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Hardpoints and destruction


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why wont they destroy right away after theyre all gone ...especially the venator...i woulda won that battle morally all i had was my lv 1 station, and i got all the hardpoints down on the enemies venator barely but it wouldnt get destroyed and i didnt have the extra firepower to make it implode so what happens, boom! insta repair D:


but my question is the devs said it gets destroyed when all hardpoints are gone...and it was...so why didn't they get destroyed?

Edited by Cain
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Did you mod the unit? Its possible for a unit to loose all its hardpoints without dieing if the Tactical health of the unit is greater then the combined health of all the hardpoints.

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Actually they don't, its possible for a unit to be destroyed by the loss of a single Hardpoint if they're modded with a really low Tactical Health Value.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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ok let me clarify, a health heigher then the total hard points value will do nothing for health, i have tested, and tested, and tested trying to find right amounts for ships.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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