleet rebellion.

-New* Be able to retreat your forces from space battles or land battles.

-New* The scale of the troops and fighters has been corrected to a more acceptable size as well as their speeds.

-New* The other factions AI will partially ignore you if you not upset them.

-New*  Unit speeds have been modded towards a bit more SW movie realism.

-New* 22 planets have been enabled (*but only on with the few maps that are available in the demo)

-New* trade routes have been added.



Enjoy - Cain (*Please also give credit to NMA Nevada Modding Association )http://pff.swrebellion.com/http://www.swrebellion.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=3.0


PS. Full play may still be required in case of bugs pls. report them to me in the offical topic:



Download Link - WMTE 6.0 Mod:



NEW*:  http://dynamica.us/Warlordv6.0.Total.Expansion.zip


Turbolaser 3 Fix:



NOTE: To use the Ai's xmls from WTME 6.0 mod in your mod will require you mentioning in all your mod/info/credits the source of this fix:

"Space retreat option availeble thanks to: Warlord TME v6.0 Mod, By Cain, NMA: Nevada Modding Association and PFF: Petroglyph Fan Forums."

It is just something I want - to credit our efforts in discovering this. Its up to you in the end to decide - Thanks.

Edited by Cain

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Be more specific - i played that map and it works - what exactly you had and what exactly they had - see it it is happening again.


See ... no bug here:



- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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The space battles are great fun, but unfortunately as I tried a ground invasion the larger buildings were invisible - I could only see them on the small map, and bombing them with my TIEs proved to be ineffective too. :/


But I have to say, nothing is more fun than ripping a VSD apart with Zaarin's Star Destroyer. ;D


As a side note: maybe give Piett's ISD a red colour in your next version of the mod; this would fit nicely since red markings upon imperial vessels indicate that the unit belongs to the Azure Hammer Command - the Core Worlds Defense Fleet which has their HQ on Anaxes (check the Acclamator on this picture). Thus I think red would fit better than green - and looks better, too. Just my opinion, though.

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Using Empire 1 planet start with new difficulty setings at easy.


Under 10 minutes and Admiral Ackbar comes to my starting planet. With his big ship and 4 small corvettes the space battle was over in no time, my level 2 space station with the few ships I had gone.

**No idea if it is a bug or lack of luck, but was not this setting supposed be wasy ? :)***


Rebel Forces land, nothing hard there, easily I kill them as they come, my At-At doing the work. I wipe the Tusken camp and proceed to hunt the last rebels. After I kill the last of the rebel my troops are still shooting at something and the attack icon is stil active when I hover the area where it was last alive. I tried with speeder to place the mine hoping the area of the blast to whipe it but to no avail, cannot get out of the map. We can see there is still a red dot on the radar.


The unit was where the blast is. Every units on this screen were shooting at "it".


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You've done some excellent work Cain, I'm impressed. I have a question though, what does the surface_bombardment line in sandboxhman activate? If it surface bombardment, then the problemn's on my end.
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Cain the mod works very well however make sure the ai can't build more than 6 buildings on any planet since thats the max the tatoine map can take.


Ok - Red it is then for Piett.


Thanks - I could use some help - since I do not have too much time for testing.


The Snowspeeder has been replaced with the Y-Wing.


As for the invisible unit - I have no clue who he is .... mmmm Mon Mothma on land? Myabe I opened a unit by accident - I am also working to give the imps artilery. If you figure out who he is I can easly fix it.


Any help is appreciated - thank you guys.


To make a 6.0 I need more bugs to fix.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Hmmmm - if the problem persists - play Rebels on (Full Tech)


And I need to know exactly what buildings don't have models.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Great work Cain btw.


For the invisible unit as far as I know it was the last rebel soldier that died, but after its death no victory message and units kept shooting at its last position. Maybe he went back as a ghost to haunt us.

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you need to get the extertist in

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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The WTME has been updated to 6.0


I found a lot of original missing land models and I fixed them all. Piett's ship is now red, etc.



This must be a game bug by failing to read  yes lemme know if it still happening.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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your bringing out mods so quikly that as soon as i have finished a game i can get a new mod for it

Evacuate, in our moment of triumph. I think you overestimate their chances. :)


Please can you post a comment on My clone story, in fan fiction. :)






(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world Domination

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your bringing out mods so quikly that as soon as i have finished a game i can get a new mod for it


;D When someone reports a bug - I feel the impending need to fix it ;) and when I have 4-5 bugs fixed I make another version.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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;D When someone reports a bug - I feel the impending need to fix it ;) and when I have 4-5 bugs fixed I make another version.


Cain, your very dedicated to your mod arnt you?  ;)


Long live the Venator!

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Just wait guys, come next week We will never see Cain again, not that any of us will get out of game long enough to care anyways =P

And when he reaches Heaven,

To St. Peter he will tell,

"Just another soldier reporting Sir,

I've served my time in Hell."

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Perhaps this is just on my end, but the download link you provided takes me to a page within the forums that says:

"An Error Has Occurred!

You are not allowed to access this section"


Is there another place I can download it?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?



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Try this. I maded a small fix and you had the old link.


And I am an old modder and I probably mod eaw to the max continueing to work on adding new factions that were originally desigend for the game



Rebel, Pirates, Hutts, Mon_Calamari, Bothan, Hostile, Ewok, Target, Sarlacc


to take a more active role this time. Thos who played my SWR mods or RTW mods know my mod style based on realism/fun/experiments/challenge


PS. If you guyes still have download problems - download it as guests.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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