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A new concept .. well to me it is .. with picture


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I was fooling around.. and i foudn a little thingy that let me resize planet sizes.. i checked in game and i got this..


This gave me a good idea, and this is where i need help to see if this can be done


Instead of a planet we replace it with a space station or some other space building.. and treat it like a planet.. maybe ground battle can be inside the buiding :/

Being able to buy buildings on the planet.. but instead of actual buildings.. these become hardpoints on the "space station" when in battle u can have a space station with all diferent types of things.. such as all ion cannons.. all lasers..all turbo lasers.. ect..

this might even be used to create hardpoints like a production area for actual units

now the ground part i could be just an indoors part of the station.. only allowing troopers in.. (you can do that btw)

or we can make it space only :/

the problem here is u cant really destroy it.. its a "planet" .. damn DS :D

so thats the problem with that.. so we can make it so its "destroyed" when all the hardpoints are gone. then the space battle is over and it shifts to a ground battle with troops.


MAke is like an asteroid feild..

u build a space station.. able to be destroyed and ect ect..

this would be easier to put into the game.. because... its already in the game.. then upgrading to a "pack" that u would like (containing difrent assortments of guns/production equipment) and then changing the space station to have specific hardpoints.. like upgrading a space station from level 2 to level 3

the problem here is u cant have 100% controll over the hardpoints

and there is no posibility of land battles...

although they might look bad since it would be hard to make it look indoors ish


These "space stations/ space areas" could be placed in random areas in trade routes.. and allow you certain upgrades from "families" (if u ever play XWA u might know what im talking about), maybe being less costing starfighters or boosted torpedo damage.. ect ect..

even smuggling benifits..

tell me what you guys think

Edited by Cain


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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or add a 'new planet in the middle of a trade rout, but have there be no planet just space, more of a staging area or interdiction area, for deep space battles.  also the same thing but , use your idea for a station  or something...

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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i was hoping.. instead of a planets .. ground base... (ion cannon.... barracks ect) we replace it with space station stuff


we could just make it open space tho ;/


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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i think we could do that.. i have no clue how we can make the planet itself appear right on the battlefield.. and not in the background :/



well I have had a look at the textures, and the background is just that, the background... all it is is the galaxy, the planets as far as I know are their own things, you just have to program them into the XML codes probably... hope this helps you out, as I wouldnt mind seening something like this in the future.



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Indeed... What I'd really like to see is a much larger number of planets, maybe make full blown systems with all the planets and even the primary star (Space Only... You could build a tiny space colony.)  Then maybe spots along trade routes where asteroids or other debris is preventing hyperspace jumps from continuing.  Just imagine how complex the strategy and battles could become...

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Well, the thing you may want to do is see if there is an even you can catch for when a fleet hits a planet node.  Try this:

Insert a transparent planet (Deep Space) in the middle of each trade route.

Use the biggest space map possible and have nothing in it.

Make all building there impossible.

Make it impossible to do missions, spying, bounty hunting, etc.

If a fleet passes through this node on the way somewhere, check to see if there is currently an interdictor ship stationed there.  If so, activate space tactical engagement.  If not, continue on as if nothing was there.


Assuming this can be done, I see no way for an imperial player to designate whether or not he wants the interdictor active or not, so if you put one there, you are going to default to on.  Also, these points can be used as staging areas for either side to give a quicker shot to the planet in question.  Something will have to be done to deal with incoming fleet notification if we want that notification activated while they are on their way to the node... but otherwise it may be better to leave it alone for now.


Any suggestions?

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Wow it looks like alot can be done with this idea. It would be very cool to fight on a space station or make staging areas sound sooooo awsome yes! Modders ur awsome.  :D

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Han Solo


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The most ideal idea for this is if you can place huge stations such as the DS as a map planet/station then you can have internal maps and if its possible to land troops inside the station. If scenarios can be made you could have such ones as rescuing leia or stealing the plans for it. It might be nice as well, if you could use the DS as both a standard unit as its been made in the game and also a map/planet unit. YOu could then have a mobile staging ground for the imps and actually get to play it out as a proper map anywhere in the galaxy (if anyone can follow this).
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well modyfying the model of the planet is easy as pie.. made it the level 1 imp space station





its 50 units above most other planets.. (the z quardinate) and .. on the 2d map there is no visible diference in size or pos. to show a diference...

If anyone knows the code to remove the glow on the space station.. please tell me


But im lookin for where i can modify the code that lets me change what its able to build


I know its possible because only some planets can build the hutt palaces thingys.. i dont know exactly what it is.. i havnt looked into the code for it yet.. ill look into it later


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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ah really?


no wonder.. :/ i personally liked the command bar style like in generals.. but ill find out

would make sence.. i guess i gotta make space stations special :D


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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