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Re: Increasing ship hulls (health)


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The only real way to increase the hull of capital ships and frigates (why they are seperate is beyond me, but anyway), you need to increase the 'Hard Point' Health(hull), they are located in the 'hardpoints.xml' file. Corvettes and fighters have hardpoints but they are turned off, im not sure if u can turn them on though, i just havent tried...


I had to increase the hardpoint levels to make the ships act correcly to all damage, especially from torpedoes, with squadrons of 12 fighters, they can take out a star destroyer in no time, very (in my opinion) unrealistic.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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hardpoints wouldnt be that hard to take out.. but maybe the whole ISD no.. they need a Power Core hard point that has lots of health


That would be the best... Except Power Cores are usually deep inside the ship. Maybe the Power Core would be available, but it would be very hard to destroy, because it would take firing a torpedo inside the ship, which isn't an easy task, mind you.

If you have a clone and a droid, who will win?

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you have to remember that a star destroyers turbolaser hard point is 15 guns, it would take a while to take them all out.  this game makes a star destroyer seem like a weak ship, all the ships are weak.


thats why my mod makes them more realistic (to the star wars universe) shield, armor, weapons, cost, special abilities, planetary info, building, battles, text, maps, size of galaxy, number of units and types, etc.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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I don't know if you meant this, but if you extract .xml files named 'SpaceUnits... .xml' (SpaceUnitsFrigates, SpaceUnitsSupers, etc.)

In those you can change almost every attribute in different ships, such as;











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Possibly, but I like the idea of a ship not being as powerful at 5% health as it is at 100% health.  Systems would have been damaged, turrets destroyed, etc during that much damage.  I just think that there are some balance issues with the space battles for sure.

My Death Star is bigger than your Death Star!

"The XML is strong with this one!"


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No hard points is def the easiest way to go, ALOT less code to add/change!


note: increasing the health of a capital ship (Cruiser's, frigate's, corvette's, all are capital ships, but anyway) is only possible for ships with hard points by increasing the hardpoint health.

Dan Williams

Mod Project : Star Wars - Civil War (v0.3)

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maybe if u want realizm.. you should have more hardpoints



the ion cannons.. those 4 on each side could all be 8 hardpoints or something..


it might be messyer or more confusing.. but realistic .. ish it could make the isd more powerfull while leaving the hardpoints as easy to take out as they are now


Hehe IA 2 venator :P

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