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Re: Question: How I can increase the number of troops availeble in land assoults ?


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Question: How I can increase the number of troops availeble in land assoults ?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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look under 'gameconstants.xml' u should find sonething, also the planets.xml might limit units per planet as well, try both.  I would look but i have to go to work.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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Increasing the unit cap on a planet is done by changing in GameConstants.XML. This affects both attacker's and defender's units. To increase the attacker's to above 10 requires the value of the relevant reinforcement points need to be increased. Tatooine consists of an initial reinforcement point worth 4, and 2 additional points worth 3 units.


The actual reinforcement points definition is done in Markers.XML. Tatooine consists of a "Reinforcement_Point_Plus4_Cap" plus two "Reinforcement_Point_Plus3_Cap". Changing the values here changes the attacker's unit limit, but never beyond the .


I suspect which reinforcement point is used is defined on the map TED file.


Increasing the cap beyond 10 means that only the first 10 units appear on the planet in Galactic view, any additional built units are present but hidden until the new cap is reached. Any further produced units appear space as expected.



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Thanks - I a bit stuck with my mod :)


Do you know how to enable the retreat options?

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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No, sorry, don't know how to enable retreat. I have looked and can't find any definite reference to why the retreat isn't working for the rebel and empire factions. Could be hardcoded for the demo, or working as intended with a non retreat flag set in the map TED file (assuming retreat isn't allowed on asteriod maps).


There isn't any direct reference in any XML to which is how the Interdictor and the gravity well generator stop retreat. It's possible that there is a "hidden" gravity well generator somewhere on the map. Without any knowledge of the TED files format, it's a good as guess as any.



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It appears from other reports and my own searching that a quick lock was implemented for the demo.  The Warlords mod has retreat enabled for space and ground for the 3rd faction, but still not for the Rebels and the Empire.

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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I have managed to enable the retreat on land for imps and rebs - but I have no clue how  ??? Try it now in 3.0

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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